While the news coming into the radio shack was positive, my name was thrown around in about every third sentence, from as far away as San Diego. We heard of no invasions in Texas or the east coast. However, there was a rumor of a large fleet near Greenland, waiting at sea for the right time to attack. How it had been discovered was unknown, but the word of the attempted invasion of the west coast spread and convinced those on the east coast to work together.
Also, the information that the pandemic was intentional, spread faster than good news. The simple CB radios on the pier had been replaced during the night with short-wave, and the operators were talking to people nation-wide, and around the world.
Any ship crewed by foreigners and arriving on our shores would meet with massive crowds of armed, angry citizens. Instead of fighting each other, people pulled together within a single day, and everyone had the same objective: Find and defeat the enemy that unleashed the blight on our nation.
The information from the radio operators continued to pour in. Militia from Wyoming wanted me to tell them whether to deploy to the Gulf states or the west coast. I sent them to the Gulf.
Think about that. I sent militia to the Gulf. Me. How can that have happened? While thinking about that, consider that Sue, who was still fourteen, set up relief centers in three western states, instructed survivors in the northeast to gather at West Point, where they would be housed and fed at the military academy. She had appointed a retired general to be in charge.
Steve sat with the radiomen and continually used my name to order new sanctuary cities to be formed in the middle of the country or to direct ragtag troops to where a defensive position could keep enemies from our shores. He wanted order restored, continually suggested mentioning my name as the one person with the authority to pull us all together.
I’d quit trying to stop that talk hours earlier, not because I wanted such a position, but because I couldn’t stop them. The joke had turned into a reality over which I had no control. Besides, the average person needed someone or something to look up to. It wasn’t that we had fallen so far from civilization. There simply had to be a figurehead, no matter how inept or awkward it was, even if it was me.
I strode around the navy pier watching the crowd part before me. At the edge of the pier, I looked into the bay where it was hard to see the water because of the flotsam from the ships that had sunk. Seagulls and ravens were feasting. I refused to look at what they ate.
Turning, I looked over the pier, at the thousands of people gathered there and on the hillside. Fires burned. Food cooked. People rested, talked, and made friends.
I convinced myself it was all going to be okay.
LeRoy currently lives in Washington State with his wife, and a dog named Molly. He spends his time doing what he loves the most: writing about an action-packed fantasy world of dragons, and magic. LeRoy spends his leisure time traveling and exploring the beautiful countryside in the Pacific Northwest from high desert to forests to coastal terrain.
Writing has always been one of LeRoy’s favorite past times and passions; mostly fantasy and science fiction. He’s been a member of several author critique groups both in Texas and in Washington State. He collaborated on a project in Texas that produced the book Quills and Crossroads which includes two of his short stories.
In recent years, LeRoy has published over a dozen fantasy books including a book called DRAGON! Stealing the Egg which began the idea of how to live and survive in a world where dragons are part of the landscape. The Dragon Clan Series is unique in that it introduces a new main character in each of the seven books of the series. The book entitled Blade of Lies: Mica Silverthorne Story was a finalist in an Amazon national novel writer’s contest in 2013.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/leroyclary
Website: www.leroyclary.com (join his email list)
Emaiclass="underline" Leroy.clary@gmail.com
Good books are written by several exceptional people, all of whom have my thanks. This group sets my limits and helps establish the foundations for my books, keeping me on track as they progress.
My beta readers, Lucy Jones-Nelson, Laurie Barcome, Paul Eslinger, Dave Nelson, Sherri Oliver, and Pat Wyrembelski, all find plenty of things for me to correct, and to improve. Thank you all. I want to publish the best books I can, and they are certainly better with your help.
My wife puts up with me and deserves extra credit for her help with the covers and her ideas—and she gives me the time to write.
And my dog, Molly. She sits at my feet and watches me write every day.
Books by LeRoy Clary
The 6th Ransom
Blade of Lies: The Mica Silverthorne Story
Here, There Be Dragons
The Last Dragon: Book One
The Last Dragon: Book Two
The Mage’s Daughter: Discovery
The Mage’s Daughter: Enlightenment
The Mage’s Daughter: Retribution
Dragon! Book One: Stealing the Egg
Dragon! Book Two: Gareth’s Revenge
Dragon Clan: In the Beginning
Dragon Clan #1: Camilla’s Story
Dragon Clan #2: Raymer’s Story
Dragon Clan #3: Fleet’s Story
Dragon Clan #4: Gray’s Story
Dragon Clan #5: Tanner’s Story
Dragon Clan #6: Anna’s Story
Dragon Clan #7: Shill’s Story
Dragon Clan #8: Creed’s Story
Contact Information
Contact LeRoy Clary at leroy.clary@gmail.com or message him on Facebook at LeRoy Clary’s Facebook Page if you have questions and/or suggestions
You can “follow” LeRoy Clary on Amazon by going to LeRoy Clary’s Author Page. Amazon will then notify you about new releases.
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Humanity’s Blight
1st Edition
Copyright © 11/06/2019 LeRoy Clary