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Fire swept through Moira. “The Realm isn’t playing dirty, Kell.”

His lip curled. “The Realm always plays dirty, sweetheart. That’s why we align with them.” He glanced around her, studying. “Why do you think you’re with them?”

She frowned. “I know why I’m here.” She now held knowledge about the Realm’s research into the virus as well as the current location of their secret headquarters.

Kell nodded. “Exactly. Not for a second does anyone think the Realm will take out a Kayrs mate.”

In other words, she was safe. While the vampires may try to detain her, they’d never harm her. She could broadcast her location to the world easily. What a chance Conn had taken in bringing her to his home. “I won’t betray Conn.”

Kell’s eyes flickered. “You’ll do what’s necessary to protect the Nine, Moira.”

She’d been warned. The day she’d joined as an enforcer, Kell had personally cautioned her about the possible sacrifices. Based on the look in his eyes, he remembered. He’d been growly her entire life. “You’re truly an asshole, cousin.”

His smile lacked any semblance of humor. “You’re not the first to say that.”

“Conn wouldn’t have taken Brenna.” Not without telling her, anyway.

“You sure about that?” Doubt filled Kell’s eyes.

Moira’s mind spun. Was she? Allowing Kell to keep her gaze, she centered herself. Life was about choices, and it was time she made one. She either trusted Conn or she didn’t.

“I’m sure.” Steel filled her voice, and gumption filled her spine. Her shoulders snapped back. “You either trust me or you don’t, Kell Gideon.”

His eyebrow lifted. The man hated his middle name. “Good enough.” He glanced down, and the slow pecking of two-finger typing filled the silence. “I’m searching for Simone and Trevan right now. They’re no longer in New York, but I think they’re still in the States. When I find them, you need to go get them.” He stopped typing. “Secure them at Realm headquarters, since you trust your mate so much.”

“No.” Not a word her cousin heard often—if ever. “I’m going to find Brenna.” Moira kept her voice steady, though inside she was screaming. The idea of Bren out there being tortured or even worse ...

“Really? How’re you going to do that, cousin?” Like always, Kell showed no emotion. Not even curiosity.

Anger mixed with unease in her stomach. “I don’t have a plan yet.” She was closer to Brenna than anyone else and needed to figure it out.

“A neighbor heard noise last night. She convinced herself it was the television because things quieted down quickly.” Kell glanced off to the right and gave a short nod. “So Brenna has probably been gone for about eight hours, possibly ten.”

She might be anywhere in the world. “Brenna’s strong.”

Fire flashed in his eyes. Finally. An emotion. “She’s twenty years old, Moira. She’s too young to be strong.”

“You underestimate her.” They all did. Not just because she was the baby, but because so many had viewed her with suspicion bordering on the superstitious. An eighth sister was truly unheard of. So the family had gathered around to protect and defend her. “We’ve all trained her. She’s smart.” More than likely smarter than the rest of them.

“Yes. She’s smart.” Kell’s mask drew back into place. “So are you. I’ll call you the second I have a lead on your sister. Until then, I need you to secure Simone and the prick she’s dating.”

Well now. “What’s your problem with Councilman Demidov?”

Kell’s left eyelid twitched. “My problem with Demidov is he shields himself with paper and statistics ... completely ignoring the real world. I don’t approve of my cousin seeing him. Simone needs someone stronger.”

“Simone can take care of herself.”

“You’ve only known her a century, if that, Moira. You may not understand everything.” Kell stood and light glinted off the myriad of guns and knives tucked into his vest. He leaned down. “I’ll send you their location as soon as it comes in. We’re heading your way. Until then, do your job.”

The screen went black.

Well! The arrogance of the man. Nothing on earth would allow Moira to admit she might have trouble getting out of headquarters. She was an enforcer, damn it.

She stood, her mind spinning as she faced Cara. “As soon as the intel arrives, I need to go fetch my cousin.” And the asshole. But she needed to reach out and find her sister immediately.

Cara pursed her lips. “Your best recourse is to take Conn with you. It may be your only recourse.”

“You’re right.” Moira ran a hand through her hair. “I hope he has a strategy to hunt down Brenna.” She’d take all the help she could get.

Cara rubbed a palm down her arm. “Your sister will be all right, Moira.” Worry lined the woman’s face.

Moira nodded. “She has to be.” Guilt swamped her so quickly she swayed. She should’ve forced Brenna to head to the States with her ... the vampires would have kept her safe.

Cara frowned, her gaze over Moira’s shoulder. “What—”

Energy whipped into Moira’s back. Heat ripped along her skin. Fear had her jumping around. “Oh God.” Fear morphed into terror as she widened her stance, protecting the pregnant woman. “Get down now! Get behind the couch.”

The air shimmered, opening into a dark abyss. An ear-shattering shriek careened forth. She stepped back, spreading her arms to keep the energy from Cara. The kitchen cupboards opened as if yanked by angry hands. Cups spilled out to shatter against the floor. Papers swept from the desk, swirling in the air to slap into her chest.

How the hell had they found her? Adrenaline spiked through her blood. “Run, Cara!”

Cara grabbed her from behind, yanking her toward the door. “We’ll both run,” she yelled over the roar.

With a whoosh of sound, the swirling mass darted forward.

Chapter 27

Moira sent out a shrieking call for help ... bellowing Conn’s name. Focus. She needed to focus to save Cara. Grabbing a pillow, she flung it into the abyss. Male laughter, deep and long, came back.

Moira pivoted, bunching to tackle Cara to the ground. A roaring surrounded her, surrounded them, enclosing them in a gust of energy.

Everything went black.

Silence slammed noise down.

Pain ripped into Moira’s nerve endings.

The force would kill them both. Drawing inward, Moira focused power to spiral through her body. A powerful group of protective cells gathered in her imagination, and she projected an umbrella of safety outward, hoping she caught Cara in the net. Her energy would combat the invisible knives trying to rip them apart.

Claustrophobia trapped panic in her throat. Nothingness replaced the dark. Was she in a vacuum? Where was Cara? God. The baby.

She tried to reach out. She tried to scream.


Sound returned first. Too loud, too harsh. A male voice roared in triumph. A female murmured at a softer frequency. Light zipped back with agonizing sharpness—too fast and too much.

As if her brain was a motherboard under electrical attack, it shut down. A zap echoed between her ears.

Peace swallowed her in gentle darkness.

Conn reached the door in unison with Talen, both throwing shoulders into the sealed barrier. Shards flew as the metal crashed in, bouncing off a table and knocking three potted plants to the ground. Dirt spilled across the floor, mingling with broken glass, pillow stuffing, and papers.

Talen ran through the destroyed living room toward the bedroom, bellowing his mate’s name.

Conn surveyed the damage, his heartbeat roaring in his ears. He lifted his nose to sniff. No blood. He didn’t smell blood. How had they found Moira?