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“Yeah. Transporting the unwilling seems to cause pain.” Moira rose, eyeing the far door. “Can you contact Talen? We may need help getting out of here, wherever we are.”

“No,” Cara sighed. “I haven’t been able to communicate with him since contracting the virus. But you can do your witch thing, right? I mean, unlock the door or whatever?”

“Witch thing?” Moira’s lips twitched.

“Yeah. Rearrange the particles and freeze the lock. Or something.”

“No.” Moira turned around to face her friend. “The process of teleporting us here messed with my energy.” She had taken an oath to protect the secret that might take them down, at any cost. No matter how much she trusted Cara, Moira couldn’t talk about the walls.

“That makes sense.” Cara rose unsteadily to her feet. “I don’t feel well.” Water whooshed out of her skirt to splash against the floor. “Holy crap.”

“Oh God.” Moira grabbed her, setting her down on the bed. “Okay. What does that mean? I mean, does that mean ...”

“Yes.” Cara wrinkled her face in pain, clutching her stomach. “Of course it does. What else could go wrong? We might as well be trapped in an elevator. You know ... just in time for labor.” The woman was babbling.

Moira didn’t know a thing about delivering a baby. Especially in a basement. Or cave. Or wherever the hell they were. “Deep breaths. Take deep breaths.”

Cara batted her away. “Go figure out how to get us out of here. You’re the Seventh, for cripes’ sakes.”

The cranky woman now in labor had a point. The locks sprang open on the outside door, and Moira swirled around to block Cara with her body. A woman’s laughing chuckle wafted inside. “Trevan, where in the world are we going? We’re late for our reservations.”

Simone. Fire ripped up Moira’s spine. No way had Trevan been able to rip people through time and space without help. If it was the last thing she did, she’d end her cousin’s life.

Simone’s voice became louder. “What do you have down here protected by three coded entries?”

Trevan entered, tugging her inside. The woman’s long skirts swished against the dusty cement. She staggered, losing her smile. Her dark eyes widened on Moira. “What have you done?” she gasped.

Trevan smiled like a nerd with a crush. “Well now. I’ve secured the Seventh as well as a Kayrs mate. I told you brains and not brawn would lead the world, darling. This is our chance.” He tugged Simone back against him, securing an arm around her waist and lowering his mouth to her ear, his focus remaining on Moira. “This is our moment, Simone.”

Simone’s porcelain pure skin paled to translucence. Her gaze met Moira’s. Shock, understanding, and then finally acceptance filtered through her black eyes. “How secure are they?”

“Very. Besides the three locked doors, the walls are phanakite.” His mouth wandered down Simone’s neck in a lover’s caress.

Simone closed her eyes, swallowing loudly. “So they’re helpless.”

“Yes.” Trevan rose up to smile broadly. “The Kurjans will fetch them later, securing our treaty with them.”

The Kurjans had been trying for a witch to experiment on all year. Moira frowned at her cousin. “You didn’t realize your lover was killing off the Coven Nine?”

Simone’s hands clenched in fists. “No. Are they dead?”

Trevan shrugged, shifting Simone. “Unfortunately. None of them were strong enough to make the trip. Until Moira.” Approval coated his voice as he gave a short nod.

Cara groaned low behind Moira.

Trevan’s eyes widened. “She’s not in labor.”

“She is.” Moira lifted her chin. “I really don’t want to be you right now, Trevan.” Talen would rip the man apart with his bare hands. That is, if he could find the witch. She eyed her pale cousin. So Simone hadn’t known. “I’m sorry. I thought you were working with him.”

“No.” Simone inhaled, glancing down at her long skirt and sparkling tank top.

Trevan tugged her harder against him. “I wanted to surprise you, darling. Did I?”

“Yes,” Simone whispered.

“You want to lead, don’t you? You’re pleased?” Trevan asked.

Simone straightened her shoulders. “Of course, sweetheart. You know we were meant to run the council.” She eyed the door. “It appears you’ve thought of everything. There’s no way for them to escape.”

Trevan preened like a rabid bird. “I knew you’d be pleased.”

“Oh, I am.” Simone relaxed against her lover, her voice lowering to a purr. “Though the sooner they’re gone, the better. Ah, when will we be rid of them?” While she sounded sexy as hell, her face remained stoic, her concentration on Moira.

Trevan tugged her head back, caressing his mouth down her profile, his gaze thoughtful. She closed her eyes, leaning into him, sighing. He chuckled. “The Kurjans will arrive tonight.”

Simone smiled. “Excellent.”

Moira frowned. Maybe Simone could get Trevan to talk. “Ask him about Brenna, Simone.”

Her eyes flashed opened. “Brenna?” She stilled. “What about Brenna?”

Trevan released her, sliding toward the door. “We’ll discuss this upstairs, Simone.”

Simone half turned, her hands going to her hips. “What do you mean? You didn’t try to take Brenna, did you?”

“If I did?” Challenge lifted his chin. “Sometimes sacrifices need to be made to get where we want to in life. You understand that, correct?”

“Yes. I understand that.” Simone’s shoulders slumped.

“You love me, right?” Triumph turned Trevan’s face from an intelligent mask to something reprehensible.

Simone sighed. “Yes. I do.” Her glance cut to Moira and back. “But apparently I don’t know you very well.”

His chuckle filled the ominous room. “We’ll have to work on that. For now, you need to make sure you understand and accept your path.” While congenial, his tone held certain threat.

“I do.” Simone straightened her shoulders. “I always have.” She turned toward Moira. “You might want to get ready to face that destiny you’re so proud of.” Her elegant sniff echoed around the cage. “Let’s go, Trevan.”

He smiled, turning to punch in his code.

With a breath of sound, Simone was on him. She hit him full in the back, knocking his face into the door. A crunch echoed. Blood sprayed. Her bare arm snaked around his neck and she jerked tight, her knees clasping his rib cage.

Trevan turned with a dark roar, slamming backward into the wall. Simone’s shoulders hit hard, nearly dislodging her. She cried out in pain, her eyes flashing as she struggled to keep her hold.

“Dig your knees in harder, Simone,” Moira urged. Could the woman fight? Kell had trained her at some point, hadn’t he? “Good. Now cut off his air supply. Crush his Adam’s apple if you can.”

Blood dripped down Trevan’s furious face. An animalistic growl escaped through his bared teeth. Grabbing Simone’s hair, he gave a sharp yank, pulling her over his shoulder. She landed on her feet, staggering. She struggled furiously, but he pulled back an arm and punched her in the jaw. She sagged, her hands rising weakly.

He hit her again.

“Stop it!” Moira hissed. “Let her go, you asshole.”

He lowered his face to Simone’s, raw fury etched in every line. “You little bitch. Did you really think you could beat me?”

“Didn’t see as I had a choice,” Simone slurred. “Not enough time to plan.”

Moira stomach rolled. Simone was right. It was their only chance to escape before Trevan relocked all the doors. “Let her go, Trevan. Taking the head of the Nine’s daughter will get you killed for sure. Aunt Viv can rip the skin right off your body, and you know it.”

Trevan swallowed, then he yanked a gun from behind his pressed trousers. “Well now. I guess the Kurjans get two witches and a Kayrs mate.” He jammed the barrel to Simone’s temple. “Step away from the bars, Moira.”