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Conn growled, moving as close to the wall as he could get without risking electrocution. His eyes were on Moira as she turned to face a witch centuries more experienced. His mate filled his vision, yet the chamber hoarded all sound. She’d fooled him. Fury at her and fear for her sent adrenaline and fire shooting through his veins.

She’d better survive this so he could kill her.

Chapter 33

A sens of finality echoed when the wall rose to the ceiling. The myriads of locks, physical and mystical, clinked as they slammed home. Moira shivered. Conn let off so much heat. With his retreat, cold slithered around. She glanced at where he sat, seeing only a large wall of rock. No light or sound came from behind the barrier.

Grace threw back her head and laughed. “Conn seemed to help you out there by the casual way he went and sat down, Seventh. Your mate will most likely go looking for your cousin when this is over.” She smacked her lips together, the sound echoing through the silent room.

“My cousin follows coven law.”

“I plan on making your man my pet when we’re finished here.” Grace sauntered around the wide desk and down the stairs to lean against the opposite wall. “Seeing him beg might be the highlight of my year.”

Moira raised an eyebrow. “That is a man who doesn’t beg.”

Grace lifted a slender shoulder. “We’ll see. He should be quite grateful for the dutiful, boring, weak mate I send back to him.” Static electricity crackled along her arms, lifting tendrils of hair that had escaped the bun. “No more magic, no more enforcing for you, little Moira.”

Moira planted her feet securely on the worn stone of the floor. “That would be a problem, considering most men dislike boring women, Grace. Take you and Trevan for example.” She centered herself, searching for the power inside. “I mean, there had to be a reason the man moved on to Simone.”

Graced hissed out breath. “That was nothing ... just part of the plan. We wanted to use Simone to bring down Vivienne.”

“No, not true.” Moira forced a sly smile. “He was dumping you for Simone, without a question. Told her the full truth, asked her to help him lead the council. Only after she refused his offer did he throw her in a cell ... and return to you.”

Sparks flew from Grace’s fingertips. “You’re so young. We used Simone as a pawn and would’ve kept her to take down her mother. She was a temporary infatuation to

Trevan. I’ve been with him for years. We’ve been planning to take over the Nine for decades.”

“So you’re telling the truth now, are you?” Moira circled to the left, eyeing the energy crackling across the woman’s skin.

“Why not?” Grace shrugged, moving to the right, keeping pace. “The witnesses can only see ... not hear. No one will believe you after I take your powers. It’ll be just you being a poor loser.”

“Faking your own death—now that was brilliant.” Moira shook her head. “My guess is Trevan thought of that one ... I wonder if he actually planned to kill you and keep Simone.”

“You’re not smart enough to mess with my head.” Grace held her hands out a foot apart, orange light zinging between them. Static electricity crackled in the air.

Buggering orange light? Who the hell harnessed orange? Moira had seen blue, forms of purple, even some deep green. But never orange. She eyed the electricity.

Grace laughed. “A millennia provides a few extra powers, Seventh. Guess you should’ve waited your turn through the centuries.”

Moira lifted her gaze from Grace’s hand while allowing a small smile to curve her lips. “I am the Seventh, Grace. I don’t need extra powers. I have more than you can fathom.”

But did she? Sure she’d taken down many a witch misusing their power, but never anyone as old as Grace. Or as powerful.

“We’re about to find out. But I can tell you ... power grows through age. You know that. You’re barely a foal out of the stall.” Grace widened her hands, allowing the energy to grow into a pulsating, sunlike ball.

“Maybe.” With her mind, Moira shaped plasma into a ball at chest level, keeping her arms relaxed. The round form pounded, electric blue sizzling with audible pops. “Not only am I the Seventh, I’m a Kayrs mate. You’re delusional if you think I don’t get power from Connlan.” Her ball grew bigger, drawing particles from the surrounding air. “I’m giving you one chance here, Grace. Drop the fight, go out the door, and confess.”

Grace sighed. “Okay.” Her shoulders slumped. Then she pivoted and threw the ball at Moira’s head.

Moira ducked. Tips of her hair lit on fire. The ball ripped into the door, leaving a popcorn bowl–size dent in it. With a growl, she patted her hair to extinguish the fire. Bunching her legs, she jumped, side-kicking the blue energy toward Grace. Faster than normal light, it careened.

The witch dropped, rolling to the side and back up to her feet. Explosive energy smashed into the wall.

Grace’s hair straggled into her face, and she jerked the leather holder out of her sagging bun. Thick blond hair tumbled down. “I’m going to enjoy this.” A glowing softball appeared in her hand, and she threw it with a quick release of muscle.

Moira leaped sideways, only to be hit with another ball right in the leg. Agony burned through her skin.

With a cry, she went down.

In rapid succession, Grace belted ball after ball at her, ripping fiery pain wherever they landed.

The magical wall between them and the witnesses cracked, reshaping with a hiss.

Did Conn do that? Something told her he had ... his strength was unbelievable. Moira growled in pain and rolled to her knees. She swiped her hands toward the floor. A wall of pulsating blue shot up.

Grace continued to throw, the orange balls plopping into the shield, wavering and dropping harmlessly to burn the stone floor. Her eyes widened, and anger curled her lip.

Moira stood, her chin down, fury ripping through her system. Pulling both arms back, palms out, she shoved air toward the shield. “Attack.”

Like air hitting water, the protection coiled, gathered, and shot forward. The mass engulfed Grace like a hunting net, swallowing her in opaque energy and tying tight at her feet. She struggled, her mouth open in a silent scream.

Her eyes shifted to black. She shut them, stretching her neck, struggling to raise her hands. The enclosure webbed and wavered. Her skin glowed, her hair stood on end. Tightening her face, she pressed her palms together. With a crunch of a contained explosion, the shield morphed from blue to white.

It shattered.

Shards of sharpened energy ripped through the room.

One pierced Moira’s upper arm, digging deep. Blood welled. A second shot into her boot, far enough to cut her ankle. Pain cascaded from both entry points. She reached up and yanked the energy free of her bicep. Spent, the white turned to dust in her hand. Her intact boot pressed down and forced the projectile out of her other foot. “Nice.”

Grace smiled, panting slightly. “We’re merely getting started.”

A burst of energy slammed into Moira’s back, sending her sprawling across the hard floor. Her palms scraped against tiny pebbles, and her head bounced back on her neck. Heat licked her skin, the scent of burned fabric assaulted her nostrils. “Damn it. This is one of my favorite shirts.” She leaped to her feet, keeping her face calm. Fear threatened to wind through her fury.

Grace could create energy from a distant point, and direct it without being near. Moira hadn’t learned that trick. She needed to keep her back against the walls.

Grace puckered her lips. “Oops. Not enough power to create multiple energies from different graphic points, Seventh?”