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He leaped forward, caging her, the meddling energies dancing on his skin. Her nerve endings fired, fighting the burn, then accepting the heat. His mouth sought her nipple, scalding hot. He flicked. She cried out, the pleasure beyond imagination.

Running her hands down his smooth back, she marveled at the strength. His palms glided down her sides, tracing each rib. His mouth wandered up her chest, over her collarbone to nip at the underside of her jaw—gentle and passionate.

His mouth found hers. Firm, possessive, his tongue explored while his body pinned hers to the bed.

Desire, love, fate all combined into a pure need. “Now, Conn.”

With one hard thrust, he plunged inside her. The growl he gave was all animal, all claiming.

She arched her back at the invasion, shock opening her eyes wide. Nerves flared to life in need, and she clutched his ass, wrapping her legs around his hips. His eyes were still black, and she tried to focus, tried to be concerned. But then he started to move, to pound, to take her somewhere nowhere near her bedroom.

The world sheeted white.

All sound disappeared.

She clung onto his shoulders, her nails digging, fighting to stay tethered to earth. Reality spun away. The elements commingled around them in pure energy. Light zapped around the room, whistling through the air.

His mouth dropped to trace her ear, his fang nipping her lobe.

Pleasure cut hard and deep, stamping her for all time. The race to the pinnacle was more important than breathing, than living. A craving set up in every pore as he lifted her hips from the bed, hammering into her with a force born of true need. Life or death. The beginning and the end.

She struggled against the crest, against the unknown for one second, teetering on the brink of the unfathomable, instinct screaming there was no way back.

With a sob from beyond her soul, she broke.

The world exploded. Her insides blew apart with a pleasure so intense her mind shattered, the only possibility of survival existing in Conn’s strong hands holding her against his body. She clung, riding the waves, allowing the energy between them to seep into her flesh, into her existence. She convulsed around him, forcing a growl from his mouth as he came, his entire body rigid.

Seconds, minutes, maybe lifetimes later, he relaxed his hold, resting against her.

She gave a weak push. “Ug. Heavy.”

“Sorry,” he murmured, flopping to his side, deep breaths panting from his smooth chest.

She snorted a soft laugh. The sweat on her skin and on his dried with the air. At least she wasn’t the only one whose world just blew up. She glanced around. Her entire room was demolished. The curtains hung drunkenly from a destroyed curtain rod, her jewelry looked like a spoiled child had flung the collection to the floor and the smooth walls held dents. “Holy crap.”

Conn chuckled, rolling to face her. His amazing eyes had returned to their deep green color. Relief nearly swamped her. Then he spoke. “Ah. Let me check something.” He pushed her gently to her side, his hand caressing her left buttock.

A flare of pain made her catch her breath. “Ow. Knock it off.” She rolled back over.

He twisted his lip, puzzlement drawing his brows down. “I, ah, I marked you, darlin’.”

“I know.” Even now, the marking on the front of her hip pulsed with need. But ... “Wait. Why does my ass burn?” Oh no he didn’t. Twisting her neck, she looked over her shoulder. “Another marking? How?”

“Ah, I don’t know. It’s never happened before.” He smiled, pleasure softening his hard face. “Perhaps because we’ve been apart for so long ... more likely from the weird energy we took from a member of the Nine. Probably won’t happen again.”

Pleasure swamped her anew. “It means a new start. One we choose.” Just in case, she’d make sure his hands stayed away from her face during sex for the next century.

He yanked the covers over them, drawing her into his body. “So. How are you feeling?”

She took inventory and snuggled her butt into his groin. “Better. That was a heck of a way to burn off energy.” Her fingers plucked at the comforter as she sought the right words. “With the demons being angry we didn’t align with them, Daire will need to cover the Baltic States for a while.”

“That makes sense. We’re sending Jase ... maybe we should send them together.” Conn ran a broad hand down her arm to tangle his fingers with hers, his heated chest warming her spine. “Does that mean you’ll want the U.S. territory?”

She stiffened. “Well, yes. Are you saying my being an enforcer is all right with you now?”

His exhale blew her hair forward. “All right doesn’t quite fit. But I do understand your need to protect your people ... and you’re good at it.” His soft kiss against her head melted her. “I love you, Moira. Asking you to be someone you’re not, I wouldn’t do. Besides, I’m excellent backup. And now that I have all this witch energy, I’d make a hell of an enforcer.”

She laughed, relief relaxing her muscles. “You lead the Realm soldiers, Conn. That’s plenty.”

“I already told you I’m a multitasker.” He tugged her to her back, covering her with his body. “You don’t go out without me, Dailtín.” Soft, sated, his expression still held no small amount of determination.

Damn compromise. “Yeah. We fight well together.” Talk about an understatement. She smiled. He understood her ... and would let her follow her own path. “I love you, Connlan.”

His smile went wide. “I love you, too. So how about we get married at the chapel where I first saw you? Tomorrow ?”

Married? “Well, I guess it’s time. I mean, since we courted for a century.” Her next smart retort was cut off by his lips on hers. She kissed him back, sliding into fate or maybe destiny. Either way, it was one she chose.


Safe in the underground lab in Oregon, Emma Kayrs slammed her hands onto her hips, facing the King of the Realm. Irritation kept her from jumping into his arms in welcome. “You went off to battle again.”

Surprise flashed in his silver eyes. “Of course.”

She lifted both eyebrows. “Excuse me?”

“That’s my job, love.” He cocked his head at the machines hurriedly spitting out data. “What have you found?”

“Oh no.” He was not going to distract her by talking about science. “I know your job. Leading doesn’t include putting yourself on the front line.” He wouldn’t be the stubborn vampire she adored if he had allowed anyone else to face danger for him. And she loved the sweet picture he’d sketched of her sleeping that he’d left on the nightstand for her. But still.

Lethal charm flashed with his smile. “I’ll be more careful next time I fight.” Two strides had him in her space and grabbing her arms. His lips took hers with a rush of power ... and need.

She fell into his kiss with a soft sigh. When he lifted his head, she had to blink several times to regain focus. “So, ah, welcome back. I found a wedding dress.”

Pleasure darkened his eyes. “Did you, now?”

A shiver of want wandered down her spine. “Yes. It’s very pretty.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing compared to you.” He brushed hair back from her face. “Anyhow, you won’t be wearing anything for long.” Lethal charm lifted his lips.

Desire warmed her abdomen. “You’re sweet, King.” Focus. She needed to focus. “Are we all right with the Coven Nine?”

“Yes, solid.” He rubbed his palms along her arms, sending tingles through every nerve in her body. “I have Simone reaching out to the demons now. She seems to think there’s some unrest in the demon ranks. We’ll see.”