Peace said, ' If the cyclone is over at Love-Apple Crossing, it' s been finished in Tyler's area since last night.'
MKG said, The radio-'
The batteries are failing,' he said curtly. ' It will be used for operational messages only. There will be no time to listen to newscasts when we might miss a vital signal from either Tyler or Thornton. Only Adele operates the radio.'
Aw, gee,' objected Pete Allingham good-naturedly. I was looking forward to a little cha-cha-cha to brighten this tropical isle of beauty.'
There'll be enough music of another kind to face,' said
Peace cryptically.
Adele, anxious to steer the conversation away from the subject of the radio, said, Look, all the bois manioc has been washed away!'
Andre spoke. Andre says,' she translated, it is like the great cyclone of 1958-the landmarks are all gone.'
That may make it tougher for Tyler's men,' I added.
From a thousand feet up Love-Apple Crossing now probably looks more like a reef than an island,' Peace reflected. Except,' remarked Adele, indicating the grating and the hut, for this.'
That coat of spume will hide Little Bear if they come over the lagoon,' said MKG, screwing up his eyes.
Unless the boat is fixed, we can forget about the whole thing,' Boz Blair said gloomily.
MKG turned to Peace. Why don't we see if we can fix that cutter? You and Andre go take a look and the rest of us will scout for wood.'
Peace nodded reluctantly. I'll need John as well, and I want Mac to check the engine and Adele to see what the hunter-killers are up to.' Once again we were to be segregated from MKG. If there's any news of significance…' began MKG, but
Peace cut in quickly, Of course, Adele will note it down and we'll let you know. But I'm not going to waste precious power on hearing what Russia is up to, or whether Mrs Jones from Cardiff has murdered her six children.'
MKG looked unhappy. We've been completely out of touch for four days now, Commander.'
The sooner we can find some timber, the better for Little
Bear's chances,' he replied. I said, Adele can make a note of any significant news.'
Come on, fellers!' Pete Allingham gave a whoop and jumped over the wall. The others followed, grinning like schoolboys. Their carefree air seemed to drive away MKG's dark thoughts. He put his hand on the coral wall to vault over it, then he, too, grinned and said, Think the astronaut of the day after tomorrow had better get back into training.
I'll trot round the beach a couple of times.' He followed the others at an easy lope.
Peace went back into the hut and fetched the radio. This was the small set we had used in the cutter before. The VLF set was purely for firing Little Bear and could not be used for normal reception.
As Peace put it down, I asked, ' How long are you going to continue with this lie?'
His voice was controlled, but the emotion behind it was tight-packed. For as long as I think necessary,' he replied. Don't you see how this enhances the value of the spaceshot? MKG may be the first President of the United States to step into space.'
You're perpetuating the biggest fraud in history,' Adele protested. It was bad enough when the President was fully in control of the situation, but now.
I looked at the hard eyes, alive with dedication to Little Bear. I knew in my heart that Peace would stop at nothing. I had noticed his kinship with the DNI before; it was ablaze in his face now.
What you are doing is not only madness, but criminal,' I said heatedly. For four days now the President of the United States has been critically ill. Suppose he dies? He may be dead already. You know as well as I do that quick continuity is vital in the Presidential succession. When John F. Kennedy was shot, Lyndon Johnson was sworn in within an hour and a half.'
I'm glad you mention President Johnson,' Peace replied. He was sworn in in a plane; there is no reason why MKG cannot be sworn in at Space Station One, if need be. Where the foot of the American President treads, that is American soil.'
I turned helplessly to Adele and looked into her troubled eyes.
Mac,' Peace said crisply, I want you to fetch the Remington and the Colt and get the sand out of them. Get 'em in good working order-soon as hell.' He spoke to us. If the
President dies, the Speaker of the House can act until the new President is sworn in.'
This is no argument-' I began, but he waved me quiet.
' I'm not interested in arguments. If Tyler and Thornton don't catch up with us, I intend MKG to be shot to Sante Fe. I also intend to have your silence-at any cost.'
Mac had reappeared with the two weapons. Andre was engrossed in examining the boat.
There was a long pause. I mean, at any cost,' Peace repeated. This is madness,' I said.
Are you prepared to keep quiet?' he demanded, ' Two days-that's all I ask.'
I shrugged and turned to Adele, who made a hopeless gesture.
Good,' said Peace. Mac or I will be watching you all the time. Now get the radio going.'
Mauritius Radio came through:
The White House announces that the Seventh Fleet in the
Sea of Limuria has resumed its intensive search for the person of Marvin K. Green, Vice-President of the United States, and the missing French freighter Semittante. Admiral Thornton's heet has been strengthened by two more carriers from the United
States Eastern Fleet. Long-range vr-5 maritime reconnaissance aircraft will fly southwards from the Seychelles tomorrow in co-operation with the Seventh Fleet. Fears for the safety of Semittante have been expressed in view of the violence of the cyclone, which was the worst recorded this century at the meteorological stations at Chagos and St Brandon. The cyclone is, however, now moving eastwards out of the search area. Captain du Plessis, the shanghaied master of the Semittante, is rendering all possible assistance in the search and is at present aboard Admiral Thornton's flagship. Meanwhile, as anxiety about the President's condition deepens, the United States is torn with the biggest constitutional crisis in its history. As listeners already know, the Speaker of the House, Mr. Donald Langley, was sworn in as pro forma President until some clarification has been received regarding the whereabouts of Marvin K. Green. Speaker Langley has appealed publicly to the kidnappers to hand over the popular Vice-President, with the promise of a full pardon. There has been no response to this appeal. There was a violent scene in Congress last night when a group of Southern senators sought to bring in a motion applying the disability clause to Marvin K. Green, whose popularity with the manin-the-street now appears to be higher than it ever was. The Congress reaction is stated by observers to be a reflection of the nation's state of nerves. Commerce has reported a serious decline in trade and Wall Street has fallen to its lowest level in twenty years. Speaker Langley has appealed to the nation to remain calm in this time of crisis.'
Peace had been scribbling while the broadcast progressed. 195
What are you doing?' asked Adele.
I'm faking a broadcast for MKG'S benefit,' he said brutally. It'll be quite harmless. Routine sort of thing. None of this.'
We remained silent.
Try the Seventh Fleet,' he ordered.
The waveband was crowded with traffic.
… Grid position E-7 negative,' said an American voice.
Will commence search Grid position E-8. Over.'
One of the carrier search planes,' muttered Peace. ' I wish I knew where Grid position E-7 was.'
Weather clearing rapidly from east and north,' reported another plane.
Then came a code signal, which Adele deciphered.
GIG to combined Red and Blue Force x carrier aircraft and helots to search area between Saya de Malha and Agalega according to predetermined grid pattern x VP-5's ex Seychelles will carry out similar grid search south and south-east from Seychelles to St Brandon x all surface ships to take part x report contacts immediately x The heat is on,' said Peace. They're coming at us from the east and the north.'