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Boz pushed him away as the headphone crackled. dice, Commander. The countdown routine is fixed. One hour, no less. I'll start MKG in a couple of minutes.'

' Tyler-' repeated Peace. His words were drowned as the big plane thundered overhead again, banking slowly over Little Bear's marker.

Baker Charley Sugar to Willowtrack x strong radio emis- sions x reports, countdown will begin in a few minutes x Willowtrack came back:

All Red and Blue Force aircraft, helos, cowboys and subs vectored to your area x what duration is countdown? The fact that Willowtrack was replying meant she was either on the surface or running partially submerged with her radio mast up, which would make her slower than full speed deep down. The thought of that streamlined hull tearing through the water towards us forced my eyes to the south. The horizon was empty.

Boz said sharply, Sequencer start! I repeat, sequencer start!' The headphone crackled. ' T minus sixty and counting!' MKG had begun the countdown.

One whole hour until Boz pressed the firing button. Baker Charley Sugar to Willowtrack x countdown has begun x voice says T minus 60 x

After what seemed hours, Boz repeated MKG in a f! at voice:

'T minus fifty. All systems go:

Willowtrack to Baker Charley Sugar x nearest search plane to your position is in Grid E-16 x cannot get there in time x I am proceeding at maximum speed x will echo- range starting at 20,000 yards x is contact moving?

'T minus forty-five. All systems go.

Baker Charley Sugar to Willowtrack x contact steady x countdown now T minus 45 x

Adele sat next to me on the rough thwart, her face white. I saw Peace's sweat drip on to the collar of his rubber divingsuit. Boz and the Americans sat like statues. Peace glanced across at me without speaking. I read his thought: 20,000 yards, nearly 12 miles! When Tyler started to echo-range, we would know exactly how close he was.

'T minus forty.'

Willowtrack to Baker Charley Sugar x who is in the boat? The big plane swung round, inspected us. The minutes were agonizing.

Baker Charley Sugar to Willowtrack x eyeball check shows nine men and one woman x radio apparatus and two antenna-like portables x

'T minus thirty.'.

Half an hour to go.

My palms were clammy. Adele spoke softly in Creole, as if to herself. I think she was praying. Andre said something and she turned to me, her eyes tear-bright.

Andre says the ship down in the sea has its life from the frigate-bird. It will fly.'

How close was Willowtrack? I did a rapid mental calculation. Being partially instead of fully submerged, Tyler would not be getting Willowtrack's full 40 knots. Say 35 now-over 40 miles an hour! If I were correct, he would start echoranging in roughly another 15 minutes. Willowtrack would then be 12 miles from her target! minus twenty-five.'

Willowtrack to Baker Charley Sugar x drop following message to boat by streamer x Tyler to Commander Peace x request with all fervour at my command you call off launch x please convey this to the President of the United States x


Boz spun on Peace, staring incredulously.

With the speed of a cobra striking, Peace leaned forward and plucked the headphones from Boz's ears. The Colt with the hocked hammer was in his hand. As he did so, he jerked his head to Mac. He was so quick with the Remington that I did not see him reach under the sternsheets for it. He stood, balancing himself with one foot on the thwart, the wicked muzzle covering the boat.

Peace held the speaker against him so that MKG could not hear.

Yes,' he said slowly, including all the Americans with

Boz in his reply. ' The President had a severe stroke shortly before we ditched Semittante. He wasn't expected to live.'

You knew and you let MKG carry on with this?' Boz looked stunned. Pete Allingham, his face livid with anger, started to get to his feet, but Mac waved him down.

Yes,' said Peace. Little Bear goes.'

Not while I'm here to stop it,' snapped Pete. Mac raised the Remington and pointed it square at the Texan's chest.

I wouldn't try to, Allingham,' Peace said grimly. He's been itching for days to try it out on John and Adele.'

' Jesus Christ!' burst out Boz. You knew too!'

They knew, but they weren't with me,' replied Peace. '

I want you to remember that, Boz, if you have to turn me in to Tyler before the blast-off.'

Blast-off!' echoed Pete. You're gonna let MKG go without knowing!'

Yes.' Peace nodded grimly. What sort of effect would it have on him to tell him now?'

No!' yelled Boz wildly. You can't, Commander, it's too big!'Sit down!' snarled Peace, waving the Colt. The headphone crackled and Peace put it on, drawing to one side to give Mac a clean line of fire.

T minus twenty.'

The vP-5 engines thundered over us. A streamer with a weight attached fell into the sea a few yards from the cutter. Andre fished it out and handed it to Peace.

Peace repeated MKG. T minus eighteen and counting. All systems go.' His eyes never left Boz and Allingham. ' The message-' began Boz.

The headphone crackled and Peace repeated with grim humour. Observe countdown routine. Do not interrupt sequence. T minus fifteen'

The vP-5 swooped down again, two men craning out of the co-pilot's window for our reply. We stared back, motionless, while they gestured at Mac's gun. T minus twelve.'

Willowtrack to Baker Charley Sugar x what does boat reply?

Baker Charley Sugar to Willowtrack x boat does not reply x two men with guns in her x

Willowtrack to Baker Charley Sugar x my sonar reports possible contact bearing 010 degrees true x am slowing to evaluate contact x

I saw the ripple of sweat on Peace's head under the headphones. Tyler was slowing-he would have to, in order to enable the delicate listening devices in his hull to pinpoint the contact. It would be impossible for him to do so while tearing at full speed through the water. Willowtrack to Baker Charley Sugar x contact evaluated as submarine machinery x range 20,000 yards x depth 600 feet x speed zero x course zero x

Tyler had burst into sonar range at under 12 miles. T minus ten.'

Ten minutes to blast-off.

Then-Peace gave a gasp. He repeated, I have recycled to T minus fifteen. Holding.' He clapped his hand over the microphone and whipped out, Something's gone wrong down there! He's holding the count!'

Thank God!' whispered Boz, his face deadly pale.

Peace stared at the speaker in silent dismay. There was a chatter from the Americans. Mac looked nonplussed. Then

Peace held up his hand. He smiled with grim satisfaction.

Recycle to T minus fifteen. Monitoring checklight fault. Counting.'

My mouth was parched. Tyler had been given five minutes

– five vital minutes for Peace.

Willowtrack to Baker Charley Sugar x proceeding emer- gency flank speed on contact bearing x

Tyler had picked up a firm contact and, on the correct assumption it was Little Bear, was now tearing at us full speed at something over 40 miles an hour. He would be here before Little Bear could go!

T minus ten. All systems go.'.

Baker Charley Sugar to Willowtrack x countdown now T minus 10 x

Peace's hand holding the Colt never wavered. Each minute seemed an hour. The big plane circled in slow banks, centring on the bright orange marker buoy. I thought I detected a cream of white water to the south-Willowtrack's periscope. T minus five. All systems go.'

Willowtrack to Baker Charley Sugar x contact bears 002 degrees true x course zero x speed zero x range 2,700 yards depth 600 feet x

`My God! Tyler's here!' burst out Boz.

T minus four. All systems go.'

The big plane dived so low over the cutter that we cowered away under the thwarts, stunned by the noise. Mac was back on his feet first, Remington in hand.