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“Who are you then? If you are so cool.”

John didn’t even turned his head to answer he just said. “1st SFOD-D*.”

Cashier most likely doesn’t know what that is. All John knew about his military classification was that he is member of Delta and should have rank of Corporal. Bikers still looked at him it already started to annoy him. He thought a little insult wouldn’t hurt. So as he walked past them.

“What’s up ladies? Do you like my muscles?”

Soon he heard heavy footsteps behind him and smell of cigarettes flooded his nostrils.

“You just called me and my fellas ladies?” Voice came from behind.

“Hey! Turn around when I talk to you!”

John felt adrenaline build up in his blood just like before good fight.

<Don’t do anything stupid.> Claire said in his head. John turned around to face the origin of the voice.

“What is it m’lady?” They stood just few feet from the car, John wished he had his pistol. ‘Weapons don’t give you 100% chance of victory they just give you better bargaining position.’ He remembered when Gillian said that once on shooting range.

“You want me to hit you?” Biker was trying hard to intimidate John.

“I want you to try, but I warn you. It could hurt you a lot.”

“What can you do to me?” Asked biker amusingly and swung his fist aiming for John’s face.

John caught his hand mid air. “This.” Then he used his artificial arm to deliver punch to man’s jaw. John let the fist he held go just milliseconds before he hit. That sent the man flying. Two other bikers went after him. John took first one down with elegant leg sweep.

Second one grabbed John’s arm. John grabbed him too and smashed him against a concrete column. The police officers were looking elsewhere.

“You aren’t going to arrest me?” John asked them.

“No, ’bout a damn time someone kicked their asses.”

John sat back to car and drove away. John felt satisfied. Maybe he just made new enemies. Over years he had many enemies. None of them were lucky enough to survive. This country looked so calm and peaceful. Green forests, cold streams, rocky mountains.

People here had no idea who just moved into their lands.

They stopped few miles away from Breckenridge just before dawn. John needed Caroline to drive the last part. So John waited for her to wake up. Suddenly he couldn’t resist the thought that they lied to him. He reached for pistol. Checked the rounds… real. He grabbed Caroline by front of her shirt to wake her up. Aimed at her head and yelled.

“Where is she?! Where’s Gillian?!”

He woke up from the dream. His face and hands were covered with sweat. He must have fallen asleep while he waited for Caroline to wake up.

“Damn it keep your shit together John.” He said for himself…

* Refers to fictional Geth-Quarian conflict

*Popularly known as Delta Force 1st SFOD-D is official name

Chapter 9 – Home

It took Caroline almost an hour to wake up. John decided to check his C.I.A. I.D. card.

‘Agent Sgt. John Blackburn’

“I guess I was promoted. Hope I’ll be paid better.” He said for himself.

<You aren’t paid.>

“Damn it!”

It was 9am Saturday 1st of June. Caroline drove them slowly through the town. John could see people everywhere. Walking, buying groceries or just talking.

“We should buy some food too. I don’t plan on starving.” Caroline parked in front of supermarket.

“Do you want to go with me?”

John put the sunglasses on. “Yes I want.”

He noticed that everyone was wearing short sleeve clothes and he wore long sleeves to cover his arm and he also had gloves and jeans. That can attract some unwanted attention.

They walked towards supermarket. John took time to observe every person within twenty feet and with his fast senses he had plenty of time to do that.

“Maybe we’ll meet some of my friends here and I can introduce you to few more people.” Caroline said smiling.

“If you say so.”

“You should smile a bit.” She said.


“The thing you do with your face when Gillian is around.”

“She isn’t around anymore.” Last memory of Gillian flickered in his head. Then he laid sight on approaching man. The moment their eyes met they recognized each other but both John and the man remained silent and kept walking.

“You know that man?” Caroline asked concerned.

“Yeah, he shot me once and I shot him back but not just once, about ten times.” John said.

Caroline just sighed.

While shopping John discovered lots of new things. Ice cream for example and he also saw humans in their natural environment. But he still had suspicion for most of them. He even counted the change the cashier had given him. Caroline ordered him to carry the groceries to the car.

“We should buy you some clothing.” She looked at nearby clothes shop.

“Done.” John just ordered clothes online.

“Have I told you that we have to spare money until I find a job?” She looked at him

“Government gave me 10 million compensation for what they did to me so last thing I need to do is to spare money. And don’t worry I’ll keep most of it I’m going to need to pay for school.” He really received a compensation on a bank account with his name.

“Fine, just be careful.”

They drove to the southern part of town, up the hill to Gold King Way. They stopped in front of nice house with big windows facing them. I had two floors and basement. A woman stood next to the fence gate.

“The hell is she doing here?” John asked.

“She gives us the key from the house. I got this, stay in the car. Never thought life with you would be so hard.” Caroline sounded annoyed.

“Deal with it.” John corrected position of his sunglasses.

It took about ten minutes to arrange all things. Then Caroline knocked at John’s window.


John reached for pistol under seat next to him and unloaded it then he put it back to it’s box.

A car pulled over in front of next house, Caroline smiled on sight of it’s passengers. John put down his sunglasses to see them better. A man and woman. Immediately after stepping out the woman headed towards Caroline.

“You are back! Where have you been those years?” The woman asked while hugging Caroline.

“Work.” Caroline said trying to evade the question.

Then the woman caught sight of John.

“And who’s that? Your boyfriend? He is very handsome.”

John pretended to look for something in the car.

A flash of panic ran through Caroline’s face.

“No. Actually he is my son. His name is John.”

John stopped pretending and shook hands with the stranger.

“Nice to meet you, I’m subject… I mean John.”

She smiled.

“Nice to meet you too John. I’m Miranda Stonebridge, I know your mother for years.”

Miranda would talk a lot longer but Caroline stopped her.

“So now you know each other. Miri excuse us we need to move in.”

“Yes of course, I’ll come later.”

She said as she left.

“Who the hell was that?” John asked when she was far enough.

“My friend from college. Don’t worry she is nice just sometimes a bit over-talkative. Now carry your things inside before the rest of it arrives.”

It took John over two hours. He picked a bedroom on western side of second floor he also claimed basement for weapons and equipment. He was about to start setting up computers in the basement when rest of things arrived in big truck. They brought everything John took and more. Looks like Caroline was the one looting before them. John carried most of things to the basement.