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I see thirty cells, but only eighteen soldiers. Ten of us have already sacrificed everything for whatever those people up the chain of command want from us!”

John made a pause. “I say that their enemies aren’t our enemies. I say that those who killed Tom, Kate and others are our enemies! They see us as assets, they can throw in and do whatever they want with us! We shall show them we’re people! Yes, maybe we’re half machines but we’re not animals, we think, we feel. You don’t have to go with me, it’s your choice, first time in history of this place you have a choice. Now! Who’s with me?”

Everyone raised their hands.

“Then let’s move out! Head for the armory!”

Claire sealed off armory from rest of facility so their way was clear. James wasn’t there, most likely he went away as soon as most of security systems failed. John was looking for one thing in particular, his armor. If he’s going to break through barricades and fortified positions and of course army of soldiers, he needs that armor. It also gave him power, power to destroy… and it was bulletproof.

“John, are you okay?” Claire asked.

“I’m just thinking. With all these enhancements, I’m more machine than flesh. Do I still have a soul? Or was it lost in all that steel?”

John picked up his rifle from nearby table.

“Yes, you have a soul,” Claire said “Without soul you wouldn’t have any feelings. And you have feelings, you love Gillian, you want to protect her. That’s feeling.”

John never thought of his feelings for Gillian in that way, but he knew Claire was right.

When he had everything he needed it was time to give orders to others. When he walked into main armory everyone was ready and standing in a line. Gillian made a step forward.

“We are ready.” She said not looking at him.

Now it was John’s strike force and he was proud of it.

“Behind that door our future and freedom awaits.” He said pointing at the door.

“But there are people willing to stop us,” Everyone looked a bit nervous.

“What they see is just bunch of kids playing around with loaded guns. What I see is an army. There is more of them I admit, but we have been created to beat the odds.”

His speech was short but effective.

“We will proceed through main hallway and capture central intersection. Then you will break into two squads, Alpha and Bravo, Alpha will dig in there and hold position, Bravo will go and fortify scientific labs and protect any non-military personnel there, if you find labs empty go and protect apartment complex, I’ll go for Briggs and data storage. Everyone with me?”

“Yes, Sir!” Mass response came. John smiled.

“Then let’s move out!”

So they moved through base meeting no resistance. Entire base was sealed, Claire had to open every door in their way. Initially she locked up the facility but guards slowly regained control.

“Heat signatures, room, right side.” Claire informed.

John signaled everyone to hold position at the door. He could hear voices coming from inside. Sounded like three men.

“Man, entire station is in lockdown.” First one said.

“Damn! Can someone explain how subjects got out?” Another asked.

Finally last one spoke. “Could you just shut up? We’re stuck in here until somebody lifts the lockdown.”

Quick glance through small glass window built into door confirmed that there were soldiers inside. John bashed his helmet twice with fist.

“Breach it.”

Subject behind him moved forward, slowly planted breaching charge on the door and backed away. Voices echoed from inside again.

“Guys you heard that? Somebody is messing with door.”

John made a step back and gave a nod.

“Fire in the hole!”

Blast sent door flying. John walked in with guns blazing, taking down three hostiles. They died before they realized what was going on. Strike force moved forward. Central intersection was empty, John was sure it was a trap. Central intersection was only way to move to other parts of base. It was big room with catwalks along it’s walls. John saw it only few times in his life, now there were big steel crates on the far side of room and small benches few feet away from strike force. John signaled them to stop.

“I don’t feel well about that room, it’s too exposed. Peter, take half of us, wait on the catwalks and cover me. Rest of you will come up behind me if something happens.”

Everyone nodded, there was no need to say anything they were perfectly coordinated.

John walked to the middle of room. Suddenly soldiers came from behind those steel crates, at leas twenty of them. And John’s worst enemy captain Grayson with them.

“Stop right there John, it’s over. Throw that gun away and turn around with hands above your head.”

John didn’t move.

“So you can shoot me like last time? Ain’t gonna happen.”

Captain laughed.

“Come on, listen to reason. You are no one John, you don’t have anything. You’re just test subject we can kill, just number we can remove from the list, you have no name, just John. You are alone, even with that fancy armor of yours you’re going to die.”

All around catwalks and behind John subjects started to appear.

“He’s not alone.” One of them said.

John raised his rifle and muffled his helmet speakers so he could speak only to hybrids.

“Leave captain to me!”

Then he spoke loudly again.

“Now! I say, surrender or die. What is your choice captain?”

Soldiers raised their rifles and captain laughed again.

“I swore to never let any of you lab rats out. I will never surrender to you!”

John walked towards him.

“Then you give me no choice. Open fire!”

Soldiers never stood a chance. They fell like rotten fruit from tree, captain was now the only one standing there. John grabbed his throat and lifted him off the ground. John was taller that everybody in facility and with armor, captain was one foot of the ground when John held him in his eye level. John let his emotions flow through him like a river.

“Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you?” Asked John taking captain’s revolver from his hand.

Unfortunately captain was choking too much to answer. John threw him on the ground and shot his right knee.

“That’s for Tom!”

Then he shot left knee. John was sure his eyes were red like melting iron burning his insides.

“That’s for Kate!”

Captain screamed from pain. It couldn’t stop John. There was no room for forgiveness or mercy. John released every single piece of anger and hatred he accumulated over years. He shot right elbow.

“That’s for the pain you caused to us.”

Every part of John wanted to finish him, but he wasn’t done yet, so he shot left elbow.

“That’s for destroying our lives.”

Finally, gun barrel touched captain’s forehead.

“MY! NAME! IS! JOHN!” And he pulled trigger.

Blood was all over the floor and walls. Part of John’s revenge was complete. There was sudden feeling of satisfaction in his mind and soul. He fired last round into captain’s chest.

“End game, jerk.”

John had no evidence that Grayson was behind the attack, he could be or not. John still wanted to kill many people, mostly ones responsible for the attack. Strike force was already split in two squads when John turned to them.