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The man stirred and let out a moan, and Oliver suddenly felt exposed and vulnerable, just like he had in his own bathroom so many weeks earlier. Except the feeling wasn’t because of the man on the floor: he was still enveloped in darkness. The woman had found him, and she was watching him. Oliver was filled with panic and fled the hotel room. He streaked back to his office, feeling her presence the whole way. He awoke with a scream loud enough for the entire office to hear.

“Father, are you all right?” One of the secretaries had thrown open his door, and several others were rushing in to help.

“Um, I’m fine,” Oliver said breathlessly. “Dozed off for a second and had a terrible nightmare.” He looked around his office, half-expecting to see her: Amanda Flynn, Greg’s daughter-in-law. She was the woman, and the man had been Klaus Reisch. Information flooded into his brain, and suddenly, everything made sense. Reisch had infected him with a virus. He tried to kill me, Oliver thought. The realization hit him like a bucket of cold water, and he shivered involuntarily. He looked up and saw the concern on the faces of his secretaries. “I dreamt we elected a Polish pope and then a German one.” They stared back at him, not knowing what to say. “It’s a joke, and I’m all right, really. You can get back to work now. I have to do some penance for making fun of the pope.” He smiled, but they hesitated. “Go! Now!” he playfully yelled and pointed at the door. They left, but each of them looked over their shoulders, wondering what had become of their rock-solid Father John Oliver.

The door closed with a muted click. He was alone. He couldn’t feel Reisch or Amanda, which probably meant that they couldn’t feel him either. Suddenly, he understood everything. It was a virus. It wasn’t the Devil, it wasn’t God, and it wasn’t him — just a simple little virus, no more than a bad flu. Only this flu was meant to kill him. His mind filled with anger. Priest or not, he was still very much human, and Reisch had tried to kill him, simply because he had seen the German’s face. Reisch was beyond redemption. He was evil incarnate, and a part of Oliver’s mind rejoiced in his torment. It was a very unchristian thought, and he would do some real penance for it later; but right now, at this moment, he couldn’t find any compassion in his heart for the German. He had seen inside Reisch’s mind. He had seen what Reisch had done this very morning to a helpless old man, and he had heard the plans he had for a young mother and her children. He would have seen even more if he hadn’t been chased away by Amanda. And what of her? He saw her face, and his mind reflexively reached for hers. He restrained himself, but not before he had gotten close enough to feel her emotions. She was in pain as well, but it was confusion that occupied her mind. She didn’t understand what was happening either.

Chapter 13

Peter Bilsky watched the snowfall from the window of a city bus. Pueblo was getting dumped on. It was not as bad as Colorado Springs to the north, but bad enough that the bus was running late. He braced himself as the driver slowed for another stop. Damn, he had a headache. It had started over a week ago, and it was only getting worse. He felt every bump in the road, and even the driver’s gentle braking was enough to send bolts of pain through his head and down his spine. His aunt was sick as well, but she’d had the good sense to call in sick. Peter really didn’t have that option. If he missed work, he wasn’t paid.

Two people got on the bus and swayed down the aisle looking for a seat while the driver took off, trying to make up for the delay. Both women eyed the seat next to Peter, but chose to keep walking.

“Bitches,” he said, not too quietly. “Never seen a black man before?” He hated white people. He hated Colorado. He hated being cold. He hated having to take this fucking bus to his fucking job. In L.A., he hadn’t had to work or take the bus. And it never fucking snowed there either. Damn, his head hurt.

“Why the hell did you ever come to this place, Ten Spots?”

Peter looked over and found his friend Eddie sitting in the seat the white women didn’t want.

“And why did you drag my ass here?” Eddie asked.

“I didn’t drag your ass anywhere, motherfucker. You followed me.” Talking hurt his head. “What are you looking at?” Peter got tired of people staring at him, and if the asshole in the seat opposite them didn’t look away, he was going to get his ass kicked.

“Wow, man,” said Eddie. “You got to keep it down. Low profile, remember?”

“Yeah, I remember.” Peter looked over his cousin. “Does that hurt?” he asked, motioning to the gunshot wound in Eddie’s chest.

“No. Isn’t that a fucking trip? Nothing hurts. Maybe it’s the cold.” They both laughed, but Peter grabbed his painfilled head. “Man, you got to get that checked out,” Eddie said. “Maybe you got a tumor or something.”

“It’s not a fucking tumor; it’s this fucking place, and all these fucking WHITE PEOPLE!” His screaming only produced another explosion of pain.

“Man, if you don’t shut the fuck up, I’m gonna leave your ass here.” Eddie got up, but Peter motioned him to sit down.

“Okay, okay. I can’t think with this headache. Why are you going with me, anyways? You can’t work like that.” Peter flicked Eddie’s blood-splattered shirt.

“I’m not gonna do any fucking work. I’m keepin’ an eye on you, Mr. Peter Bilsky.” Eddie flicked the nametag on his cousin’s coverall. “Who in the hell is Peter Bilsky, anyway?”

“My aunt’s neighbor’s son. He’s dead or something. It was her idea. It’s a stupid fucking name.” He wanted to scream again, but his head hurt too much. “Whose blood is that, yours or the other guy’s?” They both looked at Eddie’s shirt.

“I think most of it’s mine,” said Eddie, playing with the bloody tatters while Peter rubbed his throbbing forehead. They rode in silence through three more stops.

“This next one,” Eddie said. The bus was slowing again, and several people got up. Peter let them get off first and then followed Eddie out into the cold. A gust of wind and sleet hit Peter as the bus drove away. “I hate this fucking place,” he said while tucking his chin as low as it would go. He had two blocks to walk in this shit. The Veterans Administration hospital loomed above him, but he had to walk around to the back. “Not good enough for the front door,” he told Eddie, who also was shivering from the cold.

“Fuck, this place SUCKS,” Eddie called out, his voice echoing off the dirty building as he trudged up the hill in front of his cousin.

Peter rounded the side of the building and pulled up when he saw a number of police cars parked around the loading dock. “Fuck, man, do you think this is for us?” he said as Eddie ducked into the shadows.

“Why don’t you fucking go ask them?” Eddie said from the cover.

Peter realized that he was standing on the path in plain view of probably twenty cops, but before he could turn away, one of them called out.

“Excuse me!” the cop yelled, and several more turned his way. They were all white. “Do you work here?”

“Yes, I fucking work here!” Peter yelled back. The pain in his head had taken over, and if he was going to hurt this bad, then goddamn it, other people were going to hurt just as bad. Peter stomped over towards the collection of cops. “You got a problem with that, you white motherfucker? Any of you assholes have a problem with that?” He was half running at them.