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“Walk up, Phil,” and Reisch gave Phil’s brain a jolt.

Phil’s eyes opened, and a look of confusion and then terror shone back at Reisch. Phil recoiled in bed. “Who are you?”

“Oh Phil, how could you ask me that after we’ve spent so much time together?” Reisch smiled and for the first time allowed Phil to see his true face. “I came by to say good-bye. My work here is almost done, but unfortunately, you won’t be here to see what I’ve accomplished. You’re going to die, and it’s not going to be pretty.” Reisch invaded Phil’s mind and filled it with horrific images of the Jihadists dying from the Hybrid virus.” Oh, and one more thing, that pretty little lab assistant, Melissa Shay,” his voice dropped and he leaned in close to Phil’s ear. “You killed her. That’s right. Your infection reached out and activated her pacemaker and it shocked her to death.” Reisch’s face had an insane smile painted across it.

For a moment, Reisch felt Phil’s torment, and he breathed it in like a favorite smell, but then it began to fade. Phil began to fight Reisch’s mental intrusion. “Oh, Phil,” he said and playfully shook his head. “Everybody fights, but nobody. .”

A deafening snap filled the room, and Reisch was blinded by a bright blue light. Phil’s hand had shot up and grabbed him by the throat; Rucker’s hand and Klaus’s neck began to blacken and burn, but Phil refused to let go. The grip was crushing his windpipe and a searing pain filled his mind. With almost his last conscious thought, Reisch ripped through Rucker’s brain like a chainsaw and he finally let go.

Reisch was thrown to the floor as soon as the connection was broken. Rucker was unconscious, not dead, which greatly irritated Klaus. He slowly climbed to his feet and gathered himself. Killing an unconscious man, especially one who deserved torment, was no fun, but it seemed to be his only option at this point. Rucker was severely injured, and the possibility that he could be roused now was very low.

Klaus moved to the bedside chair and sat down. He needed a moment to recover his strength. The tingling was back in his skin, and as the moments passed, it only intensified. The hair on his arm began to stand on end, and the monitor over Phil’s bed began to smoke and then finally exploded with a shower of sparks. The lights began to flicker and then dim. Reisch looked up to find Amanda at the door.

“Do you want to help? I’m a little tired,” he said. “Your pictures don’t do you justice, Amanda.” Her sudden appearance revived him; energy began to flow back to his fatigued mind, and he slowly rose to his six-foot-five-inch height.

The tempered glass wall exploded next to Amanda, but she didn’t move. The Screams of panic filled the ICU as computers, phones, and overhead lights exploded. The air crackled with static, and small fires spontaneously erupted everywhere. A few heroic nurses tried to put them out but then switched to clearing the ward of patients as the sprinklers suddenly filled the air with water.

“Is this all your doing?” Reisch had to raise his voice above the din.

“I thought it was yours,” she countered. “Now what; do we duel it out like a couple of superheroes?”

“I was hoping that perhaps you’d like to join me; after all, taking life is something you’ve done, and enjoyed.” He took a step closer to her, but the air literally began to sizzle.

“You truly believe that you have been chosen to, what. . to be our shepherd? Rather egotistical, I’d say.”

“Listen to your own words, Amanda. You’re not a part of this failed experiment any more than I am. You have no place in society because you are above society. The reason you’ve been so unhappy is that you’ve tried to fit into a place that can’t accept you. Listen to your aunt.”

“She told me to kill you in the most painful manner possible, or can’t you see that?”

“I can see the doubt in your mind. Scared of me, are you? I had thought that perhaps it was my duty to destroy you, but now I’m having doubts.”

“Pushkin,” Amanda snorted. “Am I pronouncing your hallucination’s name correctly?”

“I don’t see us as enemies, Amanda. I believe all you need to do is accept the possibility of a new world. You could even save those you want — Greg, Lisa, Aunt Emily. It is inevitable and preordained. Even now, people are evolving, just like your priest. It can’t be stopped, so why don’t you help us.”

“You mean your terrorist buddies?” She scoffed.

“You can see farther than that; they are simply a means to an end, and in time, they will be gone as well. You can’t stop this, Amanda; I know you can see that even without me the virus will be released.”

“Then why do you need that?” Amanda pointed at the small bag attached to his belt.

“Call it insurance.” He felt her mind darkened as the energy that enveloped her focused into a single point. Reluctantly, but savagely, he threw her against the far wall of the unit. The air about him immediately calmed. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I can’t let you interfere. If you can’t see reason, then I have no choice. .” He wondered why he hadn’t finished his thought the moment before he struck the window in Phil’s room. The glass cracked, but didn’t shatter, and he fell across an unconscious Phil. There was another snap, another blue light, and Klaus was flying against a side wall, his forearm burned to the bone. For a moment, his white lab coat caught fire, but he quickly extinguished it. “This is getting very tiresome, Amanda,” he said picking himself up from the floor. She stared back defiantly, and he struck at her with every ounce of energy he had remaining. Amanda deflected it with a wave of her hand.

More glass exploded, and the air began to sizzle as she walked towards him. His face began to burn, but still she closed the distance. When she was within ten feet, she was forced to stop.

Reisch slumped against a wall, as his arm was already sealing itself. “An impasse,” he said looking into the anger that filled her eyes. “I can see the killer in you, Amanda. Why don’t we take this life together, and start out our new lives right.” He motioned to Phil.

“You reach for him and I will have you,” she said, fatigue filling her voice.

“And if you try and protect him, I will have you,” he answered, knowing that neither could sustain this mental wrestling match much longer, but that the first to let go would die.

“Tired Klaus?” She mocked him.

“No more than you,” he shot back.

Amanda took a step towards him and the air audibly crackled. Klaus backed away, but she kept coming.

“You’ll kill him as well,” Reisch said his back against the window.

“Small price to pay,” she said, taking a step into the thickening air. The sheet on Phil’s bed began to smoke, the floor began to vibrate, and an unbearably loud, high-frequency sound shattered all the remaining glass in the ICU.

He watched and listened as she struggled with herself. A part of her embraced death, almost welcomed it as a redemptive sacrifice, but a different part stopped her from taking that last step. A shadow of doubt, buried for years under a mountain of conditioning, guilt, and responsibility had struggled free, and she hesitated. Maybe he’s right, it whispered.

A small red dot appeared on Reisch’s forehead, and then three more on his chest. A moment later, he was flying through the air and his only clear thought was Not again.

Chapter 34

“We’ve checked three times; both of them are worthless,” Martin said. “The biohazard vial had nothing but wood shavings, and the bottle that was supposed to hold the vaccine was tea.” They had wasted eight precious hours sifting through powdered balsa wood before realizing that they had been duped.