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“We’re certain that he was hit, Chief,” the SWAT team leader said. “No one could have survived three to the chest and a backwards fall out of a third story window.”

“So you’re telling me that a dead man got up and walked away. .” Patton bit off the rest of his sarcastic remark. He was starting to lose control of himself more and more frequently.

“I’m sorry, Captain; I believe you.”

Patton turned away and shuffled through the broken glass out to what was left of the nursing station. Greg and Amanda Flynn were sitting in the middle of a semicircle of heavily armed National Guard soldiers. He knew it had to be done, no one wanted to risk losing Amanda, but it was almost comical. If she wanted to go, there was absolutely no way of stopping her. He veered around the group and headed for the captain in charge.

“Chief,” the career military officer said as Patton approached.

“Can I have a moment with you, Captain?” Patton led the army officer into a deserted patient room. “I know you have orders, and you are just following them, but do you have any idea how dangerous that is?” He pointed to the ring of soldiers around the Flynns. “If that young lady decides to leave, we’re going to have a whole lot more dead soldiers on our hands.”

“I have been ordered to hold her,” the captain said officially.

“You are provoking her at a very dangerous time. Who is your CO?” Patton had taken out his cell phone.

“We are taking our orders from federal authorities.”

“Please give me a moment, Captain.” Patton turned away and after a moment had Don Heller. “It’s Patton; I’m here at the hospital.” Patton paused.” No, we haven’t found him, but that’s not what I’m calling about. A ring of armed soldiers is surrounding Amanda Flynn.” Patton paused again. “I understand, but you know very well that we can’t hold her against her will. Remember what happened yesterday outside the mall, and this morning in Mescali?” He waited a moment and then handed the phone to the captain.

“I understand, sir,” was all he said and then closed the phone. “She is now officially your problem,” he said with relief while returning the cell phone. A few minutes later Patton was alone with Greg and Amanda.

“You have become my problem,” he said to Amanda. “Is he dead?

“No; I doubt he’s even hurt. He was focused on defending himself. Look for the bullets somewhere in the room; their force knocked him through the glass, but I don’t think they ever hit him. The fall wouldn’t have done much to him, either.”

“I know you’re tired, but do you know where he is?” Patton tried to sit on the counter in front of her, but it immediately cracked.

“No idea. It wouldn’t take much for him to conceal himself, and he will after this morning.” Amanda took a deep breath and looked up at the big black man. “He has to be found. Can you get Ron Benedict down here as soon as possible?”

Patton suddenly looked puzzled. “He’s the assistant director for the FBI; he was in Denver last night. You have a much bigger problem than Reisch.” She looked over at Greg to include him in the conversation. “There are eleven terrorists spread out across the country, and each of them has a vial of the virus. There used to be sixteen; Reisch didn’t know what happened to the other five. In less than two days, he is supposed to send them a message to release the virus. He doesn’t know who they are, how they got here, or where they are. No one does. They were ordered to disappear, and communicate only through the Internet. They’ve been using a Web site called My Space.”

“So, he hasn’t sent the message yet. If we can get to him before he can send it. .” Greg said, but Amanda cut him off.

“They have contingency plans in place. They’re trying to time this exactly so that only the U.S. is affected, and if the moles don’t hear from Reisch within four days, they will release the virus themselves. That doesn’t really matter because I’m pretty sure he’s sending the message now.”

“So Reisch is out of this, aside from general mayhem.” Patton said thoughtfully, but Amanda shook her head. “There’s more?”

“I’m afraid so. He has a small satchel or fanny pack — I don’t know what they’re called — but inside are two vials. One is a large dose of concentrated virus, and he plans to gradually release it until everyone, not just Americans, have been infected. He sees himself as a new Moses leading the chosen people.” Amanda pointed a finger at her own chest.

“What’s in the other vial?” Greg asked.

“A vaccine. Reisch stole both vials from a man named Jaime Avanti. He created the virus and the vaccine and he was sneaking it to. .” Amanda smiled weakly. “. . to Nathan Martin.” She looked at Greg and her smile broadened.

“So he’s a part of this?” Greg said darkly, while Patton looked on confused.

Amanda looked at the new chief of police. “He’s one of the heads of the CDC; we have a history.” She turned back to Greg. “No, he’s not involved. Avanti wanted to limit the full effect of the virus and was going to give Martin the means to do it.”

“So if we catch this Reisch, we’re back in business; we’ll have the vaccine.” Amanda shook her head again and Patton wanted to scream. “There’s more!”

“A vaccine has to be administered before a person is infected. If the eleven release the virus as planned, the vaccine will be worthless; at least to us.”

Patton got up and began to pace through the wrecked ICU, cursing colorfully.

“I guess he needs a moment,” Greg said. “Are you all right, honey?”

Amanda turned to Greg. “Reisch was correct about two things: a lot of people are going to die, and no matter what happens, there’s going to be a whole new group of people like me; and some of them are going to be just like him.”

Patton returned, his face red but his voice under control. “You’re the only person who can catch Reisch, Amanda, but you are also the only hope anyone has for curing this thing.”

“I know what you need. I’m sure I can spare a pint or two.”

“Chief?” A uniformed officer approached Patton. “I think you should see this. The president is addressing the nation.”

Chapter 36

“Don’t worry Rachel, or whatever your name is. It’s just a harmless little cocktail we give to the animals when they get too excited. Just a little Fentanyl, a little Pentobarb, and a few other mild sedatives. It shouldn’t hurt you too bad. How do you feel?” Despite his even tone, Martin was in a controlled rage. He couldn’t get at Jeser, but he certainly could take care of their spy. The military and FBI would treat her with kid gloves, and she would tell them nothing, safe in the knowledge that American law would prevent them from doing anything more uncomfortable than talking to her sternly.

Rachel’s head dropped, and she stopped straining against the handcuffs. For a moment, everyone thought that Martin had killed her. Then she gasped loudly, and her head came up. “My nose itches,” she mumbled.

“A common side effect of the narcotic,” Martin said and looked up to find that Adam Sabritas had joined the crowd of onlookers.

Adam’s hair was a mess, and he obviously hadn’t showered in days. He started to wave a sheet of paper at Martin, but then stopped when he saw Rachel.

Nathan turned to Martha as Rachel’s head lolled again. “See if you can find a cardiac monitor. I don’t want her to die on us.” “I’m not sure you should be doing this,” Martha whispered quietly.