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Oliver’s face softened and he approached Mohammed. The terrorist saw Oliver advancing and freed his weapon. Without warning or hesitation, he fired. Bullets tore into Oliver’s chest and shoulders; it was like being hit by a sledgehammer covered in velvet. People were frantically crawling and diving for shelter as the cop shot the priest over and over again.

Mohammed’s partner watched the man he had known as John Curry fire his weapon into the unarmed priest. He drew his.45 for the first time in his career, and after a moment of indecision, aimed it at his partner. “Put it down, John!”

Mohammed saw the gun and calmly resighted his aim at a real New York City cop. They both fired at the same time, and both had aimed well. The two cops hit the ground a moment after Oliver.

* * *

“So we’re down one terrorist, and light one priest,” the president said to Kyle Stanley. “Are they going to make it?”

“The patrolman’s fine. Bullet hit him smack in the forehead and ricocheted off. He’s going to have a hard time living that one down. The priest was shot several times at pointblank range. It’s a miracle they got him to the hospital alive.” Stanley didn’t want to add that the ER doc had already told him that Oliver’s wounds were far beyond repair, and that it was simply a matter of time. He had already been given the last rites. Stanley wanted to give him a medal.

“If he survives, he’s going to be one helluva security risk. That is, if we survive.” The president hadn’t meant it as a joke, and no one laughed.

“We have approximately twenty-four hours left and four more terrorists still out there.” Stanley had already told the president that four of Neser’s matches had indeed been part of the eleven, and that the rest had been found using the “missing” list. “But we are out of leads.”

“What kind of damage can four of these bastards do?”

The secretary of health and human services was better prepared than this morning. “We’ve made a number of assumptions, but worst-case scenario is 128 million dead. Best case scenario is seventy-seven million.”

“That doesn’t make sense. You told me we could treat this thing!” The president was shocked and angry. The secretary had called him two hours earlier and proudly exclaimed that one man had survived with standard medical treatment.

“We have medical resources for only about two million people. They will survive, but once the supplies are gone, people are going to die.”

“Stop saying that. I’ve heard it all day,” the president snapped. “What about this paper thing? Have we looked at it from that angle?” They had recovered six of the vials, all in various stages of reformulation, along with some unusual parchment.

Stanley said, “It’s not really paper. We think that after it has been complexed with the virus, it becomes stable. Light and heat then release the virus.”

All of them had visions of an army of sanitation workers dressed in isolation suits picking up every tiny piece of paper from coast to coast. “Anything else?” the president asked.

“The survivor, the one the secretary talked with you about earlier; he’s being sent to Los Angeles to try and do the same thing that Father Oliver did in New York,” said Kyle Stanley.

“Good, maybe we’ll get lucky a second time. What about the bastard who started all of this — Klaus Reisch?”

“He seems to have disappeared. We believe that he has a vial of virus, and a vial of vaccine. He stole them from Jaime Avanti,” Stanley answered.

“So, even if by some miracle, we manage to find these other four, we’re still not out of this?”

Chapter 50

They had told Greg that Oliver was dying; only he didn’t feel like it. It hurt, it hurt like hell, but he could breathe. He could feel his heart beating. It was a little fast, but it was strong and regular. He moved his feet and hands, which seemed to work just fine. So, how was he dying? He was strapped to a board, and his head was taped to something, so all he could see was the bright light shining down on him. He tried to reach up with his hand and move it out of the way, but his arms were tied as well.

Okay, he thought, just a little nudge. He extended his mind towards the theatre light, and it swung on its rotating arm so violently that it snapped off at the joint. The aluminum and glass dome sailed across the room and exploded against the back wall. Everyone in the ER jumped, except Oliver. He was laughing through the oxygen mask. “Boy, I stink at this,” he said to himself.

Faces appeared over him. “Let me up. I’m fine.” Hands began to restrain him, and somehow his arm restraints were off him. He pushed people away and then brushed off the mask covering his face.

“I need to speak to Greg Flynn,” he repeated enough times until someone listened. Greg’s face appeared. “Please tell them to let me up. I really don’t want to hurt anyone.”

Greg began to undo the remaining restraints. “You should be dead,” he whispered.

“I should be, but I’m not. Listen carefully. Mohammed met with two other terrorists a year ago. One of them is here in New York and the other is in Boston. The local one is Michael Moore.”

“The movie guy?” Greg had his pen and pad out and began scribbling down the name.

Oliver didn’t make the connection. “No, he’s a clerk in the county welfare office. I know where he lives; it’s about ten miles from here.”

“Give me an address.”

“No, get me closer and I can take care of him. I should have been smarter with Mohammed.” Oliver sat up, and for a moment, his head swam. “Get the FBI guys to help. We don’t have much time.” He dropped to the floor, and after an unsteady moment, rose to his full five-foot-four inches. “That’s better,” he said, and with Greg’s help began to dress. “Frick and Frack are here,” he said as the agents pulled back the curtain. “Load up the car, boys, we’re going for a ride. We gotta line on terrorist number two and number three.”

Frick looked at Frack, and then at one of the flustered ER nurses. “What did you give him?”

“Never mind that,” Greg said, annoyed and relieved at the same time. “We’ve got to go, now.”

Thirty minutes later, the four of them were stuck in midtown traffic. Oliver had told the agents everything he knew about terrorist number three, and he hoped that the Boston bureau was having better luck than the one in New York.

“We can walk from here,” Oliver said impatiently and then opened the car door and slowly climbed out. He was bleeding again, but he still felt okay. “He’s leaving his apartment,” he shouted to Greg. “He knows what happened to Mohammed, and he has the virus!” Oliver tried to run down the sidewalk. Greg and the two agents abandoned the car and followed the wounded priest for nearly a mile.

“Oliver, you’re bleeding everywhere. Just tell us what he looks like, and we’ll take him.” Greg had taken his arm and tried to guide him into a storefront. For a second, Oliver resisted, and then stopped.

“Thank God,” he said in a breathless voice. “He’s coming this way, about a block down that way.” He motioned with his head, but all Greg could see was a sea of faces.

“Did you both hear that?” Greg asked Frick and Frack. They nodded as one, just as Greg had expected. “He’s got the virus with him, so be careful what you shoot.”

Oliver sat down on a step, his face pure white. Okay, so I don’t feel so good, he thought. Terrorist number two was less than a hundred feet away, and Oliver grabbed his mind.

Greg heard the scream and saw the telltale disruption in the flow of human traffic. He pulled out his now-defunct police badge and forced his way through the crowd to the stricken man. He didn’t find what he had expected. Number two was clean-shaven, mid-fifties, and obviously a woman. Oliver had missed.