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And now, his demon needed release. He needed to feel a knife in his hand as it tore through human flesh. He needed to hear that sharp intake of breath as surprise and pain flooded through his victim. He needed to feel hot blood spill over his blistered hands. Klaus closed his eyes as the madness overwhelmed him. He had to find someone and quickly, a little while more and all caution and reason would be lost. He began to run down a list of potential victims. He knew the whereabouts of at least a dozen people, all related somehow to his search for Amanda.

Or someone new? It was an exciting thought that entailed more risk. It took him a few moments of consideration to reject the idea; after weeks of idleness, he wasn’t up to his usual standards and needed the advantage of knowing his victim. But who?

“The pathologist!” Reisch said triumphantly. The dour image of Phillip Rucker filled the German’s mind; it was never very far away, particularly of late. Reisch had become irritated with Rucker’s newfound resistance. He could still overwhelm the American, as he had done the day before, but it was requiring more and more effort. He had found Phil through Greg Flynn four weeks earlier. The two had briefly met at a downtown coffee shop where they discussed the recent violence; Klaus had listened in on their conversation but quickly became fascinated with Phil. Rucker had a towering intellect but was without a doubt the most unstable mind he had ever visited. He began to follow the pathologist, and within a week, Phil had become a passion. He researched his professional works and learned his routine, and the more he learned about Phil, the more he had to know. Rucker was special in every sense of the word. He worked out like a professional athlete for seemingly no reason at all. He didn’t have any relationships, sexual or otherwise, and he rarely left his home. Yet, his brilliance was legendary. At the age of thirty-seven, he had been appointed chief coroner for Colorado Springs despite the fact that each of the other three pathologists had greater seniority. Yet no one seemed surprised or upset by his promotion. He had authored thirty professional articles in his three years as chief coroner, and not even one had a co-author. Yet he did all this with his sanity hanging by the thinnest of threads. Reisch had made a practice of fraying that thread a little more each day. No, he thought, it can’t be him. It would be much more fun to snip his thread.

There was always the priest — Reisch’s other obsession. But here again, there were reasons to allow him to live. He had been infected for more than a month now, and unlike all the others, showed no signs of dying, or evolving as Reisch had. He never really expected the priest to evolve, but then he never really expected to have to kill him, either. Like Rucker, Father John Oliver had come to the attention of Reisch through Greg Flynn. Newly retired, Flynn began spending a fair amount of time volunteering at Sacred Heart Catholic Church and working with its associate pastor, a short, stout Chicago transplant in his early sixties. Thinking that the priest could be an easy avenue to Amanda, Reisch had introduced himself to Father Oliver as a new parishioner.

“I have come ahead of my wife and son. They are still in Brighton.” Reisch used his British high-society accent. It was one of the few times he had directly engaged someone, but the risk was acceptable. The priest would not remember his visitor well, except possibly that he was very tall.

“So you’re from England. Is your wife English as well?” The priest seemed sincerely interested, which unnerved Reisch.

“Actually, she grew up in Colorado Springs and graduated from this very high school. I was supposed to look up some of her old classmates, but I have been having a bit of trouble tracking anybody down.” Reisch smiled at the cleric, hoping he would take the hint.

“Well, we are a fairly mobile society. Do you know if any of them are still members of Sacred Heart?” Oliver asked.

Reisch fumbled in his jacket for a moment and retrieved a PDA. “No, I’m afraid I do not. All I have is a list of names and old addresses. I would guess that a number of the names have changed as well. Does your parish have an online database that would be helpful?”

“We’re not nearly so organized. Was there anyone in particular you were hoping to find?”

“Yes, my wife’s closest friend was Amanda Larson. She married a young man named Michael Flynn. I think they have a son who should be school age by now.” Reisch felt the priest’s mind darken. Suspicion played around his face.

“Michael and Jacob died several years ago in a plane crash,” Oliver replied. “It was before my time, so I don’t have very many details.” His affect and demeanor had changed almost instantly with the mention of Amanda. He looked up at Reisch with open skepticism. “Tell me why you really want to find Amanda,” he said bluntly.

Reisch was surprised. The priest had seen through the subterfuge fairly quickly, and while that was somewhat remarkable, what really impressed the German was the fact that Oliver addressed the deception so directly. Most people when confronted with an obvious lie are more circumspect, less confrontational. Reisch tried to search the priest’s mind, but all he saw was Greg Flynn. Oliver had no idea where Amanda was; in fact, he had never even met Amanda. Reisch realized that he had wasted his time with this silly little man. He tried to cloud the priest’s mind and blur his memory of their encounter, but the priest, now on guard, resisted the confusion and remained focused on the tall, dark man. Reisch backed off, his mind withdrawing from Oliver’s. “I don’t mean anyone harm, Father,” he lied, then quickly grabbed the priest by the neck and exhaled strongly into his startled face. Caught off guard by the sudden and strange assault, Oliver’s guard fell, and Reisch seized control of his mind. Five minutes later, Oliver awoke in his office alone and confused. His encounter with Reisch now as fragmentary as a nightmare. He coughed violently, but it was much too late. Virus particles by the hundreds of millions had already penetrated his lungs and were invading all of his major organs.

But the priest didn’t die as Reisch had wanted, and that meant he was worthy of further study and manipulation. Maybe have him commit suicide during Sunday mass? Reisch smiled at the thought. That would be beautiful, but it would take preparation, and his need for violence was immediate. So, whose life would satisfy both his intellect and his monster? Then the perfect solution came to him.

Chapter 5

Father John Oliver walked through his dark church collecting missals. It wasn’t actually his church; it belonged to the Roman Catholic Church and the diocese of Colorado Springs. He wasn’t even its pastor, just associate pastor. For five years, that had been enough. Associate pastor was all he had ever wanted or would want. It fulfilled every spiritual need without overly burdening him with the worldly responsibilities that running a church demanded. He had earned the respite. For twenty-two of his twenty-nine years as a priest, he had been a missionary. He had brought the Word of God to some of the most remote places on earth. Like Saint Paul before him, he had laid the groundwork, sometimes literally, for churches all over the known world. His role was to get things started, and then turn the fledgling parish over to someone else. Fourteen churches carved out of deserts, jungles, and swamps bore his blood, sweat, and tears. At the age of fifty-two, he had his first heart attack. By fifty-seven, he had two more and a triple bypass. God had decided that John Oliver was needed elsewhere.

His order had sent him to help the pastor of a burgeoning parish in Colorado Springs. Oliver had never even been to Colorado and had never really been a parish priest. He arrived in the dead of winter, when the ambient temperature was eight degrees below zero, and there was a foot of new snow on the ground. Father Francis Coyle had picked him up at the airport. Father Coyle, a sixty-four-year-old Dominican, had been an academic for most of his professional life. He spoke four languages, not including Latin, and could read ancient Aramaic. He had taught philosophy at the University of Notre Dame for twenty years before asking his bishop to grant him the opportunity to put philosophy to work. Like Oliver, he had been sent to Sacred Heart as an associate pastor, and also like Oliver, when he had started, he had felt like a fish out of water.