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«Ах, вы, босота! Отпустите!»– Кричала хранительница книг и знаний, пытаясь вырваться из многочисленной хватки.

«А ну тишина!» – Неожиданно для себя вскрикнула Мора, переводя на себя внимание.

«Быстро отпустили бедную бабушку, и расселись по столам!»– Словно учитель командовала ученица.

Ребятня, испугавшись криков, и, видимо, внешности девушки выполнили её приказ.

«Что за козявки?» – Спросила сероволосая у старушки, дико махая хвостом от гнева и непонимания.

«Это детишки, которые в будущем хотят поступить в эту школу. Сейчас у них принц должен вести экскурсию по поручению отца, но он ещё не пришел, и детей оставили мне»– Опираясь на протянутую руку Астры, прохрипела уставшая библиотекарша.

«Вы садитесь, а я пока займусь этой мелкотнёй»– Шепнула десятиклассница своей старой «наставнице», усаживая её на кресло.

«Так! Вместо того, что бы крушить место, где в будущем вам ещё предстоит учиться, вы бы лучше показали себя с лучшей стороны, а не с той, с которой я вас увидела»– Прорычала девушка

Один ребёнок поднял руку.

«Что?» – Подняла одну бровь сероволосая.

«Кто вы?» – Промямлила маленькая девочка.

«Я – Астра Мора, и сейчас вы будете спокойными и ответственными ребятами, которые будут внимательно слушать то, что я им сейчас буду читать до прибытия вашего экскурсовода, который потом от меня лично получит по его башке!»– Раздражённо проговорила героиня, рыская по полкам в поисках нужной книги.

«Вы меня поняли?»– Схватив первую попавшуюся детскую книгу, спросила она.

Дети положительно покачали головой, с любопытством рассматривая новую жертву.

Запрыгнув на своё полюбившиеся место, астра начала читать под мурлыканье льва и под любопытные взоры.

«"Good morning!" – with such thoughts, the Dragon, waking up, pulled on a prickly sweater given to him by his deceased mother. Often, remembering her, hot tears flowed down his cheeks, one more than the other. As now, a salty tear flowed imperceptibly down the dragon's cheek. He quickly wiped his tears with the collar of his sweater, leaving his house and simultaneously grabbing a decrepit watering can. After locking the door, he hung the rope with the key around his neck and was about to go straight down the path, but then he abruptly looked up at the sky from a terrible noise. A million stars shone in the firmament, resembling the forgotten dreams of grown-up children. And the Milky Way, like spilled milk, reminded him of life on earth. But there was nothing unusual in the sky. Silence and peace again. The dragon did not know where he was, and how he got here, but he knew for sure that this place was safe for him until people got to him. He even gave it a name – "Dandelion town", because these fluffy plants were everywhere there. And the Dragon is still caring for them: watering and caring for them. But he needs to collect water for irrigation from a small but deep well, and with his big paws, this is very difficult. And the mood of the Dragon was so spoiled because of the cold weather. Half an hour later, he stood quietly in the middle of the trail, watering fluffy plants.

"The horizon has begun to brighten, so dawn is coming soon. It's time for me to go home," said the Dragon to the plants, looking at the yellowing border of heaven and earth. Saying goodbye, he headed down the path to his house.

Suddenly, someone's plaintive crying spread in the sky. The dragon jumped up and ran as fast as he could to the house. In his head, he was already packing his suitcases to get away, far away from trouble. When he reached the house and locked himself in, he noticed that everything had quieted down on the street, and there was no crying anymore. But he packed his suitcases just in case.

The next day, everything was quiet. A week passed in silence. Month. Year.

And now the Dragon has almost forgotten about this incident, until one sunny morning he wakes up from knocks on the door of his house. The kid quickly began to rush around the room in search of a place to hide.

"People are people! They came to kill me!" The Dragon suddenly shouted. He quickly grabbed the suitcases he had prepared and climbed out through the window. Falling on the old suitcases, he lost consciousness. Waking up, the dragon saw a smiling face in visnushki. Abruptly jumping up, he jumped aside. In front of him stood an 11-year-old girl wrapped in a green scarf. Green eyes glittered with childish excitement, and fluffy white hair fluttered in the wind. The dragon, having considered the cause of his fright, calmed down slightly, but he did not blind his vigilance.

Suddenly the girl exclaimed:

– "Hello! Who are you? Are you a dragon? A dinosaur? What's your name? Why are you in the office? Why do you need these suitcases? And where are we? Is this your house? Why are there so many Dandelions here?"

From so many questions, the Dragon's head ached.

But he answered:

"I'm a Dragon in a sweater. This "dandelion town" is my home. Did you cry?

The girl smiled and, holding out her hand, said:

"Yes, but I won't tell you why. I'm a Dandelion- that's my name. Will we be friends, a Dragon in a sweater?"– she smiled.

Smiling in response, the Dragon positively shook his head and gently shook hands with a live Dandelion.

So they became friends. Together they began to take care of the town, the girl easily collected water from a small but deep well with her small hands – this simplified the life of the Dragon. Every night they went to admire the stars, telling fairy tales about them. So several months passed. Dandelion always asked some questions. Sometimes stupid, sometimes smart, sometimes appropriate, sometimes inappropriate. And one day, watering dandelions, the girl began to talk about the earth, about cars, about people, about children, about her family: mom and dad, who told her that they found her in the wool of a lamb named Cloud. They loved her with all their soul, but they began to grow old, and the girl remained a child. As a result, they died and instead of loving parents, she saw only cold stones of tombstones. She also said that she stopped growing up after realizing that she herself would have to die – that's why she cried then.