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He stood up, thrusting the pistol inside his belt. De Blasio embraced him affectionately, in the Italian manner.

“Do you know the last time somebody had a gun on me? A long time ago, Mike, a long time. I forgot what it felt like.”

Carl called, “Mike, take it easy, will you?”

Shayne and De Blasio returned to the house arm in arm, if not yet cousins, friends. At the bar in the game room, where they had had their earlier conference, the boss patted his stomach.

“I’m going to be black and blue down here, Mike. You really jabbed me. What are you having?”

“I’ll pass this time. I’m already high as a hawk.”

“Are you?” De Blasio said dryly, and poured himself a shot of Scotch. “I hadn’t noticed. I’ve been chewing my fingernails. Did Carlo—”

“Like a pro,” Shayne said.

De Blasio looked pleased. “Maybe he told you — this blew up in our faces all of a sudden. I didn’t get a chance to work up any plans. You’re entitled to be hot about it, and there’s going to be a little gift in it for you. I knew I could count on it, with you along, if Carlo got a little excited or what not, you’d be a steadying influence. He’s a good sound boy, and with a little more experience under his belt…”

“Nothing wrong with his attitude. We talked about it on the way in.”

“I’m glad to hear you say this, Mike. He ran into some influences when he was away at school, associations I didn’t approve of and so on, but kids have to learn from their own mistakes.”

He knocked back the Scotch, belched delicately, and sat down across from Shayne in a plastic chair upholstered in bright chintz.

“Don’t worry about bugs, we can speak freely. We’re careful on the phone, wire taps is all some of those federal people know, but I invested in an Intruder Detector, and we go over the buildings twice a week, this room daily. Is the boat clean?”

“We rinsed it out with seawater. Carl’s got some more work to do on it. The body’s down in a mile of water. Was Siracusa married?”

“That part’s all right, she knows to keep her mouth shut.”

“Now, what’s this business about Meister?”

“I want you to clear that up for me, Mike, so I can get some peace and harmony. What did you hear about Burns? I didn’t know that was out in the open yet.”

Shayne had an answer ready, but before he could get it under way, the broad-beamed youth who had been assigned to Sarah appeared hesitantly in the doorway, clearing his throat.

“I don’t like to bust in, but Carl said it was O.K. The chick over the garage? She wants to see you, says it can’t wait.”

“Tell Carlo to take care of it, I’m in the middle of something.”

“Hold on,” Shayne said. “Didn’t I see Siracusa coming out of there?”

“Well, yeah,” Skeets said. “He was in with her for I don’t know how long, like twenty minutes.”

“Doing what?”

“How should I know? Maybe he was eating her; I wouldn’t be surprised. His shirt was open when he came out.”

“What is it with this kid?” De Blasio said. “I thought she was just somebody you had along.”

“So did I,” Shayne said slowly. “But if she and Siracusa — Are you absolutely sure he was in contact with Tim Rourke?”

“We’re positive about that. There’s written evidence.”

“What I’d better do—” Shayne said, still speaking slowly. He thought a moment. “How about a short intermission?”

“If it’s really short. I can’t just sit here scratching while a bunch of haywires take over the town.”

“But you don’t want to do the wrong thing. I’ll see if I can make some connections. Siracusa. The girl. Burns.”

“You know, Mike, it’s a thought. Would a jerk like Bobby Burns show his face in Miami unless he had some kind of an in?”

“I keep remembering that bomb in the casino last night. She could have planted it. And if she’s taking Bobby’s money, maybe there’s a way you can use it. Let me work on her.”

“Then we have a deal?”

Shayne ran his hand over his face. “I’m too spaced out to talk about it now. I need a hot shower, a shave, a clean shirt, a Bromo, and some hot coffee. And answers to some questions.”

“I can provide all those. Just don’t drag it out.”

“Not to speak of sex,” Shayne said. “I’ll try to cram everything into the next half-hour.”


Skeets unlocked the door for him.

“Pay no attention if she yells,” Shayne said. “I may have to knock her around.”

The hoodlum’s tongue came out. “Man, if you need any help…”

“I can take care of it, thanks.”

After letting Shayne in, Skeets locked up again.

Sarah hurried out of the little kitchen, stopping short when she saw Shayne.

“Oh,” she said flatly. “Mike. Where have you been?”

“Around and around.”

He took her by the arms and tried to kiss her. She turned her head so his lips grazed her cheek.

“I’m scared, Mike, really and truly scared. These people are creepy. What are they going to do with us? I keep going back and forth, it’s my fault, it’s your fault, it’s nobody’s fault…”

“It’s all mine,” he said, dropping onto the sofa. “I’ve been in jams before, but never one like this. I can’t figure anything out. I couldn’t tell you my own phone number.”

“Mike, I saw you go out in a boat. I thought you were going to leave me.”

“I wouldn’t do that.”

She shook her fists at him. “What’s happened to you? You used to be able to take care of yourself. What happened to all that?”

“It seems to be gone,” he said heavily. “I keep thinking the cards have to start coming my way, but it’s one bust after another. I’m about to give up.” He mumbled, “I really am sorry.”

“For which one of us?”

“Don’t chew at me, Sarah. If I can sort things out, I know I can think of something we can bargain with.”

“What do they want with you, Mike?”

“I wish I knew.” He pressed his fingertips against his forehead over one eye. “I’ve got this lousy headache. Baby, if you want to help, come here a minute.”

She gave him a quick look before deciding there could be no connection with the similar service she had performed for Siracusa. She came around behind him, and he felt her cool fingertips.

“The dark, mean-looking one,” she said after a moment. “Siracusa? Did he say anything to you?”

“He’s been muttering to De Blasio, I don’t know about what. Right there, that’s the place. Like that. Yeah.”

He let her go on kneading his forehead for a few moments.

“They got me out of some bad trouble at the casino last night. I don’t know what got into me, outside of a couple of fifths of cognac. I used to think I was able to hold my liquor. I wish they’d tell me what they want and get it over with… You’ve got a great touch. You could go into the business.”

He drew one of her hands down and kissed the palm.

“Mike, talk to me.”

He turned his head and bit her breast through her dress. Then he came up on his knees on the sofa, his arms around her.

“Baby, get undressed.”

“Mike, I couldn’t. Not now. I’m too jittery.”

But he insisted, using his mouth and hands. When he had his mouth on hers and their tongues were together, he brought her down slowly until, with a twisting adjustment, they were lying side by side.

The gun in his belt hurt her, and he put it on the floor. She continued to object, using her shoulders and knees.

“Contribute something,” he said.

She sighed. “Oh, well.”