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"How will they make you do that?"

"They will not have to, I will want, I will want to lick my tongue deeply up his arse and feel his balls hanging down across my chin. Then I will feel the man up my arse finishing and I will scream for them to stop. I will plead with them to let me go, but they will get even rougher and wilder. One of them will lie down on the table and I will be held above him. He will stick his cock into my arse, it is already wet from the spunk of the man that has just finished in it. This cock is very thick and I will squeal as he plunges it into me. Then one of them will get on top of me and fuck my cunt, then two of them will stick their cocks into my mouth at the same time. I can hardly get them in my mouth and I will choke as they force their nobs to the back of my throat, then another will wank over me and finish so much I will hear it as it splashes all over me. Then the one in my arse will finish and the one in my cunt, then the two in my mouth will come at the same time and then they will bend me over and beat me with the cue for being such a whore. Then, as they take turns to beat me with the cue and as they call me names and abuse me and spit on me, I will finish. I will shout to them to fuck me more, beat me more, fuck my arse more, wank over me more, all the time I finish I will shout to them that they have not been able to give me enough and I will demand that they give me more. Because I want more they will beat me even harder but it will only make me scream louder. Then when they have had enough of beating me they will leave me lying on the pool table, covered in spunk and gasping for breath."

Father Thomas was silent for a few moments. Then he spoke quietly.

"Oh my child, my dear child, you are so terrible, your thoughts are so evil."

Then his face hardened and he shouted at her.

"You are such a fucking bitch!"

He stood up abruptly, pulled the heavy chain across her breasts then threw it down across her hips. She screeched.

"What else? I know there is more, what else? Tell me or be damned forever. Tell me your sinful fantasies, all of them, you fucking little bitch!"

"Oh Father I'm so terrible I've finished while I was telling you my fantasy. Oh Father, can you help me? Can you save me?"

"Tell me the rest."

"Oh Father, I want to be tied up, I want to be held captive, I want to be violated, I want to be fucked, I want to be tortured. Oh Father, save me please."

"Tell me, tell me how you want to be tied. Tell me bitch!"

"This is terrible, I never thought I could admit it, even to myself."

"Tell me, you must, tell me how."

"Oh Father, I want to be abducted, I want to be stolen in the night, I want to be ripped from my bed and taken away blindfolded and tied, I want to be bundled into the boot of a car and driven for days until I am starved and thirsty, then I want to be released into the bright daylight and tortured."

"Tell me how my child, do not spare me the details, tell me how you want to be tortured."

"When I am released from the car boot I want to be dazzled by the sun, it will take me ages until my eyes adjust, but as soon as they get used to the light I will be knocked unconscious and thrown back into the car boot. The next thing I know I will be having water thrown over my face and I will be in a hot foreign land, I will not know how long it has been since I was kidnapped and I will be terrified. I will be starved for a few more days and then released into a compound, a dusty pen where animals are corralled and branded. Everyone there will be black, they will lean over the side of the corral and prod me with long spears. I will run around in the dust terrified of what they are going to do to me, then I will fall in the dust exhausted but they will keep prodding me until I get up and run again."

"What are they going to do to you?"

"That's it, I don't know, I'm so afraid of what might happen to me, I'm not sure I will even live through it, but at the same time I'm excited because I've no idea of what they are going to do. I feel so humiliated running around the compound, so dirty, my clothes are in tatters and my feet are cut and bleeding and they taunt me as I run around the ring, I just feel so terrified. Then one of the men leaps down from the side of the corral, he has a large dog on a heavy chain and the dog bares its teeth at me. The man uses the dog to drive me towards the edge of the ring and as I back up in fear I am grabbed from behind by two of the men. All the rest cheer as I am caught, then the two men jump over the fence, drag me to the ground and roll me over face down."

"Do you still feel afraid of what will happen?"

"Yes, oh yes, terrified. One of the men sits on my back and the breath is knocked out of me. I choke in the dust and the dog barks and growls in front of me. Then I hear more cheering and shouting and I feel something hot going past me. I turn to see what it is but someone hits the back of my head and forces my face deeper into the dust. I choke some more and cough to try and get breath but I feel as though I am suffocating. Then I hear men gathering around me and, as I pull my face out of the dust, I can see their feet dancing up and down as they shout and chant at what is happening."

"What is happening? Do you know yet what they are going to do to you?"

"No, I still don't know. Then I feel hands around my bottom and then I feel my skirt being torn off. It rips and is flung down into the dust, then, I hear the men cheer loudly as my panties are grabbed, torn down and pulled off over my feet. Then I feel the heat again and I sweat with fear and struggle for all I'm worth but still they will not let me go. My eyes fill with dust and I feel as though I am being buried, I choke terribly, then…"

"Yes, then, then what?"

"Then I feel it. Oh, it's so terrible Father, I can't explain it."

"You must, you must."

"It seers me, on my bottom, the heat is awful, they're branding me Father! Oh Father, they're branding me with a red-hot iron. The men cheer and, as the iron sizzles against my bottom, I feel the terrible scorching pain and I hear my skin burning, and Father, I can smell it! I shriek and scream and howl and screech so loudly. I just can't bear the pain and I think I'm going to die. Then it's over, the pain subsides and I'm lifted to my feet. One of the men ties a rope around my neck, all the others gather around and I'm led away from the corral towards a railway engine. It's a steam engine and it's roaring with smoke and noise. I'm dragged up to it and the heat that comes from it is unbearable. I feel faint but the man with the rope around my neck keeps tugging at it and when my legs crumple he pulls harder and makes me stand up straight. He says that now I'm a slave, that I have been branded, I will have to do everything that I'm told."

"Yes, yes, what does he do with you?"

"He takes me right up to the locomotive, steam gushes out and burns my legs and I try to pull back but he is too strong, he drags me to one of the wheels. Some of the other men gather around me and tie me to a wheel, a huge steel wheel that's all hot and greasy, they tie my wrists and legs so that I am spread-eagled against it. I can feel the spokes cutting into my breasts, then the engine sounds it's whistle and steam belches from beneath it, it surges between my legs, wetting my skin with its scorching heat and I scream in horror."

"What next? What next?"

"Then, while the man holds tight to the rope around my neck the others come up behind me. My bottom is still burning from the branding and one of them smacks it hard, the pain is almost unbearable, the pain of the smack on top of the burning of my branded skin is just terrible. Then they all take it in turn to smack me. It seems to go on for ages and all the while the man with the rope keeps it taut and my neck is strained so tightly that when he tugs it I choke. Then the first one takes his cock out and thrusts it up my arse, I hang onto the iron spokes of the wheel and feel him thrusting me deeply, I feel totally filled up. My neck it nearly throttled as he comes and the man with the rope squeals with delight. Then another, this time up my cunt, then another, in my cunt again, then another, first up my cunt and then up my arse. The steam from the engine bursts out against my legs and scolds me and they keep fucking me, sometimes in my cunt, sometimes up my arse, sometimes they go from one to the other, I feel completely humiliated and overcome with pain."