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"Do you feel pleasure?"

"Oh, that's what's so terrible Father. I finish every time I'm fucked. Every time! Each cock gives me a fresh orgasm, each one is better than the one before. The pain, the heat, the captivity, all blend into amazing orgasms, one after the other, I just can't stop finishing. I revel in the delight of the terrible pain and the repeated fucking, every time one of them finishes I come as well and straight away, yes straight away, I want fucking again."

"How many times are you fucked my child?"

"I can't tell, but at least fifty, maybe a hundred, whatever it is, it's not enough, I end up screaming for more and they keep coming. Only when none of them can get their cock hard do they stop but even then I still want more. I beg and plead for more, anything, fucking, smacking, I beg to be branded again, I plead to be dragged along in the dust by the rope around my neck, I beg to be splayed wide and fucked by anything, I beg for the growling dog."

"You are so evil, so evil! Is there nothing you will stop at? Tell me, is there anything else? Do you have any other secrets to confess?"

"Oh Father, I do."

"Then tell me, let me hear them all, it is the only way you can be saved. I can hardly bear it but it is my duty to listen to your filthy fantasies."

"Oh Father, Father, fucking is not enough for me. I need more than just cocks, I need more than just spunk up my cunt or up my arse, I need to suffer, more than anything Father, I need to be humiliated, I need to be treated like an animal. I think about it all the time. My mind is filled with the pleasures of defilement and degradation. I'm so evil, I know I am, but I can't stop the feelings. Like an animal, that's how I want to be, I want to growl and snap and I want to be fucked like a beast. That's what I am, I know it, I'm a beast, I want to be stripped naked, so that I am like an animal, then I can snarl and bite, then I can be kicked when I am disobedient, then I can be punished if I fail to please my master."

"What would your master ask of you?"

"Anything, there is nothing I would not do for him. I would beg him for instructions, I would plead with him for tests of my obedience, I would be a grovelling slave-beast for him, he could command me to do anything, anything."

"But don't you have any desires of your own?"

"My only desires are to please my master, to flinch when he scolds me and to twist away in pain when he kicks me for my disobedience."

"What has this master done to you then? What has he forced you to do to show your obedience?"

"He takes me to the pit, the pit is where he takes me. It is a fighting pit, other animals like me snarl and fight and draw each others blood in the pit. But when he takes me there the fighting is all over, there is blood in the sand on the floor but the other animals have gone. Some have left as victors and others have been dragged out ripped and torn to pieces by their stronger foes. When my master brings me in, men line up around the ring, they are inflamed with all the fighting that has gone on. They are chanting and jeering, they have seen much blood and many horrors and they are satiated but they know, when my master brings me in, they know that they will be even more satisfied, they know that the pleasures they have had so far will be nothing compared to what my master will force me to do for them."

"Tell me how he makes you please them."

"My master drags me in, I am naked and around my neck is a thin leather thong. He trails the other end loosely in his hand, it is very thin and the slightest pulls cuts into my skin. I have to crawl on all fours, my master will not let me stand, my hands and knees are cut and raw from all the grovelling I do for my master but still I have to crawl. The men around the ring cheer loudly and when my master snatches the leather thong and drags me to heel, the men roar again wildly. My master makes me sit like a dog, and I crouch down on my knees and hold my hands like paws just below my breasts. I look up at the frenzied faces of the men around the pit and they throw scraps of food down in front of me but, even though I am starved because I rarely get fed, I am not allowed to pick them up. The men laugh at me and spit down onto me, then my master lets go of the thong and commands me to sit obediently while he goes to the side of the ring. The men taunt me as much as they can but still I sit obediently, waiting for my master's return. When he comes back he is carrying a leather saddle and the men cheer loudly because they know what is going to happen to me."

"Are you excited?"

"My cunt is dribbling Father. I want it licked but I dare not move. Then my master grabs the thong again and pulls it hard, I know this is the order to get up onto all fours again. I whine like a sick dog as the thong cuts into my neck and the men go quiet as they watch intently. Then my master throws the saddle across my back, I slump under the weight of it and I gasp for breath and the men all cheer as they see me flinching. My master ties the girth around my waist, he pulls it so tight I can hardly breathe, then he picks up the bridle and drops it over my head, I open my mouth and wait, then my master pulls the metal bit between my teeth. It clanks against them and he tugs the leash around my neck which is my order to bite down onto the bit, I bite it hard. "Then my master jumps up onto my back, I can hardly bear his weight but I arch my back to take the strain. Then he pulls on the bit and drives me around the outside edges of the pit, he rides me in front of the jeering men and they throw things at me and spit down onto me. When my master wants me to move he whips me across my buttocks with a leather whip and he makes me go faster by whipping me harder. He rides me wildly and whips me harshly and I bite the bit harder to stave off the pain. Then my master pulls back hard on the bit and backs me up to some of the men. He pulls me back so that my buttocks are presented to them, then he pulls harder so that the bit digs into the sides of my mouth and this is the order to stop. Then, as he sits astride me, the first man comes up behind me and sticks his cock into my arse. I can't scream because of the bit between my teeth, and the man fucks me madly as my master jumps up and down on the saddle that weighs so heavily on my back. When the first man is finished my master drives me to the next, and the next, and the next, until I have been fucked up the arse by all of them. Then all the men come down into the pit and take turns at whipping my bottom and licking my arse and my cunt, then, when they have all enjoyed me as much as they want, my master rides me out of the pit and ties me tightly in a stable where I stay until the next time.

"I wait all night, growling in the stable, then the next morning my master comes again, this time he brings with him a -"


"But that's not all Father."

"Enough of your filth!"

"But Father, I need to tell you all the other things. I need to tell you about how I want to be pierced: through my nipples, my nose, my clitoris. Oh yes, I want to be pierced painfully through my clitoris, then I want a chain tied through the ring and I want to be dragged around by it, dragged and pulled and punished and violated. Oh, and there's so much more Father, I want to be chased through the night by men and dogs, I want to feel the fear of being captured as the dogs bay and snarl at my heels, then I want to be caught and violated and tied to a stake and have flames lapping round my feet, and then, oh Father, I can hardly say it, and then I want -"

"Enough I said! You need cleansing of your fantasies, I cannot bear to hear any more of your evil, you must go for training straight away, you filthy little bitch! You evil little whore! Caleb!"