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Caleb sprang out of the shadows of the dungeon.

"Take her from the rack and throw her in her cell, make sure you tie her tight though, she is very evil and will need much training before she is saved."

Caleb jumped up to the wheel of the rack and released the tension, Maria slumped limply, then he untied her and dragged her away down the tunnel. He pulled her along roughly until they came to an iron grating door, he reached up to the heavy handle and swung the door open.

"In slave-bitch! Quickly! Quickly! Quickly!"

He prodded at her with his staff and she tumbled into the dark cell. She could hardly see anything and she was so exhausted that she let Caleb do what he wanted. He put her wrists in some steel manacles that hung from the wall and then manacled her legs to a solid steel bar, her legs were forced wide and the bar was almost too heavy for her to lift. When he had finished, he jumped back and eyed her with satisfaction.

"Naughty girl! Naughty girl! Naughty girl!" he jeered, then he sprang round and ran off up the tunnel, leaving her alone, naked and tightly manacled in the dark cell.


Gradually, Maria's eyes got used to the dark. She peered around the cell. The opposite wall was draped with a heavy white curtain and there seemed to be something underneath it, it looked like the outline of a person! She shivered, then looked to her side and saw that she was not alone, there was another woman hanging in chains beside her, it was the girl with the tattered clothes that had her name branded across her buttocks, it was Barbara!

Maria turned painfully in her shackles and looked at the limp figure. She was very beautiful, her arms were stretched up high and her hands lay crookedly in the metal rings that secured her, her face was dropped and her long, dark hair fell in swirls around it but Maria could still see her full red lips and high cheekbones standing out in the murky darkness of the cell.

"Are you awake?"

Barbara did not respond.

"Is your name Barbara? Are you awake?"

Barbara stirred slightly then slowly lifted her head, the opened her large, dark eyes.

"Yes, I'm awake. You're the new girl aren't you? I saw you earlier when they strapped you to the rack, and I think it was you I saw in the confession box."

"Yes, yes it was, I remember your face, my name's Maria. How long have you been here?"

"A long time. I'm fully trained now, I am one of their fully trained slaves."

"I have come here to be saved from my sins, I hope to be made better, I hope to be cleansed, I've been so bad, so terribly bad."

Barbara lifted her head higher and looked at Maria inquisitively.

"Don't you know what's going to happen to you?"

"Not really, except I'm going to be saved."

"I don't know about being saved, but you are certainly going to be sold! That's what happens to us all in the end, we are all sold."


"We all get sold as slaves. It'll be you and me next. It's that bitch Lesley who arranges it all, the 'Mistress Lesley' they call her. She arranges it all, she's down at the docks now, that's where we'll be shipped out from. That's where all the others went and I expect we'll follow soon."

Maria did not know what to say. She could hardly believe it. Then Barbara looked closely into her eyes.

"You're beautiful," she said. Then her dark eyes darted towards the cell door. "Quiet, someone's coming, don't let them catch us talking, quiet, we can try and talk later."

The heavy door creaked open and Father Thomas came in. Barbara dropped her head as he strode straight past her and went up to Maria.

"Oh my child, things are looking very bad for you. These terrible fantasies, these awful thoughts, and I know there are even more terrible things that you have not yet admitted. You are so evil, so bad and dirty, we have to act quickly. I must introduce you to the punishment regime now, before it is too late, we must not lose any time, your salvation is at stake. We must train you to control your terrible fantasies. Caleb! Undo her manacles we shall begin her training now."

Caleb sprung in through the door and, in one bound, jumped up and clung to the shackles at Maria's wrists. He undid them with a large key and, as her arms fell to her sides, he leapt down and grabbed her hair tightly. She yelled in pain as he dragged her down onto the floor and pulled her on her back to the middle of the cell. He let go of her hair and she dropped heavily on her back, her legs splayed wide with the iron bar that braced them apart.

"Your road to redemption is absolute obedience," said Father Thomas. "You must never question your orders, you must be a submissive and humiliated slave, only then can you hope to be saved. What are you?"

Maria did not answer.

"I said, what are you, bitch?"

"Please Father, a slave."

"Again, you fucking bitch, what are you?"

"A slave Father. I am a slave."

"What do slaves do?"

"They, they, they do what they are ordered Father."

"Good, yes, they do exactly what they are ordered. Now kneel before me and we will begin."

Maria struggled to get to her knees but the heavy iron bar made it almost impossible and she fell clumsily to one side.

"Quickly slave, to your knees! That is an order!"

She twisted and turned and in the end managed to crouch in front of him.

"Good, a little reward I think, so that you know when you have done well. Caleb! Show her our warrior. Just the sight of him will make you wet with desire, my child, and when you see what he has to offer I am sure we will see just how much you are prepared to suffer to turn that desire into pleasure. Caleb!"

Caleb bounded to the other side of the cell, reached up as far as he could and pulled at the heavy white sheet, tugging it hard until it peeled away from the wall. It revealed a huge and heavily muscled black man chained tightly to the wall. His vast arms were splayed out wide and his wrists were secured by heavy chains to large iron hooks. His neck was pulled tightly by the links of a shiny metal chain and another chain pulled his forehead back against the wall. He had a wide leather gag pulled painfully across his mouth and his legs were strained apart by a wooden beam that was strapped to his ankles with leather thongs and bolted to the wall.

There was a black leather belt buckled around his waist but otherwise his body was completely naked. Hanging from his groin was the biggest cock Maria had ever seen, it was so thick and long and as it stretched down flaccidly its uncovered glans swung heavily against the middle of his hugely muscled thighs. Maria gasped as she saw him, she was shocked by his mightiness and the way that he was restrained and she was overawed by the size of his massive, pendulous cock.

"What do you think of our black warrior my child?"

Maria kept silent.

"Big cock eh? Bigger than you have ever had I warrant. Bigger than she has ever had I bet, eh Caleb? Enough to satisfy that wanton cunt I think, even a cunt like hers, dripping and hot and ready to be filled. Yes, I think she should get some pleasure from our black friend eh? Check that he is secure Caleb, the last time we used him he wriggled like a panther and broke his chains and I do not want him to break free again."

The whites of the warrior's eyes flashed from side to side as Caleb jumped around him, pulling at his chains and bonds and wrenching and tugging at his shackles. When he had tested them all several times, he jumped back satisfied.

"All secure! All secure! Ready for cunt! Ready for cunt!"

"Do you like him, bitch? Yes? I think you do. Yes? Stuck for words eh? Well, let's see how much you really like him, shall we?"

Maria moved slightly as if to get up and Father Thomas was enraged.

"Down bitch! Stay down! Do not dare move until I instruct you! What did I tell you. Complete obedience! Fucking bitch! I will not warn you again. Hang your head! Down bitch! That will be your last warning!"