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Maria quickly crouched down again, shivering with fear and panting quickly as she fought unsuccessfully to keep herself calm.

"Ah, but of course, as you know, with every pleasure there is pain. You think you have had pain? Yes, it is true you have had some, you have been caned, you have been whipped, you have been fucked and racked, you have been shaved and chained and you have tasted the pleasures of humiliation. You have learned that if you get things wrong, if you are disobedient, then you have to be punished. But to think you have experienced real pain, to imagine that you have been truly punished already, that is a mistake. No, my child, you have not even tasted true punishment. See how the warrior waits for you? He is eager I assure you, even though that massive cock dangles down his legs he is still eager, he is always eager for a young cunt. And you? Ah yes, I can see you are eager too. But how eager I wonder? How much are you prepared to suffer in order to please the soft flesh of that warm cunt of yours? Ah, my child, we shall soon see whether it is pleasure or pain that satisfies you most. We shall soon see whether the pleasures of your cunt are stronger than the pleasures of the flail across your back. Caleb! Rouse our warrior."

Caleb stabbed the point of his staff into the warrior's muscular chest. His eyes widened in pain as he stiffened against his bonds and gurgled deeply in his throat as he tried to throw his head from side to side like a terrified savage.

"Rouse him I say!"

Caleb reached forward and stroked the huge cock that hung down between the warrior's powerful thighs and straight away, it began to stiffen and rise. Maria lifted her head slightly, being careful not to let Father Thomas see her move, and watched the growing cock as it hardened readily beneath Caleb's stubby fingers, gradually filling and swelling and growing even longer. To begin with it reached down and began to throb then, as Caleb pulled more firmly at the shaft, it began to stand upwards.

It was massive!

Caleb could not get his fingers around it and as it grew he used both hands to pull the loose black skin along the hardening shaft. The glans became swollen and reached upwards, drawing its weighty length after it. Finally, Caleb let go and stood back. The black cock was at full length, its veins standing out roughly along its shaft as it throbbed and pulsated.

"What a fine sight. Does that make your cunt wet my child? Does that stir your young juices. Just think of it, just think of that massive shaft running inside you, just imagine its hardened veins pulling at the soft flesh of your vagina, just think. Caleb! Get her ready! We shall soon see whether it is her eagerness for pain or her desire for pleasure that takes control. Get her ready!"

Caleb pranced around Maria.

"Bow your head! Bow your head! Bow your pretty, pretty head!"

Maria did not dare move and waited, trembling with fear, until she felt Caleb slipping a thin leather leash over her head. He pulled it down around her throat then, after tightening it in a noose, he stood back trailing the loose end in his hand. She felt like a dog on a lead as he tugged at it roughly and she looked from side to side as she crouched on her knees. Then he threw the end up over a steel bar that stretched across the ceiling of the cell above the warrior and caught it again as it dropped down on the other side. He tugged it hard and Maria gulped as it tightened and nearly choked her. He pulled it harder through the ring and, as her head tilted sideways under the pressure, she started to cough and gasp for breath.

"Ah, good. You can feel it then, good and tight and ready to draw around your lovely throat if you should resist. Good, good, you can move now my child. I said you can move! Move! That is right! Get up! Stand! Stand in your shackles bitch and go over to our beautiful warrior. See, his cock is throbbing with desire for you, it wants to be inside you, it wants to thrust inside your soft cunt, see how it wants you. Ah, but it is not that easy. You must get up, get up onto the warrior, climb up our muscular friend my child, but be careful, do not touch that throbbing cock, do not dare touch that wonderful, throbbing cock. I warn you, climb up his muscular body but do not dare touch that thing which you desire so much. Ah yes, I can tell how much you want it, I can see the lust in your eyes, but beware, you touch it at your peril."

Maria stood in front of the black warrior. Her neck was bent by the strain of the leash and she stumbled as she tried to balance herself with the iron bar shackled between her ankles.

"At your peril," repeated Father Thomas.

Maria turned to look at him and shrunk back as she saw what was dangling from his hand. I was a wide, black leather whip, solid and stiff for half its length, the rest of it shredded and pulled out into a tangle of split and broken ends.

"At your peril," he said again as he smacked the terrible whip against his side and caused the flailing ends to bend keenly in tangles around his robe covered thigh.


Maria shrunk back and, unable to balance because of the bar between her ankles, fell forward, stretching her hands out to save herself and pressing them against the hard stomach muscles of the black warrior. She had barely glanced the warm oily skin before she shrieked with pain.


The whip smacked loudly against her back. She recoiled in fear and pain and almost fell over backwards but managed to regain her balance and stood quivering in her shackles.

"Oh please Father. Please."

"At your peril! Now climb up onto him and keep away from that throbbing cock, no matter how much you want to grab it, keep away!"

Maria hardly knew what to do, she was shaking all over. She tried to lift one of her feet but it was impossible, the shackles around her ankles dug into her skin terribly, she was petrified and confused, she felt so humiliated.


Another searing blow on her back. The whip slashed down right between her shoulder blades and she screamed loudly. She tried again to lift her foot but could not, then she reached forward and put her hands on the warrior's shoulders. His wide eyes stared at her and he looked savage and fearful. His mouth was pulled horribly by the leather gag and as he tried to move his head his eyes widened more with pain. His shoulders felt warm and oily and she started to pull herself up his rigid body but as she moved higher she felt Caleb pulling up the slack of the leash. It tightened around her neck and she drew herself up more to ease its tension. She pulled hard with her hands to get a little higher, but the weight of the bar between her legs was too much.


A terrible blow came down across her back and she fell to the floor. She started to scream but no sound came out. She tried again but still nothing, she was being throttled, Caleb had not slackened the leash and she could not breathe. She was panicking, she wanted to beg to be released but she could not even gasp.

"Oh my child, you cannot go back again. Did you not realise that? There is only one way to go, higher, higher, up the body of the black warrior, there is no going back. Caleb will not slacken the leash now, you have made some ground and you must make more, there is no way back. Get up! Get up!"

Maria realised her plight. She felt a terrible desperation and scrambled frantically back up again, this time grasping the warrior's shoulders tightly with her fingers and digging her nails in deeply. For a moment she felt the tightness at her neck ease slightly, but she also felt the touch of the huge black cock against her stomach and realised she had not been careful enough to keep away from it.


Another terrible blow, this time lower down her back. The force of it knocked her forward and the cock pressed harder against her, she felt its heat and its pulsating massiveness. A thrill went through her, she could not stop it, just one touch of that massive cock sent a shiver of ecstasy through her, but at the same time she knew she would have to suffer, even for that single moment of pleasure.