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She gurgled and blubbered and still could not speak, then he lifted her off and the expended cock came out of her but her anus stayed open and dilated.

Kirk dropped Maria down heavily on the stone floor of the cell, she lay on her back, panting and gasping for breath. Then, as if in a fit, she started screaming again. She twisted and turned and beat her heels on the floor, she howled like a wolf and dribbled and spat from her mouth, then, with a terrific bang, the cell door opened and Caleb rushed in brandishing his staff.

Caleb stood over Maria and pointed his staff at her stomach. She went quiet, then Father Thomas rushed in behind him, flushed with anger, and Kirk shrunk back against the wall.

"Caleb! We have no time to deal with this. The Mistress Lesley has ordered us to send six slaves to her tomorrow so we had better get going. Send the branded one to make up the numbers, the other one, our sinful child Maria, obviously needs more training, much more training. For the moment, release their legs and take them both to the holding cell."

He turned to Kirk who was now shaking with fear.

"And you, Kirk, you fucking fool, will you never learn to behave yourself? You can stay and keep the warrior company for a few days, perhaps that will give you time to learn some self-control. Fucking fool!"

Kirk shuffled back along the wall and hung his head in shame. His golden hair dropped loosely across his face and his wide mouth tightened. Maria glanced at him meekly, but she looked down as she caught his angry gaze. Then Caleb dropped his staff on the floor, took a key from his trouser pocket, jumped between Maria's legs and started to unlock her shackles. He pulled at them roughly and she twisted her body and tried to resist.

In a way she did not want the shackles removed, she did not want to be freed. The more she wriggled the harder he pulled and, when she let out a shriek, he turned and slapped her hard across the face. She looked at him hard then shrieked again, then she leant up onto her elbows, still staring at him, and shrieked harder. He slapped her again and again she shrieked, then he slapped her several times across the cheeks and, although her head was knocked from side to side, still she kept shrieking.

In the end, he drew a dirty handkerchief from his pocket, pulled it tightly across her open mouth and tied it behind her head. She still tried to scream but the only sound that came out was the wild rush of air through her flared nostrils. Then he went back to the shackles, undid them and in one action, lifted them up and threw them into a corner of the cell.

Then he jumped across to Barbara and released her as well. This time he threw the shackles across the room angrily and they crashed against the wall above Kirk's head.

Maria and Barbara struggled to their feet and shrunk back in fear as Caleb picked up his staff and prodded at them both until they moved out of the cell and into the dark tunnel outside. He forced them forward into the darkness and soon they reached a very small door set low down into the tunnel.

"In there! In there! Dark little hole! Dark little hole!" he shouted.

They bent down, crawled inside and the door slammed shut behind them.


Maria and Barbara lay with their arms wrapped around each other on the stone floor of the tiny low-roofed cell. Maria nuzzled her gagged mouth into Barbara's neck as they both shivered in the cold dampness.

Maria clung tightly to Barbara. She did not want to let her go, she felt as if she had found a friend and was afraid of losing her before she could even get to know her. Some tears fell down her stretched cheeks and she nuzzled even closer into Barbara's neck. She wanted to kiss her and lap her tongue around Barbara's face while Barbara's lips pressed softly against her skin, but because of the handkerchief gagging her mouth, she could only press herself closer and breathe on her through her nostrils.

Suddenly Maria's eyes widened as she started to think about how disgusting she had been with the black warrior. Her sinfulness seemed to have completely overtaken her, she must surely be beyond salvation. Then she remembered what Father Thomas had said about being trained and she felt a sense of relief to think that at least she was still on the path to redemption, that no matter how evil she was, there would still be more chances to beg him to hear her confessions. But she wanted to be taken straight away, she wanted to be punished and cleansed now. How could she last the night out in the sensual comfort of Barbara's arms when things seemed to be getting worse and worse? How could she wait when her wickedness was increasing with every hour? She thought of her craven desires and the pain she had felt when she had the black warrior's cock up her arse. Just the thought of it made her tingle.

She wanted to whip herself for having such feelings, but that only increased her feelings of pleasure. Everything was all mixed up together. She shuddered as she imagined that no punishment, no matter how severe, could cure her of her wickedness, because every punishment she received increased her desire for the pleasure of more pain. Gradually she sank into a dazed sleep.

She was woken by the sound of scurrying in the tunnel outside, her face was buried deeply into Barbara's hair and she inhaled its sweetness deeply through her nostrils, then drew away and waited anxiously.

"Off we go! Off we go!" chanted Caleb as he unbolted the small door to their cell.

He leaned in, grabbed Barbara's ankles and hauled her out roughly. She trailed her arms longingly towards Maria as she was dragged out of the door and into the darkness. Maria wished so much that she could say something to her, but it was hopeless, the door slammed shut and everything went silent again.

A few hours later Maria sat up suddenly as the cell door was flung open noisily. Caleb reached in and started to drag her out by the ankles, her face scraped against the stone floor as he pulled her out savagely. She looked up at him and breathed hard through her nostrils as he slipped a slender rope around her ankles, pulled it over his shoulder and hauled her like a heavy sack along the dark tunnel. The stone floor became increasingly wet, then muddy, and when Caleb released the rope and Maria fell in a heap, she was lying in sloppy red mud. She looked around and saw light coming in through a heavy iron grill, she was in the muddy hole that she had seen the workmen in!

A wave of fear passed over her as the memories of her past flooded into her mind. She shivered and tried to wipe the mud from her eyes but Caleb prodded her hard with his staff, then she heard footsteps.

"Ah, my child," said Father Thomas. "Your road to redemption is going to be a long and tortuous one. You are even more sinful than I thought. Perhaps there is hope, but you need to have your fantasies drawn from you, they must be expelled before you can be saved, they must be released by rigorous training. I have decided that a visit to the Brothers may cleanse you of your dirtiness, perhaps they will help expose the full extent of your sinfulness. I will come with you so that I can watch you and hear your confession when you are ready. Perhaps you can begin reflecting on your sins while we wait?"

Maria lay in the mud and stared up through the iron grill. Caleb waited by her side, occasionally poking her for amusement. Maria turned and looked at Father Thomas. She wanted to plead with him to hear her sins now, she still needed to confess so much. She wanted to throw herself at his knees and beg him to lead her out of her evil ways, but he just stared at her impassively and she realised from his look that he had done all he could for the moment. She was too sinful for him to deal with without further help. She looked at him again, but he turned away.

A van drew up outside and two men dressed in robes came over to the grill. Caleb pranced around excitedly as they climbed down into the muddy hole.

"Do not worry, my little servant, you will see her again soon." Father Thomas turned to the men. "Total obedience! That's what we must have, and Mistress Lesley wants her ready in a couple of days. I have told you what she has said, we must work the evil out of her and make her ready, but I warn you, her desires are very powerful."