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A tall Brother came forward.

"We will tell you how to be fucked, bitch! You must only do what we say!"

A surge of panic ran through her.

"Yes, Brother," she said meekly.

"This one is going to fuck you hard. He is not going be gentle, he is going to plunge his hard cock inside you and fuck you until he comes. Is that alright bitch? What did you say?"

"Yes, Brother."

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, he will fuck me hard until he comes."


The cock plunged straight into her cunt, driving itself deep into her vagina in one sudden thrust. Maria yelled as she felt its thick base forcing the lips of her cunt wide apart. Then it drew back slightly but quickly thrust again and immediately spurted a hot stream of semen deeply inside her. As he drew it out the semen trailed from the end of his cock and dribbled stickily down the insides of her thighs.

"Who's next my Brothers?"

Another came forward and Maria was spread even wider. The Brother lifted his robe and held his hard cock in front of her open cunt, squeezing it tightly until the swollen purple glans spread out wide at the sides.

"Open up for the next one bitch!"

He rammed it in and she gasped. The edges of his flared glans squashed hard against her inner labia as it plunged deeply inside her. She felt her vagina pulled by its edges as he thrust her rapidly, then another spurt of semen and he drew it out, dripping the remnants of his orgasm across her legs.

"More bitch?"

She did not speak.

"I said, more bitch?"

"Yes, Brother, yes, more."

"Give the bitch some more! The dirty slut wants more! Give it to her my Brothers!"

Another approached and rammed his cock into her. He finished quickly and, while he was still wiping the sticky end against her legs, another pushed him aside and stuck a massive erection in. Maria yelled because it was so big. This time, when it began to surge with spunk, the Brother drew it out and let it spurt across her stomach, where it ran in hot floods and completely soaked her.

The next was inside. She felt her clitoris standing out and rubbing against the veins on the cock as it thrust at her. She yelled again but this time she was yelling for more, she wanted more fucking.

"More! More!" she shouted.

Every time she demanded more another cock plunged into her widespread cunt. She strained her arms and legs as they were held fast, and she stretched her fingers wide and as each cock thrust inside her, and as the semen ran hotly into the depths of her vagina, she shouted louder and more frantically.

"Give me more! Another dick! Stick it in!"

She heard her words and they inflamed her. She stretched her fingers wider and felt the blood pounding through her wrists as they were pinned to the top of the table.

"Here, here, in my hands! I want dicks in my hands."

Then she felt the hot stiffness of a cock drop across her outstretched fingers and she grabbed it, then the other hand was filled and, as she screamed with pleasure, she pulled at her wrists and her ankles and raised her pelvis high to receive the next one.

"In my mouth! In my mouth! Deep in my mouth. More!"

Her mouth was filled and she sucked wildly at the throbbing cock that was thrust in.

"More! Another. Fuck me! Fuck me! I want more to suck! Give me another!"

Another cock squeezed into her mouth and her lips were forced wide under the pressure, she sucked them both and wanked the ones in her hands, and all the time she was fucked by cock after cock. Her body lurched and strained and she felt the desperate heat of pleasure as it surged through her limbs and streamed over her flesh. She could not get enough, she choked as she tried to shout for more and another cock finished in her face. She wanted her arse filled and she wanted beating while she held onto the cocks in her hands, she wanted to feel the deep fucking inside her cunt, she wanted so much more and they were not satisfying her. She struggled and sucked and fucked as madly as she could and orgasms spilled through her like ravaging torrents but still she had not had enough.

Then, for a moment, her mouth was open and not filled and she yelled and screamed at them for more, then it was filled again and she choked as one of them ran deeply down her throat, she spit it out and screamed for more but her words were lost to her howls and screams.

Then there was a strange silence, the Brothers had fucked her enough. Maria lay, unrestrained, on the trestle, still spread out and covered with sticky semen. It ran across her thighs, over her stomach and breasts, covered her face, ran from her mouth and dripped in sticky strands from her hair. As she panted and growled, her pelvis kept thrusting out for more and the heat in her cunt was still unsatisfied.

Then she heard Father Thomas calling her over. His voice sounded gentle and forgiving and she went and crouched before him. He rested his hands on her wet hair and sighed heavily.

"Oh my child. I wonder if you can ever be saved? Your fantasies are so terrible and your desires are so strong. Even living your fantasies does not seem to satisfy you. Oh, my child, will I ever be able to absolve you?"

He patted her head and she dropped her head in despair, then she lay down and curled up like a faithful dog at his feet with her semen soaked cheeks pressed softly against his black leather shoes. Occasionally, she pushed her tongue out between her lips and licked it across the shiny leather and when she lifted her face to get more comfortable, the lace-holes left an impression on her smooth, wet skin.

As she dreamed about the fucking she had just had, she was aroused by the feeling that she had wanted so much more and, as she slipped her fingers inside the soft folds of her still dripping cunt, she wondered if Father Thomas was right.


Maria awoke to find herself lying on the floor of the dining room. When she tried to move, she found that she had been tied with a rope that led from a noose around her neck, down across her stomach, and to her ankles.

"I think the slut needs a bath!" she heard someone shouting, then she heard Father Thomas's voice, but it was no longer wistful and soft, it was angry and loud.

"We only have today Brothers. The Mistress Lesley has ordered me to deliver her in a few days and she will not take kindly to a slave who is only half-trained. Do whatever you have to, but make sure she is ready!"

Maria saw the hems of brown robes gathering around her and she was pulled to her feet. The rope tightened at her neck and she could not stand upright. The Brothers lifted her at the elbows. The strain from the rope at her ankles pulled hard at the back of her neck and her feet were lifted off the ground as they carried her away.

Brother Arnold led the way as they marched her down a long corridor. They stopped in front of a black door at the end and Brother Arnold grabbed her chin and lifted her head.

"Well, slave, we do not have long to bring you to heel, but I know we can do it. Father Thomas has told us of your evil ways, yes, all of your evil ways, we know your fantasies and your terrible deeds and we have seen your wanton craving for ourselves. But do not worry, we will lead you to salvation, we will show you how to be saved. Take her in Brothers! We know she likes to be washed, at least when she does it herself, so first let's clean the little bitch before we take her for the training she needs!"

Maria felt frozen with fear by his words but she did not have time to think about them. Before she could begin to understand what he meant, the door burst open and the Brothers carried her into a large, white, tiled room, it was hot and steamy and at its centre was a huge sunken bath.

"In the bath with her, let's get the little bitch clean!"

They dragged her across the room then threw her into the steaming water. The breath was knocked from her as she hit the surface, then, as she quickly sank to the bottom, she was confused and disorientated and, when she tried, she could not stand up because of her bonds. She swallowed some water and fought to get some breath, but she was lying face down and could only gulp hopelessly in panic. Several of the Brothers pulled off their robes and jumped in behind her, they grabbed hold of her and, just as she thought she was going to drown, they lifted her up and held her above the surface. She gasped wildly and managed to get enough breath to start screaming.