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"Please, no, no, no!"

But they took no notice of her cries and plunged her back down again. The water ran up her nose and into her mouth and again she fought desperately for breath, then they lifted her out again and she gasped once more in panicky relief.

Her frantic begging for mercy went unheeded. Two of the Brothers grabbed her ankles and held her upside down in the foaming water. Then another plunged his face between her legs and stuck his tongue deeply into her cunt. She felt it go in and wanted to cry out but she did not dare open her mouth because she knew it would fill with water and she would drown. Then they lifted her again and again she gasped and begged again for mercy.

At last she was lifted up, but a Brother grabbed her from behind. He bent her forward, forced his hands between her legs, grabbed the rope that ran from her neck and pulled it down hard. Her head was snatched forward and her face plunged into the water. She choked and bubbles burst around her gulping mouth, but he kept her face firmly under the water as he pushed his hard cock between her buttocks. The stiff shaft prized them apart and the throbbing end pressed hotly against her anus, then he relaxed his grip on the rope and she flung her head upwards for breath.

It was a short relief.

He only allowed her a single breath before he grabbed the rope and pulled her face back underneath the water. This time she was more prepared and she held her breath as he pushed the throbbing end of his cock against the tight muscular ring of her anus. She felt it giving under the pressure and the hot tip began to enter, then he released his grip on the rope and again she burst to the surface. She choked and gasped frantically as he grabbed the back of her hair and forced her ear close to his mouth.

"Slut! Arse-fucking slut! Can you feel it? Can you feel my dick?"

"Yes, yes, but -"

"Good. I know you like it, that's all I want to hear. That's all you are allowed to say. Do you hear me? That's all you are allowed to say."

"Please, what must I say?"

He plunged her head under the water again and held it there for ages until he pulled it back, then, as she came back to the surface, water burst from her mouth and she choked convulsively.

"You must only say that you want more!"

"But please, oh, please -"

He grabbed the rope and pulled her down again. This time the warm water lubricated it and his thick, hot cock slid in easily. Then he released the rope and again she burst to the surface.

"Please -"

"Not learnt yet have you? Scream for more you fucking bitch!"

He grabbed the rope again and forced his cock further inside her arse, she wanted to gasp as she felt its hardness penetrating her but she bit down on her lips to keep her mouth tight shut. Then he let her go and yet again her panic-stricken face broke into the air.

"Yes, more!"

He pushed his cock in further.

"How much more bitch?"

"Oh more! More! More! I want it deep! Please, more, more…"

He grabbed the rope again and down she went into the foaming water. He pushed his cock further in and she bit her lips even harder. The pressure in her arse was enormous and she felt the stiff rod getting higher and higher, then the rope was released.

"More! Give me more! I want more of your dick up my arse!"

He gave her more and she spluttered and choked as he grabbed the rope again and forced her head down low under the water. This time he pushed his cock in up to its base. She wanted to scream but knew she had to wait until she was released, she had to hold her breath and suffer the deep fucking until he decided to let her go. She bit down hard onto her lips but could not stop her mouth from opening, water ran in and she felt it washing around her tongue. She pulled back against the pressure of the noose around her neck, but it was too tight and cut deeply into her straining throat. As she held on, she felt her body filling with unbelievable desire. It was wanton and bestial, it felt like the desires of an animal, a wolf, a terrible, roaring beast. As the noose throttled her the animal feelings grew, they emanated from the tightness in her throat and cascaded through her body like a gigantic waterfall of sexual images.

She saw cocks and spunk, she saw cunts around her mouth, she saw dicks wanking in her face, she saw herself being flogged with a chain until she begged for mercy, and she saw herself drowning and still being fucked as she floated dead in the water. When she came to the surface she could only think of one thing.

"Give me a dick in my mouth, I must have a dick to suck. Give me more in my arse but I must have a dick!"

One of the Brothers crouched down in front of her and held his stiff cock under the water.

"You asked for it bitch!"

The rope was pulled violently, she opened her mouth wide and her face plunged under the water again. The stiff cock went straight into her mouth and plugged it completely. She sucked at it ravenously, she did not think of breathing any more, sucking was breathing, her arse was full and she sucked at the cock until she felt its head at the back of her throat. It made her want to choke but she welcomed it and pulled it in further, then she felt the hot surge of spunk up her arse, it was a huge torrent, and she forced the cock in her mouth right down. Then she choked and tried to pull her face above the water but she was being held down too tightly.

Then, as she thought she could not stand it any further, the cock in her arse swelled with its final burst of semen and the rope was released. She broke to the surface heaving and choking and, as she fought desperately to breathe again, she felt her body heating up with the pressure of an immense orgasm.

It broke and ran through her in searing, convulsive waves, her head spun giddily, for a moment she did not know if she was alive or dead, then she shuddered all over and started to scream for more.

"More sucking! More fucking! I want more! More! More! More!"

She felt the Brother behind her let go and she floated out into the water, rolling over and screeching at the top of her voice. Then her legs were grabbed and parted wide and another cock drove hard into her open cunt, she gasped for a moment and then lurched forward to draw it in. She sat onto it and felt its heat burying deep into her soft vagina. Then the noose pulled on her neck again and this time her head went backwards under the surface, her mouth filled and water ran up her nostrils. Then a cock was pushed into her mouth and then another, she grabbed them both between her lips and sucked them hard. Her ears were bursting and the frenzied bubbles exploded all around her, but this time she did not think of breathing, she just stayed down until the cocks finished together in a massive flood of semen. Then the rope was released and, even as she was sucking the last drops of spunk across her tongue, she burst to the surface.

"Fuck her, Brothers," shouted Brother Arnold. "Fuck the bitch until she can take no more!"

"Give it to me," she shouted. "I want fucking with every cock and I want to suck them all as well. More! More!"

She was rolled over in the foaming water and another stiff cock penetrated her cunt at the same time as a huge one was forced into her arse. She yelped for an instant but was dragged back choking under the surface where her mouth was filled with two more eager cocks.

Maria felt the last cock drain into her arse as the rope eased for the last time. She floated on the surface of the water, giddy and exhausted, with her legs apart and her mouth filled with sticky spunk, she felt completely dissipated, then she heard Father Thomas shouting.