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"Is there no limits to your sinfulness my child? I have watched you being ravaged, I have seen you revelling in your evil fantasies. What must I do to train you and make you ready for slavery? You are such a slut! I almost despair with you."

She pulled herself to the edge of the bath and laid her elbows over the tiled sides.

"Can you forgive me Father? Can I ever be saved?"

"Not yet my child. Brother Arnold, you know your task! This slut needs more work. Take her!"

"Oh please Father, please, what must I do? The more I suffer the more I want to suffer and the more pain I have the more desires I have. Oh Father, can I ever be saved?"

"Perhaps your suffering has not been enough. Brother Arnold! Take her!"

Brother Arnold reached down, grabbed her arms and hoisted her from the bath. Her naked body dripped as she stood on its edge and her hair stuck in wet strands across her face. Some semen dripped from the edge of her mouth and she licked it with her tongue.

"Enough, you evil bitch! Take her!"

Brother Arnold grasped her by the hair and dragged her out into the corridor. He closed the door behind him and pinned her roughly against the wall, he pressed his face close to hers, he was red with anger and she shrunk back in fear as his hot breath blew across her wet face.

"We have never failed with anyone yet bitch and we are not going to fail with you! Have no doubt slut, we will make you into a slave before you leave us. What will you be?"

He grabbed her by the throat and squeezed it tightly, she could barely speak and her eyes widened with terror.

"What will you be, bitch?"

"A slave!"

"Yes, a fucking humiliated slave. We will knock the pleasure out of you! We will make you crawl and beg. We will make you serve your masters and never think of your own pleasures again. What will you be?"

"Please, a slave. Please sir, I will be a slave, a sla -"

He yanked her by the hair and hauled her away down the dark corridor. The other Brothers followed, one of them was holding a straining mastiff on a long leather leash. It pulled at its lead and its teeth dripped with saliva. Maria cried out as the huge dog barked behind her and she felt its hot breath panting on her still wet calves as she was pulled along.

Brother Arnold lugged her roughly down some steep stairs and she stumbled and fell. The mastiff barked loudly and snarled at her as she struggled to regain her balance. She was too slow and Brother Arnold held her up off the ground by her hair and she screamed in pain.

"Good, that's what we want to hear!"

As they went down the stairs she could hear a loud rumbling sound and feel and increasing heat. By the time they reached a huge, steel door, she was sweating with the heat and the noise was almost unbearable. One of the Brothers flung open the door and Brother Arnold dragged her inside. Fluorescent lights flashed on and Maria was dazzled by their brightness.

"Open your eyes bitch! See what awaits you!"

Slowly, she opened her eyes and as she looked around she saw that she was in the boiler room. The ceiling was covered with a tangle of differently coloured hot pipes of varying thickness and in the centre stood a flamed a huge boiler. Steam billowed from joints in the pipes and valves attached to the boiler and the heat was incredible.

Brother Arnold shouted something but she could not hear him for the terrible hissing of steam, the loud roar from the burners of the boiler and the snarling and barking of the mastiff that still snapped at her calves. Then she felt hands holding her arms and dragging her forward towards the roaring boiler.

Sweat dripped from her skin as she got nearer. She felt the heat scorching her face and she tried to pull away. Fear ran through her, she was aware of her nakedness and the men's bodies around her, but any sense of pleasure had evaporated with the hot steam pouring from the huge furnace. Even the pinching of her arms as they forced her forward and the feeling of terrible captivity brought no delight.

She was overcome with terror and felt at last, amongst all the turmoil of noise and heat, that her fantasies had been removed, that her pleasures had been drawn from her and that at last she could be saved. Even as she was dragged forward towards the terrible thing she felt a sense of elation, just the thought that at last she might be saved from her terrible sinfulness gave her a new sense of hope and joy.

But as they flung her against the side of the boiler and her breasts were squashed against the asbestos coating that encased it, she screamed in pain and her excitement turned again to fear. As they pressed her hard against the boiler, she felt she could not bear it and tried to pull back, but she was held too tight. She screamed louder and heard her cries joining the wild barking of the mastiff that strained at its leash behind her.

Her hair pulled out in long wet strands as streams of sweat poured down her face. It ran down her neck and onto her flattened breasts, she felt it on the insides of her thighs and draining down to the soft flesh of her cunt, but even that gave her no joy. She screamed again in pain and fear.

Then one of the Brothers tied cords around her wrists and threw them over some of the pipes that trailed in the ceiling. Others pulled the cords up and she was hauled up onto tiptoe. Sweat ran down her arms and her armpits swilled with its hot moisture, from there it streamed down the sides of her chest, past her taut waist and into the crevice of her buttocks. The cords were pulled even tighter and she felt her toes lifted off the ground, the mastiff barked loudly and the Brother holding him strained to keep him under control.

Maria's full weight hung on the cords as she revolved in a slow, sickening spin. As she turned helplessly on her bonds she saw the group of Brothers standing near the door, Brother Arnold near the boiler with two others and the Brother with the straining mastiff on the opposite side.

The two Brothers nearest the boiler bent down and opened the fire door. She flinched as a terrific burst of heat blew out from the hot furnace, scorching her cheeks and singeing her hair. She screamed as loud as she could, she wanted to let them know that she felt no pleasure, she wanted to tell them that she was filled with fear and that she would be their slave and do only their bidding. She wanted to tell them that she no longer felt her own desires and that her only desire was to serve, to be punished and suffer humiliation at their hands, but she could only say one thing.

"Slave! Slave! Slave! Slave!"

She kept shouting it at the top of her voice, but the hissing of the escaping steam, the roaring of the blazing furnace, and the barking of the wild mastiff stifled everything. Finally, her shouting faded away completely as she spun faster on the cords and became dizzy and disorientated. The images of the room got more and more confused, she could see the drooling fangs of the barking dog and thought of how she had seen Father Thomas like that and it made her feel so guilty. She saw Brother Arnold waving his arms and shouting and she wanted to crawl at his feet and serve him in any way he commanded. She saw two Brothers probing something inside the open door of the blazing furnace, and she wanted to beg to be their servant and carry their food and wash their feet. Then she saw them pulling something out of the furnace and she wanted them to plunge her into the sea and drown her. Then the mastiff barked even louder and as he strained at his leash and snapped up at her feet her desire to serve and be humiliated overwhelmed her.

Then she felt her hips being grabbed and the spinning stopped. She could not see anything for a few seconds, everything was still spinning, but, as she became less dizzy and her eyes became less blurred, she saw that the two Brothers were holding two long rods of metal the ends of which were red from being held in the furnace. The mastiff barked uncontrollably and she felt fingernails digging into her hips, but she had no strength or desire to pull away. The hot rods came closer and she could see the Brothers leering at her as they approached.