Say what?
The hammer!
“You may not accept today but it indicates strongly… the difficulty you will experience in the next two years is not about relationship. It is about everything. Ketu is more mystical and philosophical than it is material. Ketu is not good for material things. It is good for the spiritual, the psychological, all other aspects of life. As an actress, if you are working and making money, you will continue to. You are okay. It is not affected so far. What’s affected is your state of mind. When your mind is occupied by ‘ABC’—which is temporary! — things appear to be difficult. When it is temporary, it will be difficult for you, because when things are ‘permanent,’ we are accustomed, we are attached. The ‘permanent’ is familiar. But when temporary things show up, which appear to be new, ah! It can be difficult, frustrating, challenging. ‘I don’t know how to make the adjustment!’ That kind of thing.”
“What happens after this two-year period? Does it get worse?”
“No — the best period begins, best in twenty years! — until you leave the planet. You are okay thereafter, nothing to worry! You’re in a transition just now. Ketu is a planet of transition, intermediary. Ketu is a node, a magnetic point. It does things in exactly the way that it wants! Jupiter is the enemy of no one — but is not your friend. Jupiter is one more year. Jupiter is death of ‘home,’ death of mother, death of marriage—”
“Chakrapani, I don’t see my marriage dying!”
“‘Relationship’ means difficulty. Your marriage is tumultuous.”
“But it isn’t. I mean, not really …”
“You must remember, a relationship is not the best situation in your chart as a whole. Relationship is not able to give you greatest satisfaction. Not marrying is the best solution for you! Because this solves some of your problems. Jupiter is not swallowing you — it’s making you practical! Jupiter represents the Seventh House, the house of relationship. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. Relationships do not make you ‘even.’ Either you’re up or down or you’re agitated or not — that sort of thing. But that’s no way to live.”
“You’re saying it’s not great — not good for me to be married? Or in a relationship?”
“Oh, but that’s not possible! Your work has not failed you but work is not relationship. Look back at your life — at your ‘love’ relationships so far, how they’ve treated you, and why. That is due to Jupiter! There’s no way to overcome this, no need to. Just take it as it comes. ‘Relationship’ really means ‘trusting companionship,’ trusting partnership. That’s a relationship. You trust for anything and everything. That is a relationship. All other ‘relationships’ are give and take. It is a business.”
Jesus. Shit. Fuck.
“Things will get easier in two years! That is when Jupiter ends, and Venus comes. Venus is the planet of love, creativity, music, art. You don’t have complete happiness and satisfaction in relationships — you have never had it in your life and may not even know what it means! Normally, I will not talk like that, because people are so much attached to ‘relationship’ that when I throw cold water on it, that is not good. When you go into Saturn, something changes. Still a tough period, not easy, but it may not be as tumultuous as Jupiter.”
“So in my case, it goes from ‘very difficult’ to just ‘difficult’?”
“No — some of your best years will be coming.”
“It sounds like you’re just trying to make me feel better!”
“Ha ha! No! Not at all! I say this because Jupiter is exalted. When a planet is exalted it gives good things, even if it isn’t ‘friendly.’ What these things are, we don’t yet know. Your losses — mother, wife — maybe not wife! But if you lose the wife, Jupiter is doing this — you can find another! When Jupiter is exalted, it rules more than relationships. You’ll make it. You will. You’re not going to die, I can tell you that. I do not see death.”
“Well, I didn’t tell her I was sleeping with her wife. I just kind of implied it.”
“Oh my God, I love you, you are evil, I want to be you!”
Larissa and Tessa were in the Butterfly Room at Cecconi’s, courtesy of a reservation booked by the ersatz billionaire.
“You totally fucked her in the bathroom that night at Soho, didn’t you!”
“You did, I know you did! You are so hardcore. Come on, Rissa, you can tell me…”
“We didn’t. We might have mauled each other a little bit, but we didn’t—”
“Slurp slurp slurp. But now you’re fucking her, right?”
“Only once. I mean, we’ve only done it once, after the ménage. The other day was the first time solo.”
“O solo mio! What was it like?”
“Really… intense.”
“Oh my God, and she’s so fucking hot.”
“She is, right?”
“So hot, Rissa.”
“She’s young.”
“Not that young.”
“Young enough. Does that mean I get a Cougar Town zip code now?”
“There goes the neighborhood. So tell me, tell me, tell me: how did it start? Did you call her?”
“She called me. Apparently, she needed someone to talk to.”
“Slurp slurp slurp.”
“Stop that!” said Larissa, swatting her.
“And now you have her thinking that you’re sleeping with Dusty?”
“I don’t even know why I started that, Tess, it’s crazy. And last night I was up at, like, four a.m.? Watching Dangerous Liaisons? On Netflix? Which is kind of what I suddenly realized I was doing. Have you seen that?”
“Dangerous what?”
“Liaisons. Glenn Close is so genius.”
“Is it, like, about a ménage à foie gras?”
“God, you’re fuckin’ funny.”
“’Cause that would totally make an amazing friggin’ movie, right? The Star… the Wife… and the Camera Double—oh my God, Rissa! You need to start writing right now.”