Others include usual suspects Jeff Weber and Barrett Tillman. Newcomers (but old friends) were Frank Feldinger, Dan Thanh Dang, who supplied me with a crucial woman’s view of the proceedings, and Otto Penzler. Walt Kuleck, author of the Owner’s Guide and Complete Assembly Guide series of firearms books, provided invaluable expertise on a host of non-firearms issues. David Fowler, M.D., the Maryland Medical Examiner and a friend, advised on technical issues. My great friend Gary Goldberg kept the technical aspect of the operation going brilliantly. Someday he’ll have to explain to me exactly what “digital” means. My wife, Jean Marbella, brewed 240 pots of coffee, which got me up and got me upstairs. My thanks to them all. I am a fortunate man to have such folks in my circle.
One question you might have: Steve, since you’ve done all this research for a novel on Jack the Ripper, do you know who he really was?
My answer: Of course I do. Watch for it. It’s going to be fun.
Stephen Hunter has written twenty novels. The retired chief film critic for The Washington Post, where he won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Criticism, he has also published two collections of film criticism and a nonfiction work, American Gunfight. He lives in Baltimore, Maryland.
Sniper’s Honor
The Third Bullet
Soft Target
Dead Zero
I, Sniper
Night of Thunder
The 47th Samurai
American Gunfight (with John Bainbridge, Jr.)
Now Playing at the Valencia
Pale Horse Coming
Hot Springs
Time to Hunt
Black Light
Violent Screen: A Critic’s 13 Years on the Front Lines of Movie Criticism
Dirty White Boys
Point of Impact
The Day Before Midnight
The Spanish Gambit (Tapestry of Spies)
The Second Saladin
The Master Sniper
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Books, Journals, eBooks, and Web Articles
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