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——— . “Cutthroat: A Detailed Examination of the Neck Wounds Sustained by the Whitechapel Murder Victims.” Ripperologist. 61, September 2005, pp. 21–24.

——— . Jack the Ripper: The Whitechapel Murders and Jack the Ripper. 2001–2006. http://www.karyom.com/index.htm.

McClain, Cherise; Dodd, Carl; and Rosenthal, Julian. Estimating Mary Kelly’s Time of Death. Ripperoo. http://www.casebook.org/dissertations/ripperoo-todeath.html.

Moore, Alan, and Campbell, Eddie. (1999) From Hell. Paddington, Australia: Eddie Campbell Comics.

Morley, Christopher J. (2005) Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide. EBook. http://www.casebook.org/ripper_media/book_reviews/non-fiction/cjmorley/.

Osborne, Derek F. “A Curious Find in Goulston Street.” Ripper Notes. http://www.casebook.org/dissertations/rn-curious.html.

Parris, Leslie, ed. (1994) The Pre-Raphaelites. London: Tate Gallery Publications.

Rosenthal, Julian. “Double Trouble: Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes.” Ripperoo. http://www.casebook.org/dissertations/ripperoo-double.html.

Rumbelow, Donald. (1975) The Complete Jack the Ripper. Boston: New York Graphic Society, Ltd.

——— . (1988) Jack the Ripper: The Complete Casebook. Chicago: Contemporary Books.

Sala, George Augustus. (1859) Victorian London—Publications—Social Investigation/Journalism—Twice Round the Clock, or The Hours of the Day and Night in London. http://www.victorianlondon.org/publications/times.htm.

Segerdal, Alistair. Jack the Radicaclass="underline" How Gruesome Murders Activated the Strangest Left-Wing Campaign of All Time. http://www.fee.org/the_freeman/detail/jack-the-radical.

Shpayer-Makov, Haia. “Journalists and Police Detectives in Victorian and Edwardian England: An Uneasy Reciprocal Relationship.” Journal of Social History. Vol. 42, No. 4, Summer 2009. http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Journalists+and+Police+Detectives+in+Victorian+and+Edwardian+England%3A . . . -a0202479941.

Smith, Robert W. “Predicting the Weather: Victorians and the Science of Meteorology.” Victorian Studies. Vol. 48, No. 1, Autumn 2005.

Smithkey III, John. The Pubs of Whitechapel. http://www.casebook.org/victorian_london/dst-pubs.html.

Smyth, Jon. “A Piece of Apron, Some Chalk Graffiti and a Lost Hour.” http://www.casebook.org/dissertations/dst-graffito.html.

Sugden, Philip. (2002 rev. ed.) The Complete History of Jack the Ripper. London: Constable and Robinson, Ltd.

The Whitechapel Society. (2011) Jack the Ripper: The Suspects. Stroud, Gloucestershire: The History Press.

Typewriters in the Early Office. Early Office Museum. http://www.officemuseum.com/typewriters.htm.

Vanderlinden, Wolf. Considerable Doubt and the Death of Annie Chapman. Ripper Notes. http://www.casebook.org/dissertations/rn-doubt.html.

Weather Conditions for the Nights of the Whitechapel Murders. Courtesy of Casebook Productions. http://casebook.org/victorian_london/weather.html.

Wilde, Oscar. (1891) The Picture of Dorian Grey. https://archive.org/stream/pictureofdoriang00wildiala#page/n5/mode/2up.

Journals and Newspapers

Daily News, London, 1888

Echo, London, 1888

Evening News, London, 1888

Ripperologist, Wood, Adam, exec. ed.

Ripper Notes, Norder, Dan, ed., and Vanderlinden, Wolf, assoc. ed.

Ripperoo, Rosenthal, Julian, ed.

Times, London, 1888

Daily Telegraph, London, 1888

Pall Mall Gazette, London, 1888

Star, London, 1888

Essential Web Sites

Casebook: Jack the Ripper. http://www.casebook.org

Jack the Ripper Forums. http://jtrforums.com/

The Victorian Dictionary. http://victorianlondon.org/

The Victorian Web. http://www.victorianweb.org/

Victorian Era England. http://www.victorian-era.org/

Jack the Ripper 1888. http://www.jack-the-ripper.org/

Wikipedia: Jack the Ripper. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_the_Ripper

Learning Victorians. http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/victorians/victorianhome.html

Crime Library: Jack the Ripper. http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/notorious/ripper/index_1.html

Whitechapel Jack: The Legend of Jack the Ripper. http://whitechapeljack.com/

Wiki: Jack the Ripper. http://wiki.casebook.org/

Metropolitan Police: Jack the Ripper. http://content.met.police.uk/Site/jacktheripper

BBC History: The Victorians. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/victorians/

Historical Documents

Inquest: Mary Kelly. Daily Telegraph, Tuesday, November 13, 1888. Casebook: Jack the Ripper. http://casebook.org/official_documents/inquests/inquest_kelly.html.

Inquest: Mary Ann “Polly” Nichols, Daily Telegraph, Monday, September 3, 1888, Page 3. http://www.casebook.org/official_documents/inquests/inquest_nichols.html.

Inquest: Annie Chapman. Daily Telegraph, Tuesday, September 11, 1888, Page 3. http://www.casebook.org/official_documents/inquests/inquest_chapman.html.

Inquest: Catherine Eddowes. Daily Telegraph, Friday, October 5, 1888, Page 3. http://www.casebook.org/official_documents/inquests/inquest_eddowes.html.

Inquest: Elizabeth Stride. Daily Telegraph, Tuesday, October 2, 1888, Page 3. http://www.casebook.org/official_documents/inquests/inquest_stride.html.

Dr. Thomas Bond’s Postmortem on Mary Kelly. http://www.casebook.org/official_documents/pm-kelly.html.

Letter from Thomas Bond comparing the murder of Marie Jeanette Kelly (Mary Jane Kelly) with four of the previous murders, and an assessment of the murderer (copy of same in MEPO 3/140, ff 220—223) http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C6222011.

Web Articles and Pages Accessed

The “Jack the Ripper” Autopsy Reports. http://www.pathguy.com/jack.htm

Casebook: Jack the Ripper. Dr. Thomas Bond. http://www.casebook.org/witnesses/thomas-bond.html

History of the Star. http://thestarfictionindex.atwebpages.com/the.htm

History of England. London History. http://www.historyofengland.net/london-history

Learning Victorians. Victorians 1837–1901. Overview of Victorian Age. http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/victorians/victorianhome.html

Learning Victorians. Victorians 1837–1901.The Working Classes and the Poor. http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/victorians/poor/workingclass.html

Learning Victorians. Victorians 1837–1901. The Rise of Technology and Industry. http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/victorians/technology/industry.html

Learning Victorians. Victorians 1837–1901. Health. http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/victorians/health/victorianhealth.html

Learning Victorians. Victorians 1837–1901. The Built Environment. http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/victorians/environment/builtenvironment.html

Learning Victorians. Victorians 1837–1901. Crime and Punishment. http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/victorians/crime/crimepunishment.html

Learning Victorians. Victorians 1837–1901. Transport and Communications. http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/victorians/transport/communication.html