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With Sam it was even harder. She needed him to be away from her. Her love for her dead daughter was fierce, and overrode any empathy she might have felt for her husband. And there was, too, the weight of all she did not know. All Josh had done which only now, too late, he wished undone. He was weak against her, depleted. She, however, although drained by Lucy’s death, was not. Josh saw again, as he had done in the early years of their relationship, her strength. It wasn’t obvious, or displayed as Maddy’s was. And neither was it aggressive, competitive, as his own had always been. It was purer than that. Constant, sustained, like a slow wave building far out at sea, travelling its power towards an ever-receding shore. He felt distant from her, and not just because of his moving out or the unspoken blame that hung between them. But also because he saw that she was rising, with a mother’s ancient will of survival, to meet the sad suddenness of her situation. She was rising and would take Rachel with her. Their strength would be in their solitude. He could see it happening. With Lucy’s falling, Samantha’s need of him had fallen away too.

He had hoped, in time, that Michael might be the person to bridge their distance. That just as his presence had once made their family motion smoother, so he might ease the journey of their grief. Josh liked Michaeclass="underline" his quiet talk, the way he listened to the girls, his interest, without any intention or demand, in his work at Lehman’s. But Samantha had always liked him on another level. Josh had always known this. That for her, his arrival in their lives had introduced a thread into the fabric of her days she could follow back to her youth before marriage, to her student life of ideas and art, before Ryan McGinnis, money, and a shoe falling from a train had disturbed her trajectory. Because of this it was Josh’s hope that with Michael alongside them, as a friend to them both, but a kindred spirit for Sam, they might draw closer again. That with him as a listener, as a reminder of their family, a sounding board for their grief, Samantha might be slowed on her course. That she might, once she felt secure in Rachel and herself, need him again.

But then, one evening before he’d moved out, Josh had spoken with Michael over the hedge dividing their garden from his building’s next door. He’d left the house for a smoke. He’d wanted to be alone, so he hadn’t talked to him when he’d first seen him. But by the time he’d finished his cigarette he’d been calmer. A week or so earlier, after their jog, he’d walked away from Michael on the Heath. He hadn’t been able to abide company. He’d mentioned Caroline, aggressively. He’d been angry and hurt and had taken it out on Michael. So on his way back up to the house he’d gone over to apologise, to try and start again.

As Michael stood to meet him he’d cleaned some dirt from his hands, wiping his palms together to brush them free of soil. Which is when, with a sudden chill, the idea passed across Josh like a shadow. When Lucy had fallen he hadn’t been in the house himself, but that didn’t necessarily mean his daughter had died alone.

Within weeks of moving in next door, Michael had taken on the communal garden of his building. It was something, he told them over one of those early dinners, he’d inherited from Caroline. He’d never been green-fingered himself, but when they’d moved to Wales she’d introduced him to the pleasures of spending time with plants, of having his hands in the earth, being close to bark and leaf. Samantha and Josh had been grateful. For many years the garden of Michael’s building had been left to no more than the occasional mowing by a contractor hired by the managing agent. Under Michael’s hands it began to come alive again. He pruned back the trees by the pond. He cleared the beds of weeds and fed the acid soil with nutrients. And when the heat wave had come in June, he’d kept it watered, too.

In comparison, Josh had neglected their own garden over those same summer months. He’d wanted to hire someone in to take care of it, but Sam kept saying she’d prefer to do it herself one day. It was the same when Michael offered to help. She had a vision of her and the girls setting out with trowels and packets of seeds. But it never happened. So over that heat wave their flowerbeds and herbaceous borders suffered. The lawn yellowed, and its earth, whenever Josh picked it up, crumbled dry in his hands.

It was one of the first questions DS Slater had asked Josh the afternoon of Lucy’s death. “The soil on the landing,” she’d said, as they’d sat in that windowless room in the police station. “And on the floor in the bathroom. Had you been in the garden?”

He’d said no. Because he already had his story. He could already see, in his mind’s eye, where he’d been. He’d already rehearsed it so that now, for him, it was real. He’d been reading the paper in the conservatory. He’d had the radio on. But not so loud that he didn’t hear, when…

“Had anyone else been in the garden?” Slater asked. Her pursuit of the question frightened him. So he’d lied again. Rachel, maybe, he said. Yes, now that he thought of it, Rachel had been playing in the garden that morning. And he’d been out there himself, too, just the evening before. That, at least was true. So that’s where it had probably come from. From him or from Rachel. DS Slater had nodded, written in her notebook, and then moved on to her next inquiry.

After he and Samantha returned to the house that evening Josh had gone into the bathroom to shower. As he did he’d examined the carpet on the landing to see what Slater had been talking about. He had to get down on his knees to see it; it was barely soil at all, just a few motes of earth. Brushing them away, he’d stood up and forgotten about it. Any of them could have brought it into the house, at any time over the last few days. The same was true of the marks on the bathroom floor. And right then, with Rachel still oblivious to her younger sister’s death, with Samantha crying into her hands in the kitchen downstairs, and with Maddy bearing a knowledge that could sink him, Josh had put it out of his mind.

But on that evening when he’d spoken to Michael over the hedge, as he’d watched his neighbour stand from his freshly watered beds and brush his hands clean, Josh had remembered that soil again. Not just because it had been there, but because whenever it had fallen to the carpet it had been damp, not dry. By the time he’d returned from the police station it was like dust. But the marks it had made when first deposited — tiny smears across individual strands of fabric — suggested it hadn’t always been. The earth in his own garden hadn’t been watered for days. Which could mean only one thing. The soil on the landing had come from someone else’s.

So this was the other reason Josh had asked the letting agent to find him a flat close to South Hill Drive. Because although he couldn’t alert anyone, having claimed to have been in the house himself, and although he had no other proof than those crumbs of once-damp soil, he no longer trusted Michael. The man, Josh came to realise, as he smoked each night at his open Velux windows, as he looked over the rooftops, aerials, and satellite dishes of his neighbours, was a storyteller. By trade and by inclination. A loner when they’d first met him. A loner who, from what he could tell, had gathered few other friends since. A loner they’d welcomed into their home. But who was he, really? Beyond his books and his tales of other people’s lives? Josh didn’t know. After all the hours of their walks and their jogs on the Heath. After all their conversations sitting on that bench on Parliament Hill. He still didn’t know. He’d been a chattering fool, he told himself. While he’d talked and talked, Michael had listened. It was what he did, he’d said so himself many times. An “immersion journalist,” that’s what he’d called himself, and it was what Tony had called him, too. “One of the best immersion journalists I’ve read.” At the time, despite his nodding and agreeing, Josh hadn’t understood what Tony was talking about. He’d been too wrapped up in his own life to notice, or to care. Tony seemed impressed by it, and Samantha excited by it. That had been enough. But now, unemployed, estranged from his wife, and grieving for his youngest daughter, Josh thought he did understand, and in a way that neither Tony nor Samantha ever had. Now he was living away from Rachel and Sam. Now that they were so vulnerable, and Michael, who’d arrived as their neighbour from nowhere, was still there, living beside them, Josh thought he understood all too well.