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‘So you think this man is still here and the money also?’ Marthy asked.

‘That’s what we think,’ Sheriff Thomson said. ‘We’ve got him in a trap and we’re taking good care he doesn’t get out of it. The road blocks are going to remain in position and every car will be checked. We have men at the railroad station who’ll check every piece of luggage as it leaves. We have men at the mail-sorting office who will check every parcel leaving. It’s a big job, but it’s being done. As I see it there is no way for him to get the money out. Sooner or later, we’ll catch up with him, but it’s going to take time.’

‘I have a pretty good incentive for you all to work on this job,’ Marthy said ‘My directors have decided to offer a reward for this man’s arrest. This is the usual bank procedure, but since one of our own staff is involved, we are offering a much higher reward. Anyone, and that includes members of the police, who gives information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of this man will receive the bank reward of sixty thousand dollars. I would be glad if you would arrange to circulate this information as widely as possible.’

Travers stiffened. He drew in a long, deep breath. He was aware of Easton’s reaction. Easton was staring at Marthy as if he couldn’t believe his ears. Both men were thinking: sixty thousand dollars! Both men were thinking what they could do with the money. Easton was thinking he could afford to get a divorce and marry Mavis Hart. He could retire and buy a little cottage somewhere. Mavis would look after him in his old age.

Travers was thinking, here at last was the chance he had often dreamed about of laying his bands on a large slice of money to provide Iris with a decent home, to get out of Pittsville and buy a partnership in that mink farm Max was always writing to him about.

As Travers sat there, his mind alive with the prospects of winning such a reward, he suddenly became aware that Calvin, sitting close to him, was humming tunelessly under his breath.


Ten minutes after the last performance, Iris left the darkened movie house and started the short walk to the bus stop. It was now raining heavily and she walked with her head bent against the driving rain.

A familiar voice called, ‘Hey! Iris!’

She looked up and saw Ken Travers leaning out of his car window, waving to her. As she ran towards him, he opened the off-side door.

‘Why, Ken,’ she said as she scrambled in, ‘what are you doing here? What a surprise!’

They kissed. She was immediately aware how tense he was and she drew away to look sharply at him.

‘Is there something wrong? It’s not Kit…?’

‘Nothing’s wrong,’ he said and put his arm around her, holding her against him. ‘I had to see you, honey. I’ve taken time off and came over. The sheriff and Easton are holding the fort, but I’ve got to get back within an hour.’ He looked at her, his face alight with excitement. ‘Something’s come up that could affect us both… something pretty good.’

‘What is it? Something’s come up with me, too, that’s pretty good. I’m so glad you came. I wanted to talk to you about it.’

‘What is it?’

‘No, you tell me first.’

‘The bank is offering a reward for the bank robber,’ Ken said. ‘Sixty thousand dollars! Can you imagine! Sixty thousand dollars and I’m pretty sure I’m going to get it!’

Iris gasped.

‘Oh, Ken. You really think you’ll get it?’

‘I guess so.’ Travers tightened his grip on her. ‘If I got all that money, your mother wouldn’t object to us marrying, would she? I mean the only thing she has against me is that I’m not earning enough. That’s the only thing, isn’t it?’

‘She has nothing against you,’ Iris said. ‘It’s just that she has had such a rough time, she doesn’t want me to live the way she did. Yes, of course, if we had all that money, Kit would be wild with joy. I’m sure she would!’

‘That’s what I hoped you would say,’ Travers said, staring through the rain-drenched windshield. ‘You remember Max Heldon? The guy I went to school with and who started that mink farm out at Westfields? You remember I told you he wanted me to go in as partner, but I hadn’t the money? Well, he wrote to me last week. He’s doing fine, but he still wants a partner: someone who will put up twenty thousand dollars for expansion. How would it be if we went out there and worked with him on the farm? With the forty thousand we have over, we could build a pretty nice house and furnish it the way we want and still have something over. How would you like that… bringing up baby mink.’

Iris closed her eyes, then opening them, she sighed with ecstasy.

‘I’d love it! But what makes you think you can get the reward? I mean… there’s the sheriff and Easton… wouldn’t they want to share it with you?’

‘The terms are that anyone giving information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the murderer gets the reward,’ Travers said. ‘I’m practically certain I know who killed Alice although I have still to get proof. Neither Easton nor the sheriff are on to him, and that gives me more than a head start. If I work fast and get the proof, then I’m entitled to the reward.’

‘You know who did it?’ Iris said, staring at him. ‘You mean you know where this man Acres is hiding?’

‘Acres doesn’t exist. He never has existed,’ Travers said quietly. ‘He is a dummy figure in sideboards and a moustache. After he showed himself to a few people, got the money and murdered Alice, he took off the sideboards and the moustache and returned to his apparently respectable self.’

‘You mean it is someone living in Pittsville.’

‘Either Pittsville or Downside.’

‘You know who he is?’

‘I’m pretty sure, although I can’t actually prove it, but I will.’

‘Who is he? Anyone I know?’

Travers hesitated.

‘This is going to be a shock to you, honey. It’ll take a bit of believing, but I’m sure I’m right.’ He paused, then went on, ‘It’s Calvin.’

Iris stared incredulously at him.

‘Mr. Calvin? You think he killed Alice? Why, Ken, what are you saying? How can you possibly say such a thing?’

‘I know it’s pretty hard to take,’ Travers said, ‘but when you know all the facts and put two and two together, it’s the only possible solution to the mysterious Johnny Acres.’

‘But, Ken! You can’t say things like this! Kit’s in love with him… they are getting married! How can you!’

‘I haven’t forgotten your mother. That’s one of the reasons why I’ve come here tonight to talk it over with you. She wouldn’t want to be trapped into marrying a killer, would she? Isn’t it better for her to know now than when it’s too late?’

‘I don’t believe it! You’re just guessing. You said you haven’t any proof!’

‘I know… I haven’t yet. I only realised it was Calvin about an hour ago. But I’ll get proof. I’m sure of that. Look, let me tell you just why I’m so sure it is Calvin.’

‘I don’t want to hear!’ Iris said, white and tense. ‘I’m sure you’re wrong…’

‘How can you be sure unless you hear what I’ve got to tell you?’ Travers said patiently. ‘Now, listen, for more than five years, week after week, the payroll has been delivered to the bank and has been safe. Then Calvin becomes manager: six weeks later the payroll vanishes.’

‘But that doesn’t mean anything! It could have vanished when Mr. Lamb was there!’

‘It could have, but it didn’t. I’m pretty sure Calvin made up his mind to steal the payroll almost as soon as he got here. He knew if the payroll vanished only two people would be suspected… himself or Alice. It had to be an inside job. No outsider would know how to put the alarm system out of order nor get at the keys to the vault. He was smart enough to know this so he decided to pin the blame on Alice. During the first three weeks he was at the bank, he worked on Alice. He has a way with women. You have only to look at him to realise it. No man has ever bothered to look at Alice, now Calvin turns on all his charm and after a while she falls for him hook, line and sinker.’