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The princess flashed gold and silver. “You mean…”

What do you want? she’d asked the troll queen. Life, the queen had answered. “Yes or no,” Cassie said. “Do you want to live?”

The troll princess brightened like an exploding star.


“Take her!” Cassie shouted, and pushed.

Jamie stared at her.

“She’s a soul!” Cassie pointed at the troll princess.

The troll princess flew into Jamie’s hands.

Cassie felt underneath her. She felt a head, as soft as a seal’s, and she cradled it in the palms of her hands. Yelling, she pushed one final time. She felt the baby slip into her hands, and she caught it, hands under its back.

“It’s not breathing,” the human munaqsri said. He hesitated for only a fraction of a second, and then he slid his fingers between the umbilical cord and the baby’s tiny chest. He eased the cord over the baby’s shoulder and then he produced a knife and cut the cord. The baby took its first breath. Pink spread from its chest outward.

Jamie helped her lift the baby, and she held her child close. Its skin was as slippery as egg yolk. She felt it squirm.

“It’s a girl,” Jamie said.

Cassie looked down, and beautiful blue eyes blinked up at her. “Oh, my,” was all she could say. Transfixed, she stared at the miniature hands and the perfect round cheeks. The baby squinched up her little face and wailed as loud as the wind.

“She takes after her mother,” Jamie noted.

Cassie laughed. Sweaty hair falling forward, she kissed her baby’s head. The baby smelled as sweet as rain. “You came out of me,” she whispered, cradling her baby girl.

She smiled down at her beautiful baby, cooing as the waves crashed onto the shore. She felt lighter than air. “You think you’re magic,” she said to Jamie. “Look at her. She’s real magic.”

“She’s beautiful,” Jamie said. Cassie glanced over at him and saw his cheeks were moist. “What are you going to name her?” he asked.

She didn’t have to think about it. “Abigail.” Her mother’s name. Above them, the sky swirled. Cassie wondered if the North Wind had heard her. “Abby for short.” She gazed down at baby Abby, red and sticky and perfect in her arms. “Think she will remember?”

He shook his head. “Do you remember before you were born?”

“You got your wish,” she said to the baby. “You are alive.” Cassie’s smile became beatific. She looked up at the human munaqsri. “Got another minute? I have an idea.”

Cassie cradled her baby against her chest as the trolls swarmed over them. “Munaqsri,” she heard the trolls hiss as they encountered Jamie. He was, she guessed, the reason they were allowing her to return. He was new. “Munaqsri. Munaqsri.”

Jamie peeled trolls from his skin. “They’re everywhere!”

The walls melted around them. “Stay with me,” she said. She marched through the horde of trolls with Jamie in her wake.

The troll queen hulked over her dais. Cassie stopped, trolls hovering in a semicircle around her, and cradled the baby against her. A thousand eyes blinked at her. This time, she was not afraid.

Jamie fell out of the press of trolls. He saw the queen. “Who is she?” Colors spread in a rainbow flare across the queen’s broad back.

“She is a soul,” Cassie said, not taking her eyes off the queen. “Aren’t you? You are the unclaimed souls, the ones munaqsri missed.” The baby squirmed in her arms.

Tentacles sprouted on the troll queen. “New life!” She reached with a half-dozen writhing tentacles toward baby Abby.

Sounding nervous, Jamie murmured, “Uh, Cassie.”

The tip of a tentacle brushed within inches of the baby’s head. “We made no promise to the baby,” the queen said. “We will keep it. Munaqsri and newborn both.”

Cassie held her baby tight but didn’t move. “I know why you kept my mother, why you bargained with my husband, why you want my baby. You want them to help you be alive, like you were supposed to be.”

Trolls whispered like leaves.

“I’m right, aren’t I,” she said. “You want to be alive.”

“Yes,” the queen hissed.

Cassie smiled down at her baby. Her red hair brushed the baby’s tiny hands. Baby Abby gurgled. “Her soul was the troll princess.”

All color drained from the queen.

The trolls erupted.

Jamie ducked as the trolls whipped in a frenzied tornado around them. Cassie planted her feet on the ground, baby in her arms, and waited.

The queen shrieked, “Make us live!”

Startled, Abby cried. “Shh,” Cassie said as she rocked the baby. “Don’t shout,” she said to the queen.

“Please,” the queen whispered.

She took a deep breath. “Promise to release Bear.”


Her knees wobbled. She’d done it! But she wasn’t finished yet. Cassie glanced at Jamie, who was on the floor with his arms over his head. “And promise to take no more prisoners.”

The queen soared up to the ceiling. “Promised!”

Cassie’s heart soared. Done, and done! She felt as if a bell had sounded deep within her, thrumming through her rib cage and over her skin. She’d done it. Mom was safe now. No more nightmares. Cassie felt giddy. “Anything else?” She asked Jamie.

“It would be nice if they would stop dive-bombing me.” He batted away trolls as he stood.

Cassie laughed. “You take twenty-five thousand souls, in place of the polar bears. Go on. Take them.”

Jamie obeyed, and the trolls who surrounded him now leaped onto him. They compressed like wisps of cotton in his arms. Thousands swarmed him, but the mass didn’t thin. She wondered how many trolls there were. She may have found herself a lifetime task, she thought.

“And the remainder of us?” the queen asked, watching.

She thought of Fluffy the arctic fox and the mermaid Sedna. They’d helped, even if not quite in the way they’d meant to. “I owe a few favors. I’ll find you homes.” She smiled. What a way to save the whales. “I promise.”

“Done and promised!” the queen sang.

And then Bear walked out of the chaos of swirling trolls, and Cassie stepped forward. Bear paced toward her, and the mist of a thousand trolls melted around him. He halted in front of her, and his black eyes drank her in. The trolls whipped in iridescent spirals over their heads.

For a long moment, Cassie and Bear simply stared at each other. She felt as if every cell in her body were singing, as if she were going to burst out of her skin.

He touched the tiny head of their baby with his nose. “She is beautiful,” he said.

All Cassie could do was nod.

Eyes shining, he looked at Cassie. “My Cassie, my tuvaaqan.”

Trolls whirled around them, thickening into a wind. “I told you I would find you,” she said. “I said I’d free you.”

“I will never doubt you again,” he said. He leaned his cheek against hers, and she closed her eyes and felt the warm fur soft on her face. “Shall we go home, beloved?” he asked.

She smiled. “Yes,” she said.

Cassie then looked at the queen, who signaled to the trolls. Swirling faster, the trolls rushed beneath Cassie and Bear and lifted them into the air. Below, Jamie waved as the castle melted around them. Gray clouds swept alongside them as they skimmed over the black rocks of the island and above the waves of the sea.

With her new daughter in her arms, Cassie curled against Bear. Gently, he wrapped his front paws around her and baby Abby.

Together, carried by lost souls, they flew home.