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Her hands fist my hair. “Oli … your head—”

“Is fine.”

I devour her. She is the antidote for the poison that is my past. Spreading her open, I take everything until all that’s holding her up is the wall and my hands on her legs. She yells my name over and over, desperate words fade to soft whimpers in my ears as her sweet taste infiltrates my mouth.

Then I remove my clothes, turn her around, hands pressed to the wall … and I take more.

* * *

Here I am, once again. The sun peeks over the horizon and despite the humiliation, the hot coffee that threatened to singe my nuts, my excessive intoxication, a gouge to my head, and a near-death ride to the hospital … I’m alive. My head, however, wishes that weren’t the case. There’s nothing quite like blunt trauma to the head to make a hangover feel like a jackhammer on my brain.

“Hey,” a sleepy whisper sounds behind me. Vivian squints her eyes behind her matted hair that seems to be at war with itself.

Wearing only my T-shirt, she lifts her slender leg and straddles mine stretched out on the lounge chair. Her lips brush against the colorful border of my eye and stitched skin. “I’m sorry.”

“You have a tattoo, and I’m Scarface. We’re a real badass couple.”

She smiles so bright, it feels like she’s saying, “Take that, sun.”

“You’re up early.” I rub my nose against hers.

“I was lonely in bed.”

I chuckle then grimace as it intensifies the throb in my brain. “I doubt that. You have a habit of stealing the covers and crowding me out of my own bed.”

She kisses my forehead and rubs gentle circles along my temples. “I think you’re exaggerating.”

I slide my hands up her thighs. “I’m really not, but it’s okay. I like seeing your naked body sprawled out on my bed, even if my view is from the floor.”

She shakes her head. “I’m going home. I need a shower and dry clothes.”

Another grimace as I attempt to smile.

“Have you taken something for the pain?”

“I took you against the wall last night and then two more times in bed.”

“Sex? Really? That’s your analgesic?”

I skim my hands over her stomach to her bare breasts. “Yes, and my last dose is wearing off.”

“I have to get ready for work.” She grinds against me, proving her body doesn’t agree with her words.

“I’ll be quick.” I slide my thumb down between her legs and circle over her sensitive, wet skin.

“But people can see us.” She closes her eyes and I know she’s throwing out random excuses that won’t change what’s happening.

“Didn’t stop you yesterday.”

She’s gone. Her lips collide with mine as she rocks her hips into me. “Mm-my phone.” She pulls away and climbs off me.

I reach for her, but she’s too fast.

I sigh. “Have you heard of voice mail? What are you, on call or something?”

“Nobody calls me this early in the morning unless it’s an emergency.”

Apparently a swollen penis doesn’t qualify as an emergency in her category.

“I have to go.” She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Whoa, wait! Where are you going?”

“Kai needs me.”

I fight through the beating drum in my head to stand up and follow her. “Kai, as in your ex-boyfriend?”

“As in my best friend.” She grabs her wadded up damp clothes off the floor next to the wall.

“Is he hurt or in trouble?”

“Sort of hurt.”

“I don’t follow.”

She opens the front door. “Kate, his girlfriend, left him.”

I laugh. “You can’t be serious. That’s the emergency?”

“Don’t be so insensitive. I’ll see you after work.”

“Wait! You’re not walking across the street wearing only my shirt.”

“Chill, Oli. I have dresses that show more leg than I’m showing right now.” She blows me a kiss and shuts the door.

I didn’t need to know that.

Chapter Twelve

Three’s Company


I hate leaving Oli, especially when we were getting ready to have sex again. I love sex with Oli. If I had a car I’d get a bumper sticker that said so. Maybe I should get a tattoo that says it. Maybe not. Then again, what if it’s not Oli? What if I just love sex? I mean, sex addiction is real. Could I have it? How would I know?

I tiptoe down his front steps in my bare feet and halt when I look up. Across the street Kai sits on my steps.

“I said I’d come to your place.” I stop at the bottom of the steps in front of him.

His eyes search the length of my body. “You also said you were at home.”

“No, I said I was getting ready to take a shower.”

Kai clenches his jaw, dark eyes glaring at me. “Please tell me you didn’t give him your …”

“My what? Virginity?”

Kai doesn’t respond.

“It’s none of your business.” I march up the stairs, past him, to the door. “Did Kate kick you out of your own place? Is that why you’re here instead of waiting for me to come to you?”

He follows me inside and shuts the door. “No, she moved out two days ago.”

I turn. “What the hell? Then why did you call me at five-thirty in the morning acting all pissed off and distraught like she literally just walked out on you?”

“Were you at his house all night? Is that his shirt?”

I shake my head. “Wh-what are you talking about? Why are you asking me this? I thought you needed to see me right away.”

“Just answer the question!”

“What question?” I’m so confused. We’re supposed to be talking about Kate but he’s not said her name even once.

“Did you sleep with him?”

“Yes! Jeez, why do you care?”

He paces the length of the room. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I laugh. “You do see the irony in you saying that to me, right?

He sighs. “God! I’m sorry, I messed up. I’ve said it a million times. What more can I say? What more can I do?”

“Nothing! That’s just it. I don’t expect you to do anything. I’m not asking for you to apologize anymore. But don’t ask me to spend the rest of my life reassuring you that it’s okay. I’m fine. I’m moving on and so should you.”


“Don’t Viv me. Now, do you want to talk about Kate?”

He shakes his head.

“Go home, Kai. I have to get to work.”

* * *

When my dad was too busy working, Kai taught me how to ride my bike without training wheels. He lived four houses down from us, and I’m pretty sure I loved him from the moment he split his grape twin Popsicle with me after I took my first two-wheeled spill. We were inseparable. I played ninjas with him and he played house with me. He was my first kiss and I was his. We were seven and our moms had us kiss for a photo on Valentine’s Day, but it still counted. I wanted to be Kai’s first everything and him to be mine.

Me: Sorry I skipped out so early. I REALLY wanted to stay :)

Oli: Lunch?

Me: Can’t, Maggie is gone today.

Oli: You’re alone?