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Ido-English Dictionary

by L.H. Dyer

Note: the numbered references (e.g. III—37) are to the volumes and pages of the journal "Progreso"

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   Geog. nomi


a (ad): (general sense) to. indicating that toward which there is movment, tendency, or position, with or without arrival; opposed to from (de, ek); (cf. vers, til); il iris a la kirko: he went to (the) church; il venas de Paris a London: he is on his way from Paris to London; la hundo jetis su a la kato: the dog sprang at the cat; del (de la) esto al (ad la) westo: from (the) east to (the) west; de tempo a tempo: from time to time; de un dio a l'altra: from one day to another, from day to day; de la supro a l'infro: from top to bottom; (dative: indirect object) donez a me la bastono: give me the stick; il parolis ad eclass="underline" he spoke to her. (object of action, thought, desire) il elevas su a la richeso e a la honori: he is rising to weather and honors; atencema a la diskurso, attentive to the discourse; surda a la ditreso-krii: deaf to the cries of distress; amo a Deo: love to God; me deziras a vu omna feliceso: I wish you all happiness. (comparison or relation) agreabla a la gusto: agreeable to the taste; ca okupo konvenas ad iclass="underline" this occupation suits him; (proportion; total) tri raportas a non quale du a sis: three is to nine as two is to six; evaluar lua revenuo a 10.000 franki; taxar ol a 400 franki: to estimate his income as (amounting to) 10,000 francs; to tax it at (at the rate of, a total of) 400 francs. Note: Ad is often joined to other prepositions, to verbal roots, adverbs, particularly to add the idea of motion. — FILS

abad-(ul)o: abbot; -ino: abbess; -eyo: abbey; -eso: abbotship; -ala, -ey-ala: abbatial. — DeFIRS

abak-o*: (math., arch.) abacus. — DEFIS

abandon-ar: (tr.) to abandon, (wholly) give up, (totally) relinquish, forego, forsake. Ex.: Abandonar navo, domo, projeto, infanto. Abandonar su a desespero, a joyo. Ant.: gardar, retenar. V. exp.: Livar urbo, portuo, domo, persono ... esas simple forirar de ol sen ula sentimental impliko. Abandonar persono, ofico, posteno, esas sive lasar li, nevolunte o kontrevole, sive violacante ula devo (abandonar infanti, parenti). Retretar esas retromarchar: la senco primitiva e propra esas militala; senci figurala e derivta: livar la mondo (religiala retreto), funciono od agado (retreto di oficisto, komercisto, e.c.); II — 647. — EFIS

abas-ar: (tr.) to lower: let down to a lower level; (fig.) to abase (morally), debase; abasez la tirani: down with the tyrants; abasez la manui: hands off!; abasez la chapeli: hats off! Ex.: Abasar la kapo, la brakio, la manuo; abasar levero, standardo, espado, fusilo, velo; omno to signifikas pozar (plu) infre. En la figurala senco, on abasas persono, reduktante lu ad infra rango, kondiciono, e.c.; on abasas su, prenante infra rango, humila posturo, e.c.; IV — 286. Ant.: levar, elevar. V. exp.: Abasar ne esas basigar. Basigar esas igar (plu) basa, des-altigar (E. to make less in height); abasar esas igar decensar ad infra nivelo. — eFI

abat-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to knock, beat, strike down, fell; -aj-aro: (fort.) abatis. Ex.: Abatar arboro, domo, muro, persono — eFIS

abatis-o: (of fowl, game) refuse parts, as head, feet, wings, skin, etc.; small edible parts, as giblets. Def.: Mikra parti di pultro, anke di leporo; VII — 197. — F

abces-o (med.) abscess; -eskar: to become or turn to an a. Def.: Pusoza kavajo en la korpo. — DEFIRS

abcis-o* (geom.) abscissa. — DEFIRS

abdik-ar: (tr.) to abdicate. V. exp.: Abdikar dicesas precipue pri la reji o suvereni, qui cesas regnar por transmisar la povo a sucedanto, sive naturala, sive selektata; abdikar ne esas simple demisionar, ma demisionar por ulu, do facante ankore ago di suvereneso; IV-100. Vid. abnegar, renuncar, rezignar. — DEFIRS

abdomin-o: abdomen. V. exp.: Abdomino esas ciencala vorto, plu preciza kam ventro: IV-512. — DEFIS

abdukt-ar: (tr., physiol.) to abduct. Note: Not abduct: to kidnap; cf. raptar. — DEFIS

abel-o: bee; -eyo: apiary; -uyo: beehive; -ino: female or queen-bee; -ulo drone-bee; -edukado: bee-culture; eduk-isto: bee-master. — FIS

aberac-o: (astr., opt.) aberration; -ar: (intr.) to be aberrant. — DEFIRS

abiet-o: (bot.) fir-, spruce-tree (genus: Abies). — eFIS

abism-o: (also fig.) abyss. — EFIS

abjekt-a: (morally) abject, mean; -eso, abjectness (quality); -ajo a. act. Def.: Qua esas di extrema grado di etikala abaseso. Ex.: Persono, sentimenti abjekta. Ant.: nobla. — DEFIS

abjur-ar: (tr.) to abjure. Def.: Renuncar publike e solene. Ex.: Abjurar religio, doktrino, opiniono. — DEFIS

ablacion-o: (surg.) ablation; -ar: to ablate: to remove by surgical operation. Ex.: Ablaciono di membro, di tumoro. — DEFIS

ablakt-ar: (tr.) to wean; -(ad)o, -eso: (act, state) weaning, ablactation. Def.: Deskustumigar (infanto) de l'alaktado; IV-512, 600. — DeFIS

ablativ-o: (gram.) ablative (-case). — DEFIRS

ablegat-o*: (eccl.) ablegate. — DEFI

ablet-o: (ich.) ablet, bleak (Alburnus lucidus). — eF

ablucion-ar: (tr., relig., med.) to purify by washing; -o: ablution. Def.: Lavar parto di la korpo segun medicinal (o religiala) preskripti; IV-515. — DEFIS

abneg-ar: (tr.) to abnegate, deny one-self; -o, -eso abnegation, self-denial. V. exp.: Abnegar esas renuncar omna profito, personal interesto o mem plezuro, por konsakrar su ad altru or ad ula sociala religiala verko. Abnegar esas propre renuncar su ipsa t.e. sua propra feliceso; IV-101; vid. renuncar, abdikar, rezignar. — DEFIS

abolis-ar: (tr.) to abolish; -ismo: abolitionism; -ism-ano: abolitionist. V. exp.: Abolisar, abrogar, supresar: Supresar esas la generala vorto, la du altra esas specala e teknikal termini. On abrogas lego per altra lego, dekreto per altra dekreto, qua nuligas l'antea. On abolisas institucuro o kustumo (ex. rejeso, privileji, sklaveso); II-649. — DEF