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anobi-o: (ent.) death-tick, -watch (Anobium); ligno- -o: wood-fretter. — FL

anod-o*: (elec.) anode: positive terminal. — DEFIRS

anomal-a: abnormal, anomalous: irregular; -eso, -ajo: anomaly, abnormality. — DEFIRS

anonim-a: anonymous; -eso: anonymity; -(ul)o: a. person. — DEFIRS

ans-o: handle: the arc shaped handle of a cup, bucket, etc. — F

antagonism-o: antagonism. — DEFIRS

antagonist-o: antagonist; (cf. adverso). — DEFIRS

antarktik-a: antarctic. — DEFIRS

ante: (prep.) before (of time); -a: preceding, former, previous, last, prior; -e: previously, before, heretofore; -eso: anteriority, priority; -ke: before (that); lu arivis ante me: he arrived before me; ante du kloki: before two o'clock; ante ne-longe: not long ago; ante nun: before now; -diluvia: antediluvian; -hiere: the day before yesterday; -lasta: (the one) before last; -mariaja: antenuptial; -mortar: to predecease: die first; -pre-lasta: antepenultimate. Ant.: pos. — DeFIRS

antecedent-o: (gram., log., math.) antecedent. Ex.: La antecedenti di individuo, t.e. lua antea historio e konduto. — DEFIS

anten-o: (zool., elec.) antenna, feeler. — DEFIS

anter-o: (bot.) anther. — DEFIS

anti-: contra (use generally as a prefix with scientific words) (cf. kontre-) anti-bakteria: bactericide. — DEFIRS

anticip-ar:(tr.) to anticipate; -o, -eso: anticipation; -e: in anticipation; -ala pago: advance payment. — DEFIS

antidot-o: (also fig.) antidote. Def.: Substanco qua neutrigas l'efekti di la veneni; IV-76. — DEFIRS

antifon-o: antiphon: anthem; -aro: antiphonary. — DEFIRS

antifraz-o: antiphrasis. Def.: Figuro di retoriko, qua konsistas en uzar ula vorto o frazo en senco kontrea a lua vera signifiko. — DEFIRS

antikrist-o: antichrist. — DEFIRS

antilogi-o*: (log.) antilogy; contradiction in ideas. — DEFIS

antilop-o: antelope. — DEFIRS

antimilitar-ismo: antimilitarism; -isto: antimilitarist. — DEFIS

antimoni-o: (min., chem.) antimony. — DEFIRS

antinomi-o: (jur., philos.) antinomy. — DEFIRS

antipati-ar: (tr:) to have an antipathy, aversion to (or against); -o: antipathy; instinctive aversion, natural repugnance; -inda: (what is) antipathetical, repugnant; -oza: (who feels         antipathetical, full of aversion. Ant: simpatiar. — DEFIRS

antipirin-o: (chem., meet.} antipyrin. — DEFIRS

anti-patriot-a: antipatriotic. — EF

antipod-o, -i: antipode(s). — DEFIRS

antiqu-a: antique, ancient: of a former epoch; -ajo: an antique; -eso: antiquity; -aj-isto: antiquary.  Ex.: Antiqua moblo, kustumo; muzeo di antiquaji. V. ex.: vid. anciena. Ant.: moderna, nun-tempa, prezenta, nuna, — DEFIRS

anti-semid-a: anti-Semitic; -(ul)o: anti-Semite; -ismo: anti-Semitism. — DEF

antisepsi-ar: (tr.) to antisepticize; -esar: to be antiseptic; -eso: antiseptic state; -iva, -ivo: antiseptic. Def.: Kombatar kontre la mikrobi per antisepsiivo. — DEFIRS

antitez-o: (log., rhet.) antithesis; -a, -ala, -atra: antithetic(al). DEFIRS

antitoxin-o*: antitoxin. — DEF

anti-verm-o: vermifuge.

antologi-o: anthology. — DEFIRS

antonim-o*: antonym; -eso: antonimity. Ant.: sinonimo. — DEFIRS

antonomazi-o: (rhet.} antonomasia. Def: Remplasigo di propra nomo per komuna nomo equivaianta, o reciproke; V-483. Ex.: L'anjelo     di la skolo (vice Santa Thomas). — DEFIRS

antracit-o: anthracite, hard-coal. —DEFIRS

antrax-o: (med.) anthrax: carbuncle. — DEFIS

antropoid-a, -o: anthropoid. — DEFIRS

antropologi-o: anthropology. — DEFIRS

antropomori-o*: anthropometry. —DEFIRS

antropomorf-a*: anthropomorphic; -ismo: antropomorphism. — DEFIRS

anunc-ar: (tr.) to announce; -o, -ajo: (act; what is announced) announcement; -anto, -ilo: announcer; klame -ar vari; to cry wares (for sale); korne -ar: to wind the horn; -o-festo; (rel.) Annunciation (March 25th). DEFIS

anus-o: (anat.) anus; -ala floso: anal fin. — DEFIS

anxi-ar*: (intr.) to be anxious, -o: anxiety; -oza: anxious. — DEFIS

aorist-o*: (gram.) aorist. — DEFIRS

aort-o: (anat.) aorta. — DEFIRS

aortit-o*: (med) aortitis. — DEFIRS

apanaj-o: appanage: royal grant of domain or allowance; -izar: to endow with an a. — DEFIRS

apar-ar: (intr.) to appear (to or before: -o, -ajo: appearance (act); ad, avan ulu); to become visible, be in sight, come to light; -igar: to cause to a. to; apparition (thing visible); to put in an appearance, -anta: apparent, plain, obvious, ostensible, specious; -ar por la formo: show oneself; fantom- -o: apparition (ghost) Ant: Des-aparar. — DEFIS

aparat-o: (tech., surg.) apparatus; machine, instrument or appliance used to perform a certain operation. —DEFIRS

apart-a: apart: separately, aside, alone; -a paroli: words spoken aside. Def.: Signifikas quaze separita, izolita, sola; VII-154. Ex.: Aparta parolo (en teatro od en vivo); aparta lernado (lernar aparte, t.e. sole e sen docanto); prenar ulu aparte (por parolar a lu specale, exter e for la ceteri). Lu dormas en aparta chambro (ne en la komuna dormeyo). Lu manjas an aparta tablo (ne an la   komuna tablo). — DEFIS

apartament-o: apartments: suite of rooms; flat. — DEFIRS

aparten-ar: (intr.) to appertain, pertain; belong to by right, nature or custom; -ajo: appurtenance. Ex.: Algeria apartenas a Francia. Il apar tenas a bona familio. Domo e lua apartenaji. — EFIS

apati-o: apathy: want of feeling, indifference: (cf. indiferent-eso); -oza: apathetic, impassive. Ant.: anim-oz-eso, viv-em-eso. — DEFIRS