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apel-ar: (intr.) to appeal (in law); (fig.) to call for aid or sympathy (ad ulu, pri ulo); facar apelo: to lodge an a.; asignar -o: To give notice of a. (pri). Ex.: Me apelas a vu por regulo di ca questiono; apelar pri un judicio o tribunalo ad altra. — DEFIRS

apendic-o: (lit., anat., zool., bot.) appendix; -o verm-atra, -o-forma: vermiform a. Def.: Parto qua servas kom prolonguro di parto precipua. — DEFIS

apendicit-o*: (med.) appendicitis. — DEFIS

apene: (adv.) hardly, scarcely, barely. Ex.: Il apene arivis. Il apene eskapis la morto. — FIS

apert-ar: (tr.) to open, unclose (also fig. with heart, soul, etc.); -(ad)o: (act) opening; -uro: aperture, hole, gap; -e openly, plainly, frankly; (cf. kandida); -iva, -ivo: aperient, laxative; mi- -ar: to half open (a door, etc.). An.: klozar. — DeFIS

apetit-ar: (tr., pr. and fig.) to have an appetite for; crave or desire (instinctively); -o: appetite, longing; -ig-iva, -ivo: appetizing, appetizer; -igar: to give or cause an a. for; -ig-anta: appetizing, relishing. Ex.: La stomako apetitas la nutrivi. Apetito sensual, karnal, perversa. Il havas nesaturebla apetito por richaji. Ant.: saturar. —DEFIRS

api-pomo: ‹‹api››: a small red apple (Malum Appianum).

api-o: (bot.) smallage, wild celery (Apium). — DEFIRS

aplanat-a*: (opt.) aplanatic. — DEF

aplast-ar: (tr.) to crush, squeeze, squash (soft objects); (fig.) to overwhelm, overburnden, oppress; rul- -ilo: (a steam or other) roller (as on streets). Ex.: Aplastar insekto per la pedo, vit-beri per presilo. Aplastita per laborego. Aplastar adverso en diskuto. V. exp.: On povas presegar stala bulo sen aplastar ol, kontre ke on aplastas argilo sen presegar; III-198. — FIS

aplaud-ar: (tr.) to applaud, clap; (fig.) to express approbation, -(ad)o: applauding; -i: plaudits; -anto, -ero: applauder; -ist-aro: claque (paid clappers at theater). — DEFIRS

aplik-ar: (tr.) to apply, lay on, impose; -ar su: (fig.) to apply oneself (the mind, attention); -o: application: applying; -ajo: thing applied; -ebla: applicable, apposite, suitable. Def.: Pozar ulo sur ulo. — DEFIRS

aplomb-o: (fig.) assurance, self-confidence, self-possession (cf. audaco); (inst.) plummet, plumb-line; -a: upright, plumb, self-assured, confident; stacar aplombe: to stand upright, plumb. Def.: Signifikas propre: vertikala pozeso, vertikaleso, e nur metafore: fido en su ipsa, audaco (t.e. sentimento, ke on stacas vertikale, solide sur sua pedi). IV-528. — DeFIRS

apodiktik-a*: (log.) apodictical. — DEFIS

apofiz-o*: (anat.) apophysis. — DEFIS

apog-ar: (tr.) to prop (up), stay, support; to lean, to rest; to base, found, ground (assertions, reasons, etc.) -o: propping, supporting: -ilo, -trabo: prop, stay, support, pillar, strut, stanchion, brace; -arko: (arch.) flying buttress; (fig.) mainstay; shultr- -ar: to press to the shoulder (firearms, etc.); -punto: point of support, fulcrum; dors- -ilo: a support for the back; kap- -ilo: head-support; apogar skalo an la muro: to prop (or set) a ladder against a wall; apogar edifico per apog-arki: to support a building by buttresses; me apogis me an la muro: I leaned against the walclass="underline" apogar sua manui sur tablo: to lean one's hands on a table; sur quo vu apogas vua aserti: on what do you base your assertions? Def.: Suportar (o, igar suportar) per lateral od obliqua forco; III-102. Suportar, sustenar per la moyeno di apogilo. — FIS

apoge-o: (astr.) apogee. Ant.: perigeo. — DEFIRS

apokalips-o: apocalypse. — DEFIRS

apokrif-a: apocryphal. — DEFIRS

«Apollon»: (myth.) Apollo. — DEFIRS

apolog-o: apologue: moral fable. — DEFIRS

apologi-ar: (tr.) to vindicate (in writing or speech); -o: apology: written or spoken discourse to justify a person, a thing; -ala, -atra: apologetical, exculpatory; -arto: apologetics; -isto: apologist. Ant.: blamar, denigrar, difamar. Note: For the translation of apologize in the sense of «to beg pardon» cf. exkuzar. — DEFIRS

aponevros-o*: (anat.) aponeurosis. — DEF

apoplexi-o: (med.) apoplexy; -ala, -ema, -atra: apopleptic; aceso di -o: apopleptic attack; cerebrala -o: cerebral a. — DEFIRS

apostat-a, -o: apostate; -eso, -esko: apostacy; -eskar: to become an a., to apostatize. — DEFIRS

aposteriori-e, -ala*:  a posteriori.

apostil-o: aposticlass="underline" marginal note, annotation; recommendatory note (to back a petition); -izar: to add an a.; (cf. pos-skrib-ajo). — eFIS

apostol-o: apostle; -ala: appostolic; -eso: apostleship. — DEFIR

apostrof-o: (gram.) apostrophe; -izar: to mark with an a. — DEFIRS

apotek-o: (Eng.) chemist’s shop; (U.S.) drug-store, pharmacy; -isto: chemist, apothecary, druggist. — DEFIRS

apotem-o: (geom.) apothegm. — DEFIRS

apoteos-o: apotheosis, deification. — DEFIRS

apozicion-o: (gram.) apposition; -ala: appositive (word). — DEFIRS

apr-(ul)o: wild-boar; -o-kush-eyo: lair of w. b. — DRL

aprentis-o: apprentice (pri); -eso: apprenticeship; -esar: to be an a., obligar ulu kom -o: to bind as an a.; pikto- -o: painter’s pupil. — DEFIS

apret-ar: (tr., tech.) to dress: put a finish on calicoes, leather, etc. by applying a glaze dressing or varnish. - DFIR

april-o: April. — DEFIRS

apriori-e, ala*: a priori, presumptive. — DEFIRS

aprob-ar: (tr.) to approve, give approbation to. Ant.: des-, ne-aprobar. — DEFIRS

aproch-o, -i: (milit., fortif.) approaches: the works, trenches, etc. made by besiegers. — DEFIRS