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apsid-o: (arch.) apse; (astron.) apsis; -ala: apsidal. — DeFIRS

apt-a: apt, fit, appropriate, good for, suitable (ad); -eso: aptitude, aptness, qualification; -igar: to make fit or suitable; -a a milito: fit for war (service); -a por nulo: fit for nothing. Ant.: Des-, ne-apta, -justa, -kapabla, -konven-anta. — EFIS

apud: (prep.) close by, next to, beside, -a: near, neighboring, adjacent; -esar: to be near or close; -aleo: side-lane; -pozar: (tr.) to juxtapose; apudaji ed abutaji: (fig.) the ins and outs (of an affair). Ex.: Apud la domo esas puteo. Apud la generalo stacis lua adjutanto. — IL

apunt-ar: (tr.) to point (a fire-arm); take aim at; level at; -ilo: sight. — DeFIS

aqu-o: water, -ala: aquatic; -oza, atra: aqueous, watery; -oz-eso: aquosity; -izar: to water (streets, etc.); -es-pruva: w. proof; -o-fosato: w. trench, moat; -o-falo: w. fall; -o-kontilo: w. meter; -o-melono: w. melon; -o-pento: w. shed; -o-rezerv-uyo: reservoir; -o-turmo: w. tower; -o-vazo, -krucho: ewer; -o santa: holy-w.; reze di l’aquo:  on a lavel with the w.; pluv- -o: rain w.; rejala  -o: (chem.) aqua regia; sal-o: salt w., brine, pickle; sod- -o: soda-w; -o-boko: water nozzle, hydrant; -pikturo: washed drawing; -o-sprico: jet of w.; -o-spric-ilo: w. nozzle. -espruva mantelo: w. proof cloak, -espruv-eso: w. proofness. — DEFIRS

aquafort-o: (chem.) aqua fortis: nitric acid; -ajo: a.f. etching. — DEFIRS

aquamarino-o: (min.) aquamarine. Def.: Varietato de berilo. — DEFIRS

aquarel-a, -o: (painting) water-color; -piktar: to paint in w.c. — DEFIRS

aquari-o: aquarium. — DEFIRS

aquatint-o: (engraving) aquatint. — DEFIRS

aquedukt-o: aqueduct. — DEFIRS

aquilegi-o: (bot.) columbine (genus: Aquilegia). — L

aquilon-o: (poet., lit.) Aquilon: the north wind personified. — DeFIRS

aquir-ar: (tr.) to get (through one's own exertions), to become the possessor of (by purchase, by labor, etc.), to acquire, win; to contract (a habit, a sickness); to gain (affection favor), to incur (dislike, hatred); -o: (act) acquisition, attainment; -ajo: what is acquired. — DEFIS

ar-o: (metric sys.) area: 119.6 sq. yds. — DEFIRS

Arab-a: Arab-ic, -ian; -o: an Arab; -ia: Arabia; -a linguo: A. language.

arabesk-o: arabesque. — DEFIRS

arach-ar: (tr.) to pull or drag out (a nail, etc.); to tear out (the hair, the eyes); to grub up (roots); to tear away (a child from its mother); to snatch, wrest, extort, wring (ulo de ulu); Ex.: arachar afisho, konfeso, krii, lakrimi. Arachar ulu de la morta. — FS

arak-o: (spirits) arrack, — DEFIRS

araknoid-o*: (anat.) arachnoid. — DEF

arane-o: spider; -atra: s.-like, araneous; -reto, -telo: spider-, cob-web; -pedo: s. leg. — eFIS

aranj-ar: (tr.) to arrange: make orderly disposition of, dispose of in a proper manner; (cf. ordinar) -o, -eso, -uro: (act, state, result) arranging, disposition; Ex.: Aranjar libri sur tablo. Aranjar afero, mariajo, kofro, lito Aranjar por facar ulo. — DEFI

arbalest-o: arbalist; cross-bow; -iero: cross-bowman. — DEFIRS

arbitr-ar: (tr.) to arbitrate: award as an arbitrator, decide, judge, settle (ulo); -o: arbitration; -anto, -ero, -isto: arbitrator; umpire; referee; -ala: arbitral. — DEFIRS

arbitraj-ar: (tr., com.) to carry on arbitrage: to buy and sell on the market. — DEFIRS

arbitri-o: free-will; -ala: arbitrary, discretionary; -ajo: arbitrary act, caprice: -e: ad libitum, at will; segun la arbitrio: at the discretion or will (di ulu). — DEFIS

arbor-o: tree; -ala: arboreal; -atra: arborescent; -oza: woody; -aro: clump of t.s.; -izar: to afforest, plant with t.s.; -kultiv-(ad)o: arboriculture; -gluo: bird-lime; -o genealogi-ala: genealogical t.; -stumpo: t. stump; -trunko: t. trunk; -speco: specie of t.; -rano: t. -frog (Hyla aborea); -eduk-eyo: (hort.) nursery; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to clear of t.s.; dorn- -o: thorn-t. eben- -o: ebony-t.; Kristo-naskala- -o: Christmas t.; ax- -o: (tech.) axle-t., -shaft; movo-, trans-mis- -o: main-, transmission shaft. — eFIS

arbust-o: shrub, bush (not over three feet in height); sub- -o: underbrush; -aro: thicket. — FIS

arbut-o: arbute berry; -iero: (European) arbutus (genus: Arbutus). — EFIL

arch-o: (Noah's) ark; -o di kontrato: ark of the covenant (Bibl.). — DeFIS

ardez-a, -o: slate; -ea, -atra, -oza: slaty; -a krayono: s. pencil; -a tabelo: slate (for writing); -kolor-izar: to cover, with s. color: -kovrar: to cover, roof with s.: -min-eyo: s. quarry. — FI

ardor-ar: (intr.) to be aglow, glowing, hot, fiery (cf. brular, kombustar); (fig.) (of passion, zeal) to be ardent, fervent; (of animals) to be in heat, rut; -o: heat; ardor, eagerness; rut; -anta, -oza: fiery, burning, full of ardor, passionate; -igar: to make burn, set on fire, make ardent. — DEFIS

ardu-a*: arduous: (of mountains, etc.) steep, rugged: hard to climb (cf. eskarpa); (of tasks, etc.} difficult to perform. — EFIS

are-o: area; extent of surface: (geom.) superfices. — DEFIS

arek-o: areca-, betel-nut (cf. betel-ajo);-iero: areca-palm (Areca). — DEFIRS

aren-o: arena, ring. V. Exp.: Areno esas spaco rondatra od elipsoiorma e klozita, por la ludi e kombati cirklala. Lico esas longa kureyo, generale duopia (por iro e riveno) por kuri o por turniri, II-646. —DEFIRS

areol-o: (anal., med.) areola. — DEFIS