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armadil-o: (zool.) armadillo (Dasypus). — DEFIS

armator-o: shipowner. Def.: Posedanto ed equipanto di navo; III-75. — FIRS

armatur-o: (elec.) armature; (tech.) iron braces, stays (to strengthen masonry, etc.); kabl- -o: wire covering about a cable; -izita cemento: reinforced cement. — DEFIRS

arme-o: army; -o de triadek mil viri: a. of 30,000 men; -chefo, -estro: head of the a., general; -korpo: a. corps; (fig.) cielal- - o: celestial a.; reserv- -o: a. in reserve. — DEFIRS

armistic-o: armistice, truce. — DEFIS

armor-o: cupboard; -eto: cabinet; fer- -o: iron chest, strong-box; glaci- -o: ice-box; linj- -o: linen press; mur- -o: c. in a wall; nutriv-, para-mush- -o: pantry; screened c.; vest- -o: wardrobe; plad- -o: dish-closet. — FIS

armoraci-o*: horse-radish (Cochlearia Armoracia). — FISL

arnik-o: (bot. and med.) arnica (Arnica montana). — DEFIRS

arog-ar: (tr.) to arrogate (ulo a su): to make undue claims; -ema, -anta: arrogant, overbearing, supercilious, haughty. Ex.: Il arogas a su autoritato sen havar la yuro. — DEFIS

arom-o: aroma: spicy flavor or smell. — DEFIRS

aromat-o: aromatic: fragrant vegetable substance. — DEFIRS

arorut-o: arrowroot: starchy flour of Maranta arundinatea and other plants. — DEFR

aroz-ar: (tr.) to moisten, wet, water (with any liquid); -ilo: watering-pot; -venturo: sprinkling cart; V. exp.: aquizar, aspersar, irgacar: On povas arozar materiale o figurale, per mult altra liquidi kam aquo. La biblo dicas, ke Noa ‹‹arozis›› la vito sucedante per sango di pavono, per sango di simio, per sango di leono e per sango di porko. Do on ne povas uzar ‹‹aquizar››. On aspersas planti ed arbori por preventar ula morbo. Asperso relatas saneso. Irigaco esas brancho di agrokultivado. Ol aquizas tota farmi, distrikti per fluigar aquo de riveri, lagi, e.c., en artificala kanali a la kultivo-loki; IV-353, 459. — F

arpej-ar: (intr.) to play arpeggios; -o: arpeggio. — DEFIRS

arsen-o: (chem.) arsenic. — DEFIRS

arsenal-o: arsenal. — DEFIRS

art-o: art: practical skill guided by rules; occupation requiring such skill; -isto: artist (in fine arts), adept (at anything); -ala: artistic: (relating to arts); -ist-ala: relating to the artist; -al-eso: artistic quality or character (of a thing); -e, -oze: artfully, skillfully, cunningly; -ema: artistic (person); -ist-ino: female artist; -i bela: (the) fine arts; -o-verko: work of art; -i societ-ala: social accomplishments; -i liberal, mekanikaclass="underline" the liberal, mechanical arts or professions; poezi- -o: the poetic art; akush- -o: abstetrics (as a profession); -i utila: useful arts; skrib-arto: the art of writing. Def.: Aplik(ad)o di konoci por realigar koncepto. — DEFIRS

artemizi-o: (bot.) mugwort (genus: Artemisia); -absinta: common worm-wood. — FL

arteri-o: (anat.) artery; -ala: arterial. — DEFIRS

arteriit-o*: arteritis: inflammation of the arteries; (cf. flebito). — DEF

arteriologi-o*: arteriology. — DEFIRS

arteriotomi-o*: (surg.) arteriotomy. — DEFIRS

artez-a: Artesian; -a puteo: A.-well. — DEFIRS

artichok-o: (bot.) artichoke (Cynara Scolymus). — DEFR

artific-o: artifice: artful or ingenious expedient; -ala: artificial; (cf. falsa): -acho: (in a bad sense) cunning, craft, wile, trick; -(ach)oza: artful, crafty, factitious; sen- -a: frank. Ex.: Artificala dentaro, gambo, rido. La artifico qua movigas automato. — DEFIS

artik-o: (anat., bot.) articulation: joint; -ala: articular; -izar: to articulate: supply with a.s; -oza, -iz-ita: articulated, jointed; bul- -o: arthrodia; -o inter la kruro e la hancho: the a. of the thigh with the hip: the hip-joint; des- -izar: to unjoint. — DEFIS

artikl-o: (newspaper, gram.) article; (cf. varo, komerc-ajo); -o redaktistaclass="underline" editorial; kred- -o: a. of faith; defin-ita -o: definite a. — DEFIRS

artikul-ar: (tr.) to articulate: pronounce, utter words; ne- -ita: inarticulate. — DEFIRS

artilri-o: artillery: body of troops; (cf. kanon-aro); -ano: a. man, gunner; ped- -o: foot a. — DEFIRS

artr-o: (anat.) part or segment of a limb or body; movable articulation. Ex.: La korpi di kelka insekti havas multa artri. — FS

artrit-o: (med.) arthritis; -ika, -iko: (person) suffering with a. — DEFIRS

artrodi-o*: (anat.) arthrodia. — DEF

artropod-o: (zool.) arthropod, articulata. — DEFIS

aruf-ar: (tr.) to ruffle up, turn back (feathers, hair); karezar kato arufe: to stroke a cat the wrong way. — I

arum-o: (bot.) arum: cuckoo-pint, wake-robin (genus: Arum). — DEFIRS

aruspic-o: (Rom. antiq.) (h)aruspex. — DEFIRS

Aryan-a, -o: Aryan (race, language). — DEFIRS

as-o: ace (cards, dice); kordi- -o: ace of hearts. — DEFIS

asafetid-o: asafetida: gum resin of Ferula Asafoetida. — DEFIS

asalt-ar: (tr.) to assault, storm (a fortified place); to assault, charge (the enemy); -anto, -ero: assailant aggressor; ek- -ar to make a sally, sortie; ri- -ar: to charge again; -ar quik l'obstaklo: (fig.) to take the bull by the horns; sonigar por -o: to sound the charge; -o-skalo: scaling-ladder; ne- -ebla: unassailable, impregnable; -e kaptar, konquestar: to carry by assault, (cf. atakar, asomar, atentar). — EFIRS

asasin-ar: (tr.) to assassinate. Def.: Mortigar kun preintenco ed embuske o surprize; III-698. — DEFIS

asbest-o: (min.) asbestos. — DEFIRS