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aspir-ar: (tr.) to inhale, draw in (air, smoke, etc.); to suck in or up (liquids); (gram.) to aspirate (a sound); to aspire: desire eagerly, long for, aim at; -(ad)o: inhaling, inbreathing, suction, aspiration: ardent wish; -ilo: (chem) aspirator; -ajo: (gram.) aspirate; -signo: (gram.) sign of aspiration; -ar la honori, ofici: aspire to honors, office; -ar la krono, rejeso: aspire to the crown, to kingship; (cf. ambiciar); -ar la venjo: to long for vengeance; -o di aero en la pulmoni: inhaling of air into the lungs; -o-tubo: suction pipe; pumpilo aspiras l'aquo: a pump sucks (draws) up the water; la feliceso quan me -as: the happiness which I long for. V. exp.: vid. sugar. Ant. expirar. — DeFIRS

astatik-a: (magnetism) astatic. — DEFIRS

astenop-a*: (bot.) asthenopic. — DE

aster-o: (bot.) aster; Chiniana -o: China a. — DEFIRS

asteri-o: (zool.) asterid, star-fish (genus: Asterias). — DeFIRS

asterism-o: (astron., opt. of crystals) asterism. Def.: Optikal fenomeno; reflekto radianta di la lumo sur ula lapidi; III-135. — DEFIRS

asteroid-o: (astron.) asteroid. — DEFIRS

astigmat-a*: astigmatic: -eso: astigmatism. — DEF

astm-o: (med.) asthma; -ika, iko: asthmatic (person). — DEFIRS

aston-ar: (tr.) to astonish, surprise, amaze: -egar: to astound, aghast; (fig.) to stupify; (cf. stupor-igar); -esar: to be a.ed (da). — EF

astr-o: star: any heavenly body; -ala: astral, sidereal; -aro: constellation; fixa -o: fixed s.; -o-fiziko: astrophysics. V. exp.: Stelo, astro: La astri esas omna cielala korpi, qui kontenas ne nur las steli (dicita fixa), ma la planeti, lia sateliti (exemple la luno), la nebulosi, la kometi, e.c. VI-191. — DEFIRS

astragal-o: (anat., arch.) astragal. — DEFIRS

astrakan-o: astrakhan (pelt). — DEFIRS

astrikt-ar: (tr.) to have an astringent effect on; -(ad)o, -eso: (med.) astriction; -iva, ivo: astringent. Def.: Astrikto esas densigo di ula organika texuri: ex. ‹‹aluno esas astriktiva›› II-645. — DEFIS

astrolab-o: (astron. instr.) astrolabe. — DEFIRS

astrolog-o: astrologer. — DEFIRS

astrologi-o: astrology. — DEFIRS

astronom-o: astronomer. — DEFIRS

astronomi-o: astronomy; -ala: astronomical. — DEFIRS

asum-ar: (tr.) to assume, take on oneself, undertake; (cf. entraprezar); -ajo: assumption: something taken for granted; -ar afero: take a hand in an affair; -ar debi: a. debts; -ar devo, la responso: to a. a duty, the responsibility; -ar la spensi: to undertake the expense; -ar la instrukto di la infanto: to undertake the instruction of the child (cf. supozar). — EFIS

asuncion-o: (rel.) Assumption (of the Virgin Mary). — DEFIRS

atak-ar: (tr.) to attack; (milit.) to take the offensive; (cf. asaltar, asomar, atentar); -o: (alo med.) attack(ing); -anto, -into, -ero: attacker, assailant, aggressor; -ebla: assailable; -anta, -ema: aggressive, attacking, offensive (attack); -em-eso: aggressiveness; cirkum- -ar: to a. on all sides; flanke -ar: to a. on flank; -ar dorse, surprize: to a. at the rear, to make a surprise a.; kontre- -o: counter a.; noktal -o: night a.; -iva federo: offensive alliance. — DEFIRS

ataraxi-o: (philos.) ataraxy: perfect piece of mind. — DEFIRS

atashe-o: (diplo.) attaché. — DEFIR

atavism-o: atavism. — DEFIRS

ataxi-o*: ataxia (med.) -ika, iko: ataxic (person); -o lokomocala: locomotor a. — DEFIS

ateism-o: atheism; -ala: atheistic (doctrine, teaching). — DEFIRS

ateist-a, -o: atheist; -ala: atheistic (of persons); -aro: a.s (collect.). — DEFIRS

atenc-ar: (tr.) to pay attention to (ulu, ulo); to apply the mind to, heed; -o: attention, care, heed; -ema: attentive, mindful; -ez: attention! mind! look out! ne- -oza, -ema: inattentive, heedless; sen- -ajo: inadvertence, oversight (act). — DEFIS

atene-o*: Athenaeum (temple and literary institution). — DEFIRS

atent-ar: (tr.) to make a criminal attempt on (ulu, ulo); -o: attempt (to commit an offense or crime); attack, assault (on persons or property), outrage; -a, -anta, -ema: assailing, unlawful, hostile; -ar la honoro di ulu: to assail the honor of some one; -ar la vivo (di ulu): to make an attempt on a person's life; -ar su ipsa: to attempt suicide; -o kontre la majesto: crime of lese-majeste; -o kontre la pudoro: criminal (or indecent) assult. — DeFIS

aterom-o*: (med.) atheroma. — DEFIRS

atest-ar: (tr.) to attest: certify, bear witness, give proof of; -(ad)o: attestation, testimony, deposition, certification; -uro: certificate, voucher; deb- -o: acknowledgement of debt; demandar -o (di ulu): to call for witness: donar -o: (jur.) to depose; examen- -o: brevet, certificate, diploma; facar -o (pri ulo, ulu): to bear witness; falsa, menti- -o: false testimony; mariaj - o: certification of marriage; -o di slaubreso: health certificate; -ala: testimoniaclass="underline" relating to testimony; la dei -as to: the gods are witness to it, as the gods are our witnesses. — DEFIRS

atik-o*: (arch.) attic, a. story; (cf. mansardo). — EF

atik-ismo: Atticism; -isto: Atticist. — DEFIRS

ating-ar: (tr.) to attain, reach; ta infanto ruptas irgo quon il povas -ar: that child breaks everything he can reach; la vito -as le triesma etajo: the vine reaches to the 3rd story; -ar sua skopo: to hit one's mark, attain one's aim; ta kalumnii ne povas -ar ni: those calumnies cannot reach (hurt) us; -ar la simileso: to hit off the resemblance; ye fusil- -o: at (within) gun shot; -o-disto: hand's reach; ne -ebla: beyond reach. — EFIS