atlant-o: (arch.) atlas; (pl.) atlantes; (cf. kariatido). Def.: Virala figuro, qua servas kom suportilo. — DEFIRS
Atlantik-o, -a oceano: Atlantic (ocean); trans- -a: transatlantic. — DEFIRS
atlas-o: (anat., geog.) atlas. — DEFIRS
atlet-o: athlete; -ala, -atra: athletic; -ismo, -exerc-ado: athletics. — DEFIRS
atmosfer-o: atmosphere; -ala: atmospheric; -o-preso: a. pressure. — DEFIRS
atom-o: atom; -ala pezo: atomic weight; -ismo: atomism (theory); -isto: atomist (philos.). — DEFIRS
atoni-o: (med.) atony; -oza: atonic. — DEFIRS
atrakt-ar: (tr. also fig.) to attrack, draw; -(ad)eso: attract -ing, -ion; -iva, -ivo: attractive, inviting, engaging, winning (object); -ilo di desfortuno: something which brings bad luck. Ex.: La magneto atraktas la fero. Atraktar l'atenco di ulu. Atraktar la odio di la publiko. Un desfortuno atraktas (E. brings on) un altra. Atrakto-forco, -povo. Mieno atraktiva. Ant.: repulsar, antipatiar. — DEFIS
atrap-ar: (tr.) to entrap: take in, trick, hoax, dupe; April- -o, -ilo: April hoax; -ita da fripono: taken in by a rogue. — DeFS
atribu-ar: to assign, give, bestow, vest, allocate, invest with (something as due and appropriate); -ar a ta ofico la konoco di ica od ita aferi: to assign to that office the cognizance of such and such affairs; la funcioni atribuita a policestro esas tre multa: the functions assigned (or vested in) the chief of police are very numerous; on atribuis bela honorarii a ta ofico: handsome emoluments have been assigned (attached, annexed) to that office; -ar la kulpo ad ulu: to throw the fault on some one; -ar a su la honori di: to take the credit, claim the honors of. (cf. imputar). DeFIS
atribut-o: (log., gram.) attribute, attributive. — DEFIRS
atric-ar*: (intr., theol.) to feel attrition; -o: (theol.) attrition: grief for sin arising from fear of punishment. — DeFIS
atrofi-ar: (tr., med.) to atrophy; -esar: to be atrophied, waste away. — DEFIRS
atropin-o: atropin(e). — DEFIRS
atun-o: (ich.) tunny (-fish) (Scomber thynus). — DeFIRS
aturd-ar: (tr.) to stun. V. exp.: Aturdar ne esas sempre vertijigar, nek ebriigar; en sua propra senco, ol indikas nekoncio o preska nekoncio produktita exemple da frapo, granda shoko, e.c. IV-1102. — FIS
aucion-ar: (tr.) to bid for, offer a higher price; -(ad)o: bidding, bid; -anto: bidder; -e vendar: to auction off, to sell at auction; -o, -vendo: auction; -ven-ist-o: auctioneer; -ar domo: to bid for a house. Def.: Ofrar preco plu alta kam altru. VI-417. — DeFRS
aud-ar: (tr.) to hear: receive sensations by the ear; -(ad)o, -eso: hearing, audition; -ala, -iva: auditory, auricular; -anta: audient, listening, hearing; -anto, -ero: hearer, auditor; -ant-aro: audience, auditors, congregation; per -o: by hearsay. V. exp.: vid. askoltar, kp. auskultar. — DeFIRS
audac-ar: (tr.) to dare, venture, be so bold as; -o: audacity, hardihood; -oza, -anta: bold, daring, intrepid; -ego: temerity; -anto, -ozo: audacious person; -igar: to embolden; -eskar: to grow bold; -ar ek-asalto: to venture (dare) a sortie; me ne audacas informar il pri la mala novajo: I do not dare to inform him of the bad news; simular -o: to bluster. V. exp.: vid. riskar. — EFIS
audienc-o: audience, sitting, hearing (granted by person in authority); not audience as in theaters, etc; cf. aud-ant-aro; -eyo: a. chamber; Sro. X havis -o kun la rejo: Mr. X had an a. with the king; hori di -o: (fixed) hours for hearing, times for cosultation (physicians, barristers). — DEFIRS
auditor-o: auditor: judicial-hearer, assessor (functionary). — DeFIRS
augment-ar: (tr., intr.) to augment: to increase, enlarge, to make larger or more numerous; to raise (rents, prices, wages, etc. (cf. plu-cher-igar); -(ad)o, -eso, -uro: augmentation, increase, aggravation; rise (in price); (gram.) augment; -iva, -ivo: augmentative; pluse -ar: to raise higher. Ex.: Augmentar sua fortuno; augmentar la preco di nutrivi; augmentar sua domo, sua domeno. Augmentar la salarii. La desfacilaji augmentis cirkum lu. Ant.: diminutar, reduktar. — DEFIS
augur-ar: (tr.) to augur (de ulo); -o: augury, omen, presage; -isto: augur, soothsayer; mal- -a: ominous; -ar bone pri kozo: to augur well (have a favorable opinion) of a thing; Ex.: Ta evento esas bona auguro. To bone auguras. — DEFIRS
august-a: august: imposing awe or veneration, majestic. Ex.: Il esas persono di august aspekto. — DEFIRS
‹‹aula››: aula: hall in universities, colleges, etc.; -ala konsilistaro: aulic council. — DeFIRS
aureol-o: (pr. and fig.) aureole, halo, nimbus; -izar: to put a halo around (as in painting); (fig.) to crown with glory. — DEFIRS
aurikul-o: (anat.) auricle. — DEFIS
auror-o: aurora, dawn; -o pol-ala: a. borealis. — DEFIRS
auskult-ar: (tr., med.) to auscultate. — DEFIRS
auspic-o, -i: (lit. and fig) auspice(s); me entraprezas ica afero kun -i favoroza: I undertake this business under favorable a.s. — DEFIS
auster-a: austere: (in a moral sense) strict, rigid. Def.: Tre severa por su pri la mori, kun nuanco di rigoro ed asketeso; II-707. — DEFIS
austr-o: (poet.) a south wind; -ala: austraclass="underline" southern; -ala latitudo: southern latitude. — DeFIRS
autentik-a: authentic, genuine, properly attested; -igar: to authenticate; garantiar la -eso di: to guarantee the authenticity of - - - — DEFIRS
auto-: (prefix for scientific and technical words) auto-, self-; auto-movanta: self-moving, -acting. — DEFIRS
autobiografi-o: autobiography. — DEFIRS
‹‹autodafe›› auto-da-fe. — DEFIRS
autodidakt-a, -o: autodidact: self-taught (person) — DeFIRS