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abomin-ar: (tr.) to abominate, abhor, loathe, detest (cf. odieg-ar, horor-ar); -ajo: an abominable act or object; -inda: abominable, detestable, execrable. — EFIS

abon-ar: (tr.) to subscribe for or to (a periodical) igar-ar: to cause (ulu) to subscribe to (ulo); -o: subscription (to a journal); -o-preco: cost of subscription; -anto-, -into: subscriber. — DFIRS

abord-ar: (tr.) to land on a (shore, a wharf, etc.); to board (a ship, a vehicle); (fig.) to go alongside, come up close to. Def.: Irar sur ulo o, per extenso, venar flanke ad, bordo an bordo kun ulo (por irar sur ol). L’etimologiala senco esas: irar a (sur) la bordo di ulo. Ex.: La Portugalani esis le unesma qui abordis la literi di India. Abordar la navo dil enemiko. La navo abordas (ad, an) la warfo. La pasajanti abordas sur la warfo. — eFIRS.

aborijen-a, -o: aboriginal, autochthon. V.exp.: Aborijeno, indijeno: Indijeno signifikas simple la populo (raso) qua habitas la lando «de l’origino» (historiala). Ex. Omna Amerikani qui naskis en Amerika esas indijena, opozite a l’enmigranti ed a l’Europani (mem samlingua e samrasa), ma nur l’Indiani e simila rasi esas aborijena; IV-512-3.  — EFIS

abort-ar: (intr.) to abort, miscarry; (fig.) to come to nothing, fail; -o: miscarriage; -ala: abortive; -igar: to cause a. to (ulu); -igo: miscarriage (caused); -ig-iva, -anta: abortive (capable of producing and abortion); -ig-ivo, -ilo: something causing abortion; -uro: an abortive child or thing. — DEFIS

aboy-ar: (int., also fig.) to bark, bay; -etar: to yelp; -achar:  to give tongue falsely, snarl, bawl. — FI

abrevi-ar: (tr.) to abbreviate (words), abridge (a book), curtail (a narrative); (cf. rezumar, kurt-igar); -(ad)o, -uro: abbreviation, abridgment. — DEFIS

abrikot-o: (fruit) apricot; -iero: a. tree. — DEFIRS

abrog-ar: (tr.) to abrogate, repeal, annul. V. exp.: vid. abolisar. — DEFIS

abrotan-o: (bot.) abrotanum, southernwood (Artemisia Abrotanum). — ISL

abrupt-a: precipitous, cragged, abrupt; (fig.) rough, broken, unpolished. Ex.: L’abrupta flanko di monto. Stilo, karaktero abrupta. V. exp.: vid. eskarpa. — DEFIS

absent-a: absent: not present (de); -(ul)o: absentee; -eso: absence; -eskar: to absent oneself, keep out of the way; -a de Paris: a. from Paris; -a per konjedo: a. on leave. Ant.: prezenta. — DEFIRS

absint-o: (bot.) absinth, wormwood; -o-liquoro: absinth(e) (the liquor). — DEFIRS

absolut-a: absolute: unlimited, unrestricted; -ajo: (philos.) something unconditioned; -o: an absolute being; -e: absolutely; -ismo: absolutism; -isto: absolutist; ablativo absoluta: ablative absolute. Ex.: Povo, rejo absoluta. Absoluta neposiblajo. — DEFIRS

absolv-ar: (tr.) to absolve, acquit, exculpate; -o: (rel.) absolution, (jur.) acquittal; (cf. indulgar). Def.: Deklarar senkulpa (do nepunisebla) ula akuzato; III-699. Ant.: kondamnar. — DEFIS

absorb-ar: (tr.,physical sense) to absorb; (fig.) to engross (attention); -o, -eso: absorption; -iva, -anta; -ivo, -ilo: absorbent; -iva papero: blotting paper; -o-puteo: cesspool. Ex.: Sablo absorbas aquo. Lo nigra absorbas la lumo. Absorb-esar da meditado. Vaskularo absorbiva. — DEFIS

absten-ar: (tr.) to abstain (voluntarily) from, to refrain from (ulo); -(ad)o abstention; -anta, -ema: abstemious, sober; -anto, -ero: abstainer; -emeso: abstinence (habitual state); igar ar: to cause (ulu) to abstain from (ulo); -eskar: to begin to abstain; Ex.: Ne esas facila abstenar drinkar, kande on durstas. V. ex.: Abstenar, karear: Karear ne implikas «vole», ol prefere implikas «nevole» o mem «kontrevole». On abstenas kozo, quan on havas o povus havar; on kareas kozo, quan on ne havas o ne povas havar (nun). Ex.: En voyajo on mustas karear multa kozi (pro ke la kozi mankas); ma se on havus li, probable on ne abstenus li, IV-658. — DEFIS

absters-ar*: (tr., surg.) to absterge, cleanse (wounds). — DEFIS

abstinenc-ar*: (intr., relig.) to abstain (from meat), to practise abstinence (from pleasure), to fast (de). — DEFIS

abstrakt-ar: (tr.) to abstract: separate in thought, -ala: abstract (science, question); -ema, -ata, -ita: (of mind) preoccupied, absent-minded; -uro, -ajo: abstract idea, object. — DEFIRS

abstruz-a: abstruse, recondite. Del.: Desfacile komprenebla e tedanta; II-706. — DEFIS

absurd-a: absurd, preposterous. Del.: Kontre la komuna raciono. Ant.: saja, racion-oza. — DEFIRS

abuli-o*: (med.) abulia. — DEFIS

abund-ar: (intr.) to abound, be plentiful (de); -anta: abundant, exuberant, luxuriant; -eganta: superabundant; -o-korno: horn-of-plenty, cornucopia. Ant.: esar skarsa, mankar. — EFIS

abut-ar: (intr.) to abut (ad), come out (into), end (in); (abscess) to come to a head. Def.: Tushar per un extremajo. Ex.: Omna radii di cirklo abutas al centro. — EFIS

abutment-o: (arch.) abutment (as of a bridge). — E

aceler-ar: (tr.) to accelerate, hasten, quicken. Ex.: Acelerar la pazi. Ant.: moderar, (plu)lent-igar. — EFIS

acend-ar: (tr.) to light (a lamp), to kindle (a fire), to turn on (electric light); (fig.) to inflame (the passions); -ilo: (instr.) lighter; -o-ligno: kindling. Ant.: extingar. — LIS

acens-ar: (tr., intr) to go up, ascend, mount; -anta: ascending, rising; -eyo:place to mount (as stair, ascent); -ilo: lift, elevator, hoist; -o-festo: Ascension Day; -o rekta:(astron.) right ascension. Def.: Irar ad-supere; II-136. Ex.: .Acensar (sur) kavalo, eskalero, monto. Ant.: decensar. — DEFIS