tumefakt-ar: (tr., med.) to tumefy, cause to swell; -o, -uro: tumefaction. — EFIS
tumor-o: tumor (tumour): morbid swelling. — DEFIS
tumul-o: (antiq.) tumulus, barrow, cairn, burial mound. — EFIS
tumult-ar: (intr.) to raise a tumult, disturbance, uproar, hubbub, to (cause a) row, a riot; -o: tumult, riot; -eto: row, squabble, brawl; bustle; -e: disorderly and noisy, tumultuously; -ala, -oza, -ema, -atra: tumultuous, turbulent, riotous. — DEFIS
tun-o: ton: 1000kg.; about 2205 lbs, avd.; -aro, -konteno: (nav.) tonnage. — DEFIRS
«tundra»: (Russian) tundra.
tunel-o: tunnel; (city R.R.) tube, subeway. — DEFIRS
tunik-o: (coat of soldiers, pupils) tunic, an antique undergarment; (anat.) coat, film, tunic (of the eye); wall (of the stomach); (bot.) coat, integument; -iero: (zool.) tunicate. — DEFIRS
tupi-o: (spinning-, peg-) top; ludar per -i: to spin tops. — F
tur-o: tour; -isto: tourist; mondo- -o: world tour; inspekto- -o: tour, round of inspection. Ex.: Facar turo di la mondo, di urbo, di lando, di domeno. — DEFR
turb-o: (of persons) crowd, throng, multitude; -acho: mob; -e: in crowds. — FIS
turban-o: turban. — DEFIRS
turbin-o: (mechan.) turbine; -navo: t. ship; vapor- -o: steam t. — DEFIRS
turbot-o: (ich.) turbot (Rhombus maximus). — DEFR
«turco»: turco: Algerian soldier.
turd-o: (orni.) thrush (genus: Turdus).
turgec-ar: (intr., med.) to be turgescent. — DEFIS
turkez-o: (min.) turquoise; -blua: t. blue. — DEFIS
turm-o: tower; (at chess) castle; (nav.) turret; Babel- -o: tower of Babel; -o-navo: turret-ship. — D
turmalin-o: (min.) t(o)urmaline. — DEFIRS
turn-ar: (tr., intr.) to turn (from right to left), turn around, to (cause to) move circularly), twist, whirl, wheel around; (cf. jirar, rotacar, renversar, volvar, tornar); -o: turn; -ar la kapo, la klefo: to turn the head, the key; roto- -o: a turn of a wheel; klef-klozar du-turne (od, per di turni) la pordo: to double lock the door; mi-turno: half turn; ri-turn-o: turn about, face about, change of side; turn-anta dervisho: whirling dervish; turno-plako, -tablo: turntable; turn-orgeno: hand-organ; turno-hoko: swivel; turno-kesto: revolving box (as for foundlings in a convent); turno-pordo, -bar-ilo: turnstile; turno-kruco, -bar-ilo: tourniquet; turno-morbo: (vet.) staggers; skrub-turn-ilo: turn-screw; screwdriver; turno-kont-ilo: revolution counter (on an engine). V. exp.: vid. jirar. — EFS
turnir-ar: (intr.) to hold a tournament, to joust, to take part in a tourney. — DeFIRS
turt-o: oil-cake (for feed of beasts); lin- -o: linseed. — F
turtur-o: (orni.) turtle-dove (genus: Turtur). — DFIS
tus-ar: (intr.) to cough; -etar: to cough: clear one’s throat, to hem; -aceso: fit of coughing. — FIS
tush-ar: (tr., intr.) to touch, be in contact with.. (N.B. not concern); to put one’s hand, foot, etc. (on); (cf. palpar, kontaktar, kontigua); -o-senso: sense of touch; -ala, iva: tactile; -ebla: tangible (cf. palp-ebla). Ex.: Tushar ulo per la fingri. Lua pedi tushis la sulo. Regardez ol, ma ne tushez. — eFIS
tusilaj-o: (bot.) coltsfoot (genus: Tusilago). — FSL
tutel-ar: (tr.) to be guardian of (ulu) -esar da ulu: to be under the guardianship of someone; -igar, ulu: to place someone under the guardianship (of another person); -(ad)o, -eso: (act, state) guardianship, tutelage; -anto, -ero: guradian; -anta: tutelary, protecting, guardian; -ato: ward. — eFIS
tuv-ar: (tr., nav.) to warp: move a ship or boat by a rope or cable attached to some fixed object; -o-kablo: stream-line, warping-hawser. V. exp.: Tuvar ne esas sinonima di remorkar. Navo tuvas (su ed altri) per kateno fixa en rivero o kanalo; IV-645. — F
tuy-o: (bot.) thuja (-tree), arbor vitæ (genus: Thuja). — DeFIS
tuyer-o*: tuyere: a nozzle through which the air blast is delivered to a forge, blast furnace, etc. — F
ube: (adv.) where; ad-ube: whither?; where to? (with motion), to what place?; de-ube, ek-ube: from where? whence?; altr-ube: elsewhere, somewhere else; irg-ube: anywhere, wherever; nul-ube: nowhere; omn-ube: everywhere; tra-ube: through what place, which way?; ul-ube: somewhere; me ne savas ube il esas: I do not know where he is; ad-ube vu, vu volas irar?: where do you wish to go?; dicez a me de ube vu venas: tell me where you are from; tra-ube vu iros?: which way will you go?; ube vu habitas?: where do you live? — FL
ubiqu-a: ubiquitous; -eso: ubiquity. Def.: Qua esas omnaloke; IV-270. — EFIS
ucel-o, -ulo, -ino: bird; -eyo: place for birds; aiviary; -nesto: bird’s-nest; -kaptar: (intr.) to catch b.s; -vend-isto: b.dealer; -o migr-anta: migratory b., b. of passage; -o rapt-anta: b. of prey; paradiz- -o: b. of paradise; -vido: bird’s-eye view; ucel-ire: as the b. flies; in a straight line. — FI
erj.) ugh! uff! oof!uf*: (int
ukaz-o: ukase: edict of (Russian) emperor. — DEFIRS
ul-a: some, any: indicates a certain, but only partly defined person or object; (semi-indefinite article) a, an (used only where it is desired to emphasize indefiniteness); ul-o: something; ul-u: someone, somebody, anyone; ul-i: some, any (persons or things); ul-die: some day; ul-loke, -ube: somewhere; ul-maniere (od, ule): in some manner or way; ulu altra: someone else; ula altra: some other; ul-foye: once, one time; ul-tempe: ever, sometime(s). V. exp.: Ula ne indikas kompleta nedetermineso (quan irga expresus plu juste), ma mi-determineso. Ula povas anke ludar la rolo di la nedfinita artiklo, se (o kande) on trovas ica necesa. Ex.: Me stacas avan la biblioteko di amiko (me ne dicas: di ula amiko, nam me pensas (pri) nula amiko partikulare o predere); me dicas a lu: «Me deziras libro». To signifikas: «Me deziras lektar, donez a me (irga) libro». Ma se me dicas: «Me deziras ula libro», to signifikas: «Me deziras lektar partikulara libro (konocata da me, o ja lektita),» quan me ne povas indikar plu exacte, pro ke me obliviis l’autoro, o la titulo: ma me tamen havas l’ideo plu o min konfuza di ta libro, e ne di altra: adminime, di libro apartenanta ad «ula» speco o relatanta «ula» temo, quan me povas definar; III-28. Note: Ula, irga: Ula is used in a semi-indefinite sense, irga emphasizes complete indefiniteness. Ex.: ula maniero: some manner or way; irga maniero: any manner or way whatever; ula dio en la lasta monato: one day (= a certain day, but date not specified; irga dio would signify any day whatever); ula viro decensis de Ierusalem a Ierico: a certain man (name not specified) went down from J. to J.; irga viro would signify any man whatever. — L