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vajis-ar: (intr., of infants) to wail, cry. V. exp.: La specala krio di nove naskinta o yuna infanto; IV-578. — FIS

vak-ar: (intr.) to be vacant; -o: vacancy; -anta: vacant. Ex.: La trono, la ofico vakas. Vakigar la trono, lo ofico. Vakanta aprtamento, episkopeso. — DEFIRS

vakanc-ar: (intr.) to have a (or, be on a) vacation, holiday; -dio: a day's holiday. Ex.: Pasar la vakanco en la ruro. Ni vakancas dufoye dum la yaro: la paskala e la somerala vakanco. — DeFIRS

vaku-a: empty, void, blank, vacuous (de); -o: vacuum, blank; -eso: vacuity, emptiness; -ajo: gap, chasm, hole; -igar: to empty, vacate; to draw (poultry), to gut (fish); to drain (a ditch, etc.); -eskar: to become empty; -ifar: to make a void, produce a vacuum (as by air-pump); -a chambro, stomako, spaco: empty room, stomach, space; -a muro: blank wall; -a tempo: unoccupied time; aer- -o: air-vacuum, -hole; latrin- -igo: emptying of cess-pools or water-closets; -igar botelo: to empty a bottle; la botelo vaku-eskas lente: the bottle becomes slowly empty. Ant.: plena. — DEFIS

vakuol-o*: (biol.) vacuole. — DEFIS

vakuometr-o: vacuum gauge. — DeFIRS

val-o: vale, valley, dale; (cf. ad-vale); -eto: small valley, dell; tra monti e vali: up hill and down dale; -o lakrim-oza: (fig.) vale of tears. — EFIS

valent-a*: (chem.) having valence; -eso: valence.

valerian-o: (bot.) valerian (genus: Valerians); -acido: valer(ian) acid. — EFIRS

valerianel-o: (bot.) valerianella, corn-salad, lamb's lettuce (Valerianella olitoria). — EFL

valid-a: (jur.) valid: having legal force, good; -eso: validity; healthfulness; -igar: to validate; -a mariajo: a legal marriage; ne- -igar: to invalidate. — DEFIS

valiz-o: valise, portmanteau. — EFIS

valor-ar: (intr.) to be worth, be equal to in value, be as good as; be fit, be useful or good (for something); (of laws) to be in force; -igar: to make (ulo) of worth, of value, make useful for; -o: value, worth; -anta: worth; -oza: valuable; -ajo: valuable object; -paperi: (com.) valuable papers: stocks, securities, etc.; -igar lego: to put a law in force; sen- -igar: to deprive (ulo) of value, to demonetize (money); sen- -a: valueless; min- -igar, -eskar: to depreciate; pen- -ar: to be worth the trouble, be worth while; plu- -o: superior, increased value; min- -o: less, inferior value; ica stofo valoras kin franki po metro: this fabric is worth five francs a meter; to valoras nulo: that is good for, worth nothing; -ar sua pezo de oro: to be worth its weight in gold; quante co valoras: how much is this worth; ica medikamento valoras kontre febro: this medicine is good for fever; ica plumo neplus valoras por skribar: this pen is no longer fit to write with; to valoras la peno (od, pen-valoras) askoltar: that worth listening to; -igar sua talento: to turn one's talent to account. — eFIS

vals-ar: (intr.), -igar: (tr.) to waltz. — DEFIRS

valv-o: (tech., zool., bot.) valve. — EFIS

vampir-o: (also fig.) vampire. — DEFIRS

vams-o: doublet, jerkin. — D

van-a: vain: fruitless, ieffectual; (cf. vanitat-oza, frivola); -e: in vain, to no purpose; no use! -eso: vanity (N.B. not of person), emptiness, vainness (of a project, etc.); -igar: to thwart, baffle, foil; -ajo: a v. act, wish. Def.: Sen-efikiva; sen-rezulta; sen reala fundmaneto. Ex.: Vana esforci, esperi. Vaneso di homala grandaji. Vaneso di la vanaji, omno esas vanajo. — EFIS

vanad-o*: (chem.) vanadium.

vandal-a, -(ul)o: vandal; -eso, -ajo: (spirit, act) vandalism. — DEFIRS

vanel-o: (orni.) lapwing, peewit, plover (genus: Vanellus). — FIL

vang-o: (anat. and fig.) cheek; -oza: chubby: full cheeked; -egi, -o-sako: jowls; cheek-pouch (of certain monkeys); -o-barbo: whisker(s); -o-frapar, -batar: to slap, cuff, strike (ulu) on the face. — D

vanil-o: vanilla; -iero: v. plant (genus: Vanilla). — DEFIRS

vanitat-o: vanity, self-conceit; -oza, -oz(ul)o: self-admiring, vain (person). Ex.: Lua vanitato esas netolerabla. V. exp.: vid. superba. Ant.: modest-eso. — EFIS

vant-o, -i: (nav.) shroud(s); -i granda: main s. — DR

vapor-o: steam (from boiling water); vapor (from liquids or fluid floating in the atmosphere); (of wine) fume (affecting the head); -oza, -atra: vapor-ous, ish; -igar: to vaporize, volatalize; -eskar: to evaporate; turn into vapor; -ig-ilo: evaporating machine; -agar: (tr.) to steam (ulo), give a steam bath to; -balno: vapor-, steam-bath; -mashino: steam engine; -navo: steam boat; incens- -o: cloud of incense; arseno- -i: fumes of arsenic. — EFIS

var-o, -i: ware(s), commodit-y, -ies; merchandize (cf. komerc-ajo). Def.: Kozo vendebla, granda o mikra; II-76. — DE

varang-o: (nav.) floor-timber (of a ship). — DFS

vari-(ad)ar: (tr., intr.) to vary, change; (cf. chanjar, divers-igar); -igar: to cause (ulo) to vary; -anta, -iva, -ebla, -ema: variable, versatile, unsteady, fickle, flighty; -anto: a variant (reading, interpretation, spelling. etc.); -ebl-eso; -em-eso: variableness; variability; versatility; -ar la frazo: to say the same things in other words. Ex.: Mori varias segun la nacioni. La vetero varias perpetue. V. exp.: Chanjar ne esas exakta sinonimo di variar: variar esas chanjar segun quanteso od inteseso; III-103. — DEFIS

varicel-o: (med.) varicella: chicken-pox. — DeFIS

varietat-o: (zool., bot.) variety. — DEFIS

varik-o: (med.) varix: varicose vein. — eFIS

variol-o: (med.) variola: smallpox; -ala: variolous: relating to v.; -iko, -ika: (person) suffering from v.; -mark-iz-ita: pock-marked. — eFIS