varm-a: (also fig.) warm; -ega: hot; -eta: tepid, lukewarm; -eskar: to get warm; -igar: to heat, warm; -ig-(ad)o: heating; -ig-ilo: heating apparatus; ped-, lit-, plad-varm-ig-ilo: foot-, bed-, plate-warmer. Ant.: kolda. — DE
vars-ar: (tr.) to pour (out) (as liquids); to spill (accidentally); shed (blood); to empty (solid things); -ero: (astron.) Aquarius. V. exp.: vid. rakar. — FI
vart-ar: (tr.) to await, wait for (ulu, ulo); -igar: to keep (ulu) waiting; -anta: waiting, expectant; -ante: while waiting, in the interim (cf. dume); -eyo: waiting-place, -room. Def.: Restar en la ula loko o stando, til ke ulo eventas; III-423. Ex.: Me vartas nepaciente la decido. V. exp.: vid. expektar. — DE
vasal-a, -(ul)o: vassal; -eso: vassalage. — DEFIRS
vask-o: basin (as of a fountain). — FI
vaskul-o: (anat., biol.) blood vessel, tube, canal; -ala, -oza: vascular; -aro: vascular system. — DeFIS
vast-a: vast, extensive (in all directions); -eso: vastness, vast extent, spaciousness; plu-vast-igar: to spread (ulo), to make more extensive. Def.: Granda segun omna sua dimensioni; III-42. Ex.: Vasta agro esas agro same longa e larja; vasta salono esas salono same proporcione longa, larja ed alta. Figurale, on pluvastigas ula ideo od opiniono (donar ad ol plu granda areo). Vasta eruditeso. — EFIS
vat-o: wadding, padding: soft stuff of loose texture; prepared sheets of carded cotton (as used to thicken dresses, quilts, etc.); -izar: to wad, pad, stuff (with wadding). — DFIR
vax-o: wax (of any kind, nat. or artific.); -izar: to (smear, rub with) wax; -o-telo: oil-cloth; siglo- -o: sealing w.; modlo- -o: modeling w.; parquet- -o: floor w. — DE
vaz-o: vessel (for holding liquids); vase (as for flowers, etc.); -aro arjenta: silver service; stana -o: tin-pot, -vessel. — DeFIRS
vazelin-o: vaseline. — DEFIRS
(ho) ve: alas! oh dear!
vech-o: (bot.) vetch (genus: Vicia). — EFI
vedet-o*: vedette: (mounted) sentinel; -batelo: scout-boat. — DeFI
vegr-o: (nav.) plank (for ceiling). — DFS
veh-ar: (intr.) to go about in any sort of vehicle: ride, drive, sail; -igar: to convey, carry, cart, transport (in a vehicle); -(ad)o: riding, driving, sailing; -ilo: vehicle: any means of transport by land, air or water; (fig.) any means of transmitting; (med.) excipient; menstruum; aero esas -ilo di sono: air is v. of sound; imprim-arto esas -ilo por instrukto: the art of printing is a v. of instruction. — eFL
vein-o: (anat., also of marble, wood) vein; (geol., min.) vein, seam; -ala: venous: relating to v.s; -iz-ita: marked with v.s; -aro: venous system; -izar: to v.: mark wit v.s; -o-seko: phlebotomy. — EFIRS
vejet-(ad)ar: (intr.) to vegetate: grow as or like a plant; (fig.) to lead a dull life; -(ad)o: vegetating; -ala: vegetable; -anta: (of persons) vegetating; -iva: vegetative; -ant-aro: vegetation; -anto, -ivo: vegetable, plant (cf. legumo). — DEFIRS
vejetar-ar: (intr.) to be a vegetarian; -o, -ismo: vegetarianism; -anto, -ano: vegetarian. — DEFIRS
vek-ar: (intr., also fig.) to awaken, wake up; -igar: to wake, rouse (ulu); -o, -igo: awakening; -ig-ilo: alarm. — DE
vekt-o: beam (of scales); tiro- -o: swingle-tree, -bar (of a carriage). — L
vektor-o*: (geom.) vector.
vel-o: veil; a piece of stuff used to conceal something; (fig.) cover, screen, shade; -eto: small v.; lady's v.; -ego: awning; -izar: to veil; cover, hide; -o gaza: gauze v.; nubo- -o: v. of clouds; palat- -o: (anat.) velum. Ex.: Eskartar, levar la vel(et)o de la vizajo. La velo di la templo. La veli (E. shades) di la nokto. La nubi velizas la suno. — EFIS
velin-o: vellum; -papero: v. paper. — DeFIR
velit-o: (Rom. antiq.) velite: a light-armed soldier.
velk-ar: (intr.) to fade away, wither, lose freshness; (of flowers) to droop; -igar: to cause (ulo) to wither. Ex.: La suno velkigis la folii di la planti. — D
velociped-o: velociped. — DEFIS
velodrom-o*: velodrome.
velur-o: velvet; -a: made of v.; -atr-ajo: imitation v.; velous. — DeFIS
ven-ar: (intr.) to come (ad, de); par-ve-ar: to arrive; par-ven-into: an arrival. — FIS
vend-ar: (tr.) to sell; -o, -ado: sale, selling; -eyo, -erio: shop, store; -anto, -into, -isto: dealer, vendor; -ebla: vendible, salable, marketable; -o-table: shop counter; -kontrato: bargain (written). Ant.: komprar. — eFIS
«vendetta»: vendetta.
venen-o: (also fig.) venom, poison; -a, -oza: venomous, poisonous; (fig.) malignant; -agar: (tr.) to poison (ulu); -izar: to put poison on (ulo); rat- -o: rat poison. — EFIS
vener-ala: venereal (relating to the disease); -iko, -ika: (person) afflicted with v. disease; -ala monto: (anat.) pubes, mons veneris. — DEFIRS
venerac-ar: (tr.) to venerate, reverence; -inda: venerable; -ema: reverent. Def.: Veneraco: projunda respekto religioza o religiatra; III-328. — EFIS
venerdi-o: Friday. — FI
venial-a: veniaclass="underline" that may be forgiven; excusable; -a peko: v. sin. — EFIS
venj-ar: (tr.) to avenge, revenge; -ar su: to revenge oneself (su, ulu, kontre ulu, pri ulo); -o: revenge, vengeance; -ema: revengeful, vindicative; -em-eso: vindictiveness; -anto, -ero: avenger. V. exp.: Venjar ulu esas punisar, pro rankoro, altru qua facis domajo od ofenso ad «ulu». Venjar esas tranzitiva; on povaos venjar su od altru; on povas anke venjar ulo (ex. l’ocido di sua patro). Pluse la venjo aplikesas, ne nur al autoro di la domajo od ofeso, ma anke a lua familio o havajo. Exemple, en Korsika, la venjo (vendetta) praktikesas inter du familii: se A ocidis B, la filio di B ocidas A; pose la filo di A ocidas la filio di B, . . . e tale senfine, o ti la destrukto di la du familii; VI-143; kp. revanchar, reprezalar. — EFIS