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vent-ar: (intr.) to blow, be windy; -as: (impers.) it is windy, the wind is blowing, there is a (high) wind; -o: wind; -ego: strong wind, gale; -stroko: squall, gust of wind; -oza: windy; -izar: to give wind to; -iz-ilo: fan or fan-like instrument; para- -o: w. screen; -o-muel-ilo: w. mill; -o-flecho, -flago: weathervane; -o-rozo: (nav.) compass card. — DeFIS

ventil-ar: (tr.) to ventilate, air. — DEFIRS

ventilator-o*: ventilator; kanvas- -o: (nav.) windsail.

ventr-o: belly, paunch, stomach; (of bottles, etc.) belly, body; (cf. abdomeno, stomako); -ala: ventraclass="underline" relating to the b.; -oza: paunchy, big bellied; -edo: bellyful; -zono: b. band; girth (of a horse); -doloro: b. ache. — eFIS

ventrikul-o: (anat.) ventricle. — DEFIS

ventro-parol-ar: (intr.) to ventriloquize; -ado, -iv-eso: ventriloquism; -anto, -ero: ventriloquist.

ventuz-o: (surg.) cupping-glass; -agar: to cup (ulu). — FIRS

ver-a: true, veritable; (cf. reala, autentika); -eso: (quality) truth; -ajo: a truth; la -a: (abstract) the truth; -e: verily, truly (cf. ad-vere); ver-simil-a: likely, plausible, true seeming; versimil-ajo, -eso: likelihood, versimilitude (cf. probablajo); ver-sembl-anta: ostensible, apparent; ver-sembl-eso: speciousness; -igar: to make (ulo) true; (math.) to prove; ne-ver-ajo, -eso: falsehood, falseness. Ex.: Vera diamanto. Vu ne dicas la verajo. Esas nula vereso en to quon vu dicas. Matematikala verajo. Fato vere tragediala. Ulfoye la verso povas semblar tre neversimila. La deskovro di lo vera ofte dependas de la komparo di versimilaji. Lu esas verdicanta homo. La verdicemeso di historiisto. — EFIS

verand-o: veranda. — DEFIR

verb-o: (gram.) verb; -ala: verbaclass="underline" relating to v.s. — DEFIS

verbask-o: (bot.) mullein (genus: Verbascum). — IL

verben-o: (bot.) verbena, vervain (genus: Verbena). — DEFIRS

verd-a: (color) green, verdant; -eso: green(ness); -ajo: a g. object; verdure; (pl., fig.) salad-herbs, pot-herbs; -igar, -izar: to make, cover with, g.; -eskar: to turn g. — eFIS

verdigris-o: verdigris. — EF

verdikt-o: (jur.) verdict; finding; facar -o: to render a v. — DEFIRS

verdron-o: (orni.) greenfinch, greenlinnet (Fringilla chloris). — F

verg-o: rod, wand; ferule or birch (used for punishment); -eto: small rod, switch; -agar: (tr.) to flog (with a birch), to cane; -o-marko: mark of a rod. Ex.: La vergo di Moses, di magiisto. Frapar ulu per vergeto. — FI

verifik-ar: (tr.) to verify (by examination), to confirm; to try, test (weights and measures); to audit; to prove (a will); -(ad)o: verification, examining, auditing; (of wills) probate; -isto, -ero: verifier, inspector, auditor. Def.: Kontrolar l’exakteso, justeso di kalkulo, di mezuro o mezurilo; III-203. Ex.: L’evento verifikas lua predico. Verifikar aserto, signaturo. — DEFIS

verjus-o: verjuice: the sour juice of unripe or green fruits; (fig.) acid liquor. V. exp.: Dicesas metafore pri vino tro yuna od acida; IV-646. — EF

verk-o: (lit., artist., moral, social) work; -eto: essay, pamphlet; small deed; -aro: literature (= books in general; cf. literaturo); -aro cienc-ala: scientific works (books). Ex.: Verki da Molière. La merito di bona verki. On opinionis ne vivar vane quankam lua verki apene lasas traci. — DE

verm-o: worm: any small creeping animal; maggot, grub Z(cf. larvo, lombriko, silko-raupo, tenio); -oza: wormy; -o-rod-ita: w. eaten; -o-forma: w. shaped; (anat.) vermiform; -et-oza: (arch.) vermicular. — DEFI

vermicel-o: vermicelli. — EFIR

vermut-o: (liqueur) verm(o)uth. — DEFIRS

vernier-o*: vernier: a sliding rule.

vernis-o: varnish; -izar: to v. — EFI

veronik-o: (bot.) veronica: speedwell (genus: Veronica). — DEFIS

vers: (prep., physical sense) toward(s): in the direction of (cf. ad); vers la nordo: t. the north; levar la manui vers la cielo: to hold up the hands to heaven; lu turnis sua kapo vers me: he turned hes head toward me. Def.: Directiono en la spaco; VI-144. — FI

vers-o: verse (in poetry; also of Bible); -ajo, -aro: a piece of poetry, verse(s), poem; -o sen-rima: blank v.; -ifar: to write v.; -igar: to versify (ulo). — DEFIS

version-o: version: manner of relating a fact (cf. tradukuro). Ex.: Existas plura versioni pri l’acidento. — DEFIS

versor-o*: (math.) versor.

vertebr-o: vertebra: joint or bone of spine; -ala kolono: vertebral column; -oza, -ozo: vertebrate animal; sen- -a, -o: invertebrate (animal). — DEFIS

vertic-o: vertex: top, crow (of head), sinciput. — EFIS

vertig-o*: (vet.) staggers.

vertij-ar, -eskar: (intr.) to be dizzy, have a swimming, whirling sensation; (cf. aturdar); -o: vertigo, dizziness, giddiness; -anta: dizzy (sensation, head); (med.) vertiginous; -ig-iva, -ig-anta: causing dizziness (heights, etc.). — EFIS

vertikal-a: vertical, perpendicular, plumb; -o: v. line; -eso: verticalness (cf. perpendikl-eso). — DEFIRS