vertu-o: vrtue; (cf. chast-eso); -oza: virtuous; esar -oza pro neceseso: to make a virtue of necessity. Def.: Etikala tendenco facar lo bona ed evitar lo mala. Ex.: Vertui kardinala. Vertuoza homo, ago. Ant.: vicio. — EFIS
veruk-o: (med.) wart. — FIS
verv-o: verve: animation, spirit, go; -oza: animated, spirited, racy; -oza stilo: animated style; -o poeziala: poetic spirit. Def.: Ardoro di imaginado, di la spirito, qua anmizas la poeto, l’oratoro, la konversanto, e.c. V. exp.: vid. entuziasmo. — DeF
vesp-o: (ent.) wasp; -eyo, -o-nesto: w. nest. — DeIS
vesper-o: evening; -ala: evening, vesper (star, prayer, etc.); -e: in the evening; -festo, -kun-veno: evening party, soiree; ca- -e: this evening; pasar la -o: to spend the e.; dicar (od, dezirar) bon- -o (ad ulu): to say good e. — eL
vespertili-o: (zool.) bat (genus: Vespertilio). — L
vespr-o, -i: (R.C. rel.) vesper(s). — DEFIS
vest-o: garment: article of clothing, vestment; -aro: clothes, attire, dress, toilet, garb, habiliment; raiment, wearing apparel; -eyo, -iz-eyo: dressing-place, -room; -izar: to clothe, dress, array (ulu, per ulo) (cf. metar); -iz-ita: dressed, clad; -iz-achar: to rig out in, bedizen (ridiculously); -o-dono regul-ier-ala: taking the habit or veil (friars or nuns); -o-vend-isto: clothier; sub- -o: undergarment; trauro- -o: mourning garment. — eFIS
vestal-o: vestal-virgin; (fig.) chaste woman. — DEFIRS
vesti-o: round jackets (without tails, as for waiters, fencing, etc.). — F
vestibul-o: vestibule: front hall of an edifice, anteroom, lobby. — DEFIS
veston-o: jacket: short coat for men (cf. jaketo). — F
vet-ar: (tr.) to veto, negative (ulo); -o-yuro: right of veto.
veter-o: weather; -o nub-oza: cloudy w. — De
veteran-o: veteran: old soldier; (fig.) any one of long practice. — DEFIRS
veterinar-o: veterinary (-surgeon). — DEFIRS
vetiver-o: (bot.) vetiver (genus: Andropogon). — DEFS
vetrin-o: glass case (for showing objects, as in museums, shops, etc.), show-case. — FI
vetur-o: vehicle (serving to transport persons or merchandise, carriage, wagon, conveyance; -irar: (od, -vehar): to go, travel, drive in a v.; -agar, -transportar: to carry in vehicle (cf. veh-igar); -edo: wagonful; quar-rota -o: four wheeled v.; manu-, hom- -o: hand-cart; lokac- -o: v. for hire, fly. — FI
vex-ar: (tr.) to vex, provoke, irritate; (cf. despitar, molestar); -etar: to tease, plague, tantalize; -et-ema: teasing (person); la deskomforto jenas me; me esas vexata pro to: the inconvenience annoys me; I am vexed because of it; la pueruli vexetas la puerini: the boys tease the girls. — DE
vezik-o: (anat., zool.) bladder; -eto: small b.; (of skin) vesicle; -igar: to vesicate: blister; -ig-iva: vesicatory. — eFIL
vezikatori-o: (med.) vesicatory: blistering application. — DEFIS
vi: you (plural, see vu); via: your (plural).
viadukt-o: viaduct. — DEFIRS
viatik-o: money or provisions given for a journey; (R.C. rel.) viaticum, last sacrament. V. exp.: La primitiva senco esas voyajo-subvenciono, de qua venas la religiala senco; IV-646. — DEFIS
vibr-(ad)ar: (intr.) to vibrate. Ex.: Vibrado di la violin-kordi, di la aero, di pendulo. — DEFIS
vibrion-o: (bacteriol.) vibrio (genus: Vibrio). — DEFIRSL
viburn-o: viburnum, snow-ball tree (genus: Viburnum). — EFIS
vice(-): (prep. and prefix) vice, instead of; - ke: (conj.) instead that. Ex.: Vice Iphigenia cervino sakrifikesis ad Artemis. Vice laborar, vu dormis..
vice-parol-anto, -ero: spokesman.
vice-prezid-anto: vice-president.
vicer-o: (anat.) viscus; -i, -aro: viscera; -ala: visceral. V. exp.: Vicero havas senco diferanta de intestino, e plu vasta: ex. la kordio esas vicero; IV-81. — EFIS
vice-rej-o: viceroy.
vici-o: vice: fault of character (cf. defekto, manko); -ozeso: viciousness, depravity; -oza: vicious (cf. perversa); -oza cirklo: (fig.) vicious circle; -izar: to vitiate: taint, contaminate; to sully (the character of); (jur.) to render defective or void. Ex.: Ebriemeso esas vicio. Vici-zar legal akto. Ant.: vertuo. — EFIS
vicin-a: (esp. of people) neighboring, bordering, contiguous, adjacent (cf. proxima, apuda, kontigua); -(ul)o: neighbor; -aro: neighborhood: neighbors; -eso: (state) neighborhood: nearness, vicinity (of); -ajo: vicinity: (place); something neighboring (cf. cirkum-ajo); -esar: to be contiguous. — eFIS
vid-ar: (tr.) to see; -igar (ulo da ulu): to cause someone to see something; -(ad)o: sight, vision: act of seeing; -ajo: what is seen, a sight, a view; -eyo: (locality) viewpoint; -punto: (mental) viewpoint, point of view; -ala: visual; -ebla: visible, apparent (cf. apar-anta, sembl-anta); -inda: worth seeing; -ind-ajo: something worth seeing; -enda: what ought or must be seen; -organo: organ of vision; mi- -ar: to catch a glimpse of, see imperfectly; inter- -o: interview: meeting for conference. Ex.: La lasis me vidar nulo, ma lu vidis omno vidinda. Konocar ulu per la vido. Pagebla ye vido. V. exp.: vid. regardar. — FIR
vidam-o: (feudalism) vidame. — EFIRS
vidv-a: widowed; -ulo: widower; -ino: widow; -eso: widowhood; -eskar: to become a widow(er). — DeFIRS
viel-o: vielle: a stringed instrument played upon with a wheel; (cf. turn-orgeno). Def.: Instrumento muzkala kun kordi, quan on pleas per manivelo e klavi. — DeF