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vigil-ar: (intr.) to abstain from sleep; to watch; to sit up; (cf. vekar); -(ad)o: vigiclass="underline" being awake; on the alert; watching; (act.) vigilance; -anta: wide-awake, vigilant (act); -ema: (tendency) watchful, vigilant; -em-eso: vigilance; -anto, -ero, -isto: watcher; armo- -o: armed watch; -ar por malado: to sit up for (with) a sick person; -ar til jorno (lumo): to sit up, stay up, keep awake until daylight; -anta patrulo di la familio: a watchful father fo the family; -anta sorgo: vigilant care. — eFIS

vigili-o: vigil; eve of a feast pf R.C. church. V. exp.: La dio ante la dio, quan on konsideras. Necesa ed internaciona en la religial uzo; IV-646. — DEFIS

vigor-o: vigor; -oza, -oze: vigorous (ly). Ex.: Vigoro di yuneso, di la mento. Agar vigoroze. — EFIS

vikari-o: vicar: substitue in office; curate; -eso: vicariate; curacy; la -o di Iesu Kristo: the v. of Jesus Christ, the pope; grand- -o (od, vikario-generalo): v. general. — DeFIRS

viktim-o: victim: person or animal sacrificed; (fig.) sufferer, dupe; -igar: to victimize (ulu); -o-homa: human v. — EFIS

viktuali-o: victuals, provisions; (nav.) stores. Def.: Provizuri por manjar; IV-646. — DEFS

vikun-o: (zool.) vicuna, vicugna (Auchenia vicunna); -lano: v. cloth. — DEFIRS

vil-o: (bot., anat.) villosity: coating of hairs; -oza: villous; (cf. vilozit-o). — eFIS

vilaj-o: village; -eto: small v., hamlet; -ano: villager. — EFI

vilanel-o: villanelle: a kind of rustic ballad or dance. — DeFIRS

vild-o: (wild) game; -oza: full of g.; -izar: to stock with g.: -chasar, -kaptar: to hunt; -kapt-isto, vend-isto: fowler, sportsman; dealer in g.; -o-karno: flesh of g.; -o-sako: g. bag; plum- -o: feathered g.; wild fowl. — D

vilej-ar: (intr.) to rusticate; -(ad)o: sojourn in the country. — FI

«villa»: villa.

vilozit-o, -i: (of intestines) villosity; (cf. vilo).

vimpl-o: wimple (as of nuns). — E

vin-o: wine; -ala,-oza, -atra: vinous; -ea: w. colored; -if-ado: vnification, w. making; -vend-eyo, -erio: w. shop; -o nefermentacinta: unfermented w., sweet w.; -o sen-sukra: dry w. — DEFIRS

vinagr-o: vinegar; -ifar: to make v.; -izar: to put v. on; -uyo: v. cruet; -holder. — EFS

vind-ar: (tr.) to reel up; to wind or hoist (as with a windlass; cf. spular, hisar, en-volvar); -ilo: windlass, winch. — DE

vink-ar: (tr.) to overcome, vanquish, conquer, master, defeat, get the bette of; (intr.) to win; be victorious; -o: victory; -anto, -ero: conquerer, victor; -anta, -ema, -oza: victorious; -ala kanto: song of vicory. — eFIS

vintr-o: winter; -ala: windtry; -e: in w.; en meza -o: in the depth of w. — DE

vinyet-o: (engraved) vignette (of books, papers); -oza papero: paper with ornamented borders. — DEFIRS

viol-o: (bot.) violet; -ea, -kolora: v. colored, purple; -atra: v. like; purplish. — eFIRS

violac-ar: (tr.) to violate: to infringe, transgress, break a law, one’s oath); to ravish, rape (a female); -o: rape; violation; -ante la reguli: in violation of the rules. — EFIS

violent-ar: (tr.) to violate: do or use violence to, to ill use, force (ulu, ulo); -(ad)o: violating, violence; (jur.) force; -ala morto: violent death; -oza, -ema: violent: (persons, winds, passions, etc.); -esar: to suffer violence (da). Ex.: Violentar la koncienco. — EF

violin-o: violin, fiddle; -plear: to play the v.; -agar: to play (ulo) on the v.; -(ple)ero, -isto: v. player. — DEFIS

violoncel-o: violoncello, ’cello. — DEFIS

viper-o: viper: venemous reptile, as adder; (fig.) malignant person; -ala, -atra: viperine; -lango: (fig.) an evil tongue. — DEFIS

vir-o: a (grown) man, a manly person: male adult possessing masculine qualities, as a soldier, etc.; -ala, -atra: virile, manly (of voice, sexual organs, etc.); -eso: virility, manliness, manhood, man's estate, vigor; -aro: crew (of a ship), squad of men, etc.; -atra mulier-o: virago; -izar: to man, provide men for. — eFIS

virg-a: virgin(aclass="underline" entirely chaste, also in fig. sense; -a tero: v. soil; -a foresto: untrodden forest; -a metalo: native, v. metal; -ulo: a chaste man or male; -ino: virgin; -ala, -in-ala: virginal, maidenly; -eso, -in-eso: virginity, maidenhood. — EFIS

Virgili-ala: Virgilian, of Virgil.

virtual-a: (philos., opt., mechan.) virtual, potental; -e: virtually; -eso, -ajo: virtuality, potentiality; -a rapid-eso: v. velocity; -a foko: v. focus. Def.: Qua esas en potencialo, ma ne en efekto aktuala. Ex.: Armeo virtuale vinkita. — DEFIRS

virtuoz-a: (highly) skilled, artistic, masterly; -(ul)o: virtuoso; -eso: virtuosity, virtuosoship: professional or consummate skill, artistic perfection, masterly style or play. — DeFIS

virulent-a: virulent; -eso: virulence. — DEFIS

virus-o: (med.) virus; -oza: poisonous. — DEFIS

vis-ar: (tr., intr.) to screw in: turn in a screw; -(ad)o: screwing (of screws); -ilo: screw-driver; -ilo ajust-ebla: a spanner, stillson or monkey wrench. V. exp.: On visas skrubi. On skrub-agas, skrub-ligas ulo, quale kesto, buxo, e.c. — F

vish-ar: (tr.) to wipe (off), wipe dry by rubbing; (cf. sik-igar); manu- -ilo: towel; plum- ilo: pen-wiper. — D

viskomt-o: (title) viscount. — DEFIRS

viskoz-a: viscous, viscid; (cf. glutin-iva); -eso: viscosity. — DEFIS

vist-ar: (tr.) to visé: to endorse, countersign; -o: visé: official signature. Def.: Oficale signatar o autentikigar dokumento od akto. Ex.: La visto di konsulo sur pasporto. — eIS