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volatil-a: volatile; -eso: volatility. Def.: Vaporeskema ye l’ordinara temperaturo; IV-4. — EFIS

volf-o, -ulo, -ino: wolf; (astron.) Wolf, Lupus; -o-homo: (mythol.) were-wolf.

volkan-o: volcano; -ala, -atra: volcanic (stone, etc.); -oza: volcanic: full of v.s; -o exting-ita: extinct v. — DEFIRS

volontari-o: (esp. military) volunteer. — DEFIRS

volt-ar: (intr.) to volt: make a sudden turn or leap aside (as in fencing); (cf. voltijar). — DEFIRS

volt-o: (elec.) volt. — DEFIRS

voltij-ar: (intr.) to vault (on a horse, on a slack rope, etc.); -(ad)o: vaulting, leaping, tumbling; -anto, -isto: leaper, vaulter, tumbler; -ero: (fig.) voltigeur: F. light-infantry soldier. — DeFIR

voltmetr-o: voltmeter. — DEFIRS

volumin-o: (geom.) volume: space occupied; (cf. maso, tomo); -oza: voluminous, bulky. — DEFIS

volunt-ar: (tr., intr.) to be willing (to); to have no objection (to); (in polite phrases) to be so kind as, be pleased to; -o: willingness, good-will; -a, -ala, -anta: voluntary, willingly; -ez: please; -e: gladly, readily, willingly. Ex.: Me voluntas facar to. Voluntez enirar, sioro. Voluntez dicar a me. Me akompanos vu tre volunte. On volunte (E. readily) kredas to quon on deziras kredar. V. exp.: Voluntez esas vicina a komplezez, degnez, ma min forta; VI-213. La tri vorti: voluntar, komplezar, degnar formacas gradaro: komplezo esas ulo plu kam volunto; degno esas komplezo o favoro di altranga persono; II-648. — EFI

volupt-o: voluptuousness; -oza: voluptuous (sensation, etc.); -ema, -emo: voluptuous (person). Def.: Granda plezuro sensala. — EFIS

volut-o: (arch.) volute, spiral scroll. — DEFIRS

(en-)volv-ar: (tr.) to roll up, wrap around; to coil (a rope); -ar su: to wrap up oneself; (cf. spular). Ex.: (En-)volvar standardo cirkum lua shafto. Volvar kordo cirkum la korpo. (En-)volvar peco de stofo. V. exp.: vid. envelopar. — L

vom-ar: (tr., intr.) to vomit, throw up, belch out (wind, gas, etc.); -ajo: vomit: what is thrown up; -ig-iva, -ig-ivo: vomitive, emetic. Ex.: Vomar sango. La volkano vomas flamo. — EFIS

vomer-o*: (anat.) vomer: nostril bone.

vomik-o*: (med.) vomica: abscess cavity in the lungs.

vomiknuc-o: nux-vomica, vomic-nut; -iero: n. v. tree (Strychnos Nux-vomica). — EFIS

vomitori-o: (anc. arch.) vomitory. Def.: Arkeologiala termino: enireyo ed ekireyo en la teatri ed amfi-teatri; IV-647. — DEFIS

vort-o: (written, printed) word (cf. parolo); -aro: collection of words; vocabulary; -o-libro: word-book, dictionary; -ope, -opa: verbatim, word for word, literal (translation); -ifar: to build words; -if(ad)o: word building. — DE

vortic-ar: (intr.) to whirl, rotate rapidly; -o: whirling, vortex; aer- -o: whirlwind; aquo- -o: whirlpool; vortico di aferi: rush of business; polvo- -o: cloud of dust. — EI

vot-ar: (intr.) to vote (either viva voce or by ballot) (por, kontre): (tr.) to v. for (ulu); to enact (ulo); -(ad)o: vote, voting; voice, suffrage, ballot; -anto, -into: voter; -yuro: right to v.; balot-voto: vote by (second) ballot; listo- -o: ballot by list; -o-konto: polling: count of votes; -o per manui: show of hands; -ado universala: universal suffrage; votar por lego: to vote for a law; votar lego: to enact a law. — DEFIRS

vov-ar: (tr., intr.) to vow, make a v. (of); -o: vow; -ajo: votive offering; -ala: votive. Ex.: Vovar absteno. Vovar templo a deo. — EF

voy-o: (tera, fera, mara) way, road; (R.R.) track, route; -eto: path(way), footpath; -ego: broad road, highway; -ifar: to make a road; mi- -o (ye): half-way; lakto- -o: (astron.) Milky Way; fer- -o: railroad; kargo-letro fervoy-ala: way-bill; voy-administrado: administration of public ways; voy-labor-isto: road worker. — F

voyaj-ar: (intr.) to travel; (by water) to voyage; -eskar: to start on a journey; -o: travel(ing); trip (cf. turo); -ado: frequent or continued travel; -anta; -ero: traveling, traveler, passenger; -ema; -emo: (person) fond of t.; itinerant, strolling; -o-spensi: traveling expenses; vivo- -o: (fig.) life’s journey; komerc- -isto: commercial traveler; -era kolombo: carrier pigeon. Ex.: Voyajar en Azia, de London a New York. — EFIS

vu (pl. vi): you; (for familiar usage cf. tu); vua (pl. via or vui): your(s), your own; vua relati: your relations; mea esas verda, vua esas reda: mine is green, yours (pl.) are red; ube esas la kamizi? Vui esas en l’armoro e mei esas en la laveyo: where are the shirts? yours are in the press and mine are in the wash; prenez elia manteli kun vii: take their cloaks with your own (pl.). — FIR

vulgar-a: vulgar: used or done by the common run of people, common, popular, unrefined; (N.B. for low, coarse sense, cf. grosiera, ne-polita, mal-gusta); (noun form = populo, turbo, plebey-aro); -eso: (quality) vulgarism: commonness, unrefinedness (N.B. not «low» cf. grosier-ajo); -igar: to vulgarize: make popular; -ig-anto, -ero: popularizer; -a traduko di Biblo: vulgar version of the Bible (cf. vulgato); -a parolado, opiniono, pre-judiki: vulgar tongue, opinion, prejudices. — DEFIRS

vulgat-o: Vulgate: Latin version of the Bible. — DEFIRS

Vulkan-ala: (geol.) Vulcanian.

vulkaniz-ar: (tr.) to vulcanize. — DEFIRS

vulnerari-o: (bot.) kidney-vetch, wound-wort (Vulneraria rustica). — FIS