benzoat-o*: benzoate (a salt); -acido: aenzoic acid. — DEF
benzol-o*: benzol(e). — DEFIRS
bequadr-o*: (mus.) natural. — FIRS
ber-o: berry; -atra: bacciform, berry-like; -port-anta, -if-anta: bacciferous, berry producing; vit- -o: grape; sika vit- -o: raisin; frangul- -o: alder-berry; muskat- -o: muscatel grapes. — DE
Berberi-a, -ala: of, relating to Barbary; Berber-o: a Berber. — DEFIRS
berberis-o: (bot.) barberry, berberry, (fruit); -iero: b. bush (Berberis vulgaris). — DEFIRS
bered-o*: beret: round, flat cap such as worn by Basque peasants. — DEFIR
berenjen-o: (bot.) aubergine, mad-apple, egg-plant (Solanum Melongene). — FS
bergamot-o, -oranjo: bergamot pear, -orange; -iero: b. tree; (Citrus Bargamia, Bergamota); -esenco: essence of b. — DEFIRS
beril-o: (min) beryl. — DEFIRS
berjer-o: cushioned arm-chair. — DFR
berlin-o: berlin: a kind of coach. — DeFIRS
berlok-o: trinket, charm (such as attached to watch chains). — DFIR
berm-o: (fort. and gen.) berme: narrow shelf. Def.: Parto horizontal en taluso. — DeFRS
bernakl-o: (orni.) bernicle-goose (Branta bernicla). — DEFIS
bers-ar: (tr.) to rock (a child); -(ant)e dormigar: to lull to sleep; -ilo: cradle; -o-kanto: lullaby, cradle-song. — F
bes: (mus.) B flat.
besti-o: beast, any animal except man, (cf. animalo, bruto) -ala, -atra: bestial; -al-eso: bestiality (cf. brut-al-eso); -aro: fauna, beasts (collect.); -ala debocho: bestial debauchery; kargo- -o: b. of burden; tir- -o: draught animal; -o-edukado: rearing of animals; -o-kapt-isto: trapper; -o-kulto: zoolatry, animal worship; -o-trupo: herd, drove, flock. — DEFIRS
bestiari-o*: (rom. antiq.) bestiarius: person doomed to fight with wild beasts. — DeFIR
bet-o: (bot.) beet (genus: Beta); (cf. betravo). — DEFIS
betel-o: betel (Piper betle); -ajo: beteclass="underline" a masticatory. — DEFIRS
beton-o: beton: concrete; -izar: to cover with c.; -(iz)ajo: object covered with c.; -o fer-izita: reinforced c.; -a masonuro: c. masonry. — DeFIRS
betoni-o*: (bot.) betony (Betonica officinalis). — DEFIS
betrav-o: beetroot, beet (edible: Beta Rapa); (cf. beto). — FS
bezig-o: bezique; a card game. — DEFIS
bezoar-o: bezoar. — DEFR
bezon-ar: (tr.) to need; be in want of something necessary; -o: need; -ata: needed, wanted; ne plus -ar: to have no further need of, use for; -ar dormar: to need to sleep; en kazo di -o: in case of n.: if n. be, if needful; ocito-, rido- -o: to have an inclination to yawn, laugh; sen- -a: unneeded; -ar pekunio: to n. money; la bezoni publika: the public necessities (or requirements); la -i korpala: the bodily needs; la -i di la anmo: the needs of the soul; (cf. indijar, mankar). — FI
bibl-o: Bible; -ala: Biblical; -o-citajo: passage from the B.; -experta: versed in the B. — DEFIRS
bibliofil-o: bibliophile: book-lover. — DEFIRS
bibliografi-o: bibliography; -isto: bibliographer. — DEFIRS
bibliomani-o: bibliomania; -iko: bibliomaniac. — DEFIRS
bibliotek-o: (ediface) library; (furniture) book-case; (cf. libr-aro); -isto: librarian; -o publika: public l.; -o vitrizita: glassed book-case; planko di -o: book shelf. — DEFIRS
biceps-o*: (anat.) biceps. — DEFIS
bicikl-o: bicycle; -ego: a large b.; the old-fashioned, high b.; -isto, -ero: cyclist; viral-, mulieral- -o: a man's. a woman's b.; -irar: to bicycle. — DEFIRS
bi-denta: (anat.) bidentate; two-toothed.
bidet-o: (furniture) bidet; a kind of Sitz bath. — DeFIRS
bidon-o: can (for oil etc.) (milit.) canteen. Def.: Ladovazo klozita por oleo, petrolo, benzino, e.c. qua kontenas de un til 10 litri; gurdatra kontenilo ek lado, quan la soldato portas. (III—198.) — FIRS
biel-o: (mach.) connecting-, side-rod; kuplo- -o: coupling-rod; -kapo: cross-head. Def.: Stango qua ligas un peco ad altra, generale, stango di pistono a manivelo, e transformas movo rektolinea a movo rotaca. II—641. — FIS
bifsteko: beefsteak. — DEFIRS
bifurk-ar: (tr. intr.) to bifurcate, branch off (from), fork (ek, kun) -o, -eyo: bifurcation, crotch (of a tree); -ilo: (R.R.) point, switch; -o-stationo: R. R. junction; -eyo, -o-voyo: junction of two roads; -anta: forked. — DEFIS
bigam-a: bigamous; -eso: bigamy; -(ul)o: bigamist. — DEFIRS
bigot-a: bigoted; -(ul)o: a b.; -eso: bigotry; -esar: to be b. — DEFI
bi-kap-a: bicephalous; two-headed.
bi-kolor-a: bi-colored.
bi-konkav-a: bi-concave.
bi-korn-a: bi-cornous: two horned; -a chapelo: bicornered hat.
bi-kotiledon-o, -a: dicotyledon(ous).
bikursal-a*: (math.) bicursal. — DEFI
bikuspid-a (dento): bicuspid. — DEFIS
bil-o: bile, gall (fluid); -ala vaskuli: b. ducts; -o-veziko: gall-bladder; -oza: bilious; -kalkolo: gallstone. — DEFIS
bilanc-o: (com. fin.) balance, balance-sheet; facar- -o di: to b., draw a b. of (an account). — DEFIRS
bi-later-a: bi-lateral.
bilkoket-o: cup and ball (used in a game). — DFIR
bilg-o: (nav.) bilge, lower part of a hold, well. — DE
biliard-o: (game) billiards; -eyo: b. hall or room; -o-bastono: b. cue; -o-tablo: b. table; -o-bulo: b. ball. — DEFIRS
biliet-o: a written order or ticket; banko- -o: bank-note; teatro- -o: theater ticket; fervoyala -o: railway-ticket; -o kun retro-veno: return trip ticket; komercala -i: commercial paper: notes in hand, promissory notes, bills of exchange; lojo- -o: (milit.) official requisition on a person for lodging; lojio- -o: box ticket (theater); gratuita -o: free-pass; kontrol- -o: check (theater). — DeFIRS