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Ido Dictionaries

(based on the dictionaries by L.H. Dyer, updated, expanded, and corrected 2016)

Great thanks to Mr. David Mann for heading the project of transcribing the original Dyer Dictionaries to html, and for his generous help during this project. I have updated these pages with current usage (i.e., "patro" instead of "patrulo"), all officially adopted words and have inserted all words from the Radikaro of Pesch, as well as many proposed words (marked with an asterisk) that seem necessary for modern communication. I have also corrected typographical errors and standardized punctuation and formatting, to create the most complete, most accurate Ido-English dictionary within my power. My intent is not to offer a transciption of the Dyer Dictionaries, but to create a modern, practical dictionary for English-speaking Idists. I hope that my efforts will make this great project even more beneficial for all Idists. If further errors are found, please email me


To download a compressed folder containing all of the pages of both dictionaries, click here


Ido-English Dictionary : A

a: (mus.) la: sixth note of the diatonic scale.

a (ad): (general sense) to, indicating that toward which there is movment, tendency, or position, with or without arrival; opposed to from (de, ek) (cf. vers, til); il iris a la kirko: he went to (the) church; il venas de Paris a London: he is on his way from Paris to London; la hundo jetis su a la kato: the dog sprang at the cat; del (de la) esto al (ad la) westo: from (the) east to (the) west; de tempo a tempo:from time to time; de un dio a l'altra: from one day to another, from day to day; de la supro a l'infro: from top to bottom; (dative: indirect objectdonez a me la bastono: give me the stick; il parolis ad eclass="underline" he spoke to her; (object of action, thought, desireil elevas su a la richeso e a la honori: he is rising to weather and honors; atencema a la diskurso, attentive to the discourse; surda a la ditreso-krii: deaf to the cries of distress; amo a Deo: love to God; me deziras a vu omna feliceso: I wish you all happiness; (comparison or relationagreabla a la gusto: agreeable to the taste; ca okupo konvenas ad iclass="underline"  this occupation suits him; (proportion; totaltri raportas a non quale du a sis: three is to nine as two is to six; evaluar lua revenuo a 10.000 franki; taxar ol a 400 franki: to estimate his income as (amounting to) 10,000 francs; to tax it at (at the rate of, a total of) 400 francs. Note: Ad is often joined to other prepositions, to verbal roots, adverbs, particularly to add the idea of motion. — FILS

-ab-: (1947) used with verbs to express prior action to the tense indicated by the verbal ending, a completed action; the perfect tense. Def.: verbal afixo qua indikas, che verbo, la anteeso kompare a tempo-punto di epoko pasinta o futura. [See Changes in Ido for fuller explanation.] — FGHIR

abad-(ul)o: abbot; -ino: abbess; -eyo: abbey; -eso: abbotship; -ala, -ey-ala: abbatial. — DEFIRS

abak-o: (math., arch.) abacus. — DEFIS

abandon-ar: (tr.) to abandon, (wholly) give up, (totally) relinquish, forego, forsake. Ex.: Abandonar navo, domo, projeto, infanto. Abandonar su a desespero, a joyo. Ant.: gardar, retenar. V. exp.: Livarurbo, portuo, domo, persono ... esas simple forirar de ol sen ula sentimental impliko. Abandonar persono, ofico, posteno, esas sive lasar li, nevolunte o kontrevole, sive violacante ula devo (abandonar infanti, parenti). Retretar esas retromarchar: la senco primitiva e propra esas militala; senci figurala e derivata: livar la mondo (religiala retreto), funciono od agado (retreto di oficisto, komercisto, e.c.); II-647. — EFIS

abanik-o: (1926) fan. — SP.

abas-ar: (tr.) to lower: let down to a lower level; (fig.) to abase (morally), debase; abasez la tirani: down with the tyrants; abasez la manui: hands off!; abasez la chapeli: hats off! Ex.: Abasar la kapo, la brakio, la manuo; abasar levero, standardo, espado, fusilo, velo; omno to signifikas pozar (plu) infre. En la figurala senco, on abasas persono, reduktante lu ad infra rango, kondiciono, e.c.; on abasas su, prenante infra rango, humila posturo, e.c.; IV-286. Ant.: levar, elevar. V. exp.: Abasar ne esas basigar. Basigar esas igar (plu) basa, des-altigar (E. to make less in height); abasar esas igar decensar ad infra nivelo. — eFI

abat-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to knock, beat, strike down, fell; -aj-aro: (fort.) abatis. Ex.: Abatar arboro, domo, muro, persono — eFIS

abatis-o: (of fowl, game) refuse parts, as head, feet, wings, skin, etc.; small edible parts, as giblets. Def.: Mikra parti di pultro, anke di leporo; VII-197. — F

abces-o (med.) abscess; -eskar: to become or turn to an a. Def.: Pusoza kavajo en la korpo. — DEFIRS

abcis-o (geom.) abscissa. — DEFIRS

abdik-ar: (tr.) to abdicate. V. exp.: Abdikar dicesas precipue pri la reji o suvereni, qui cesas regnar por transmisar la povo a sucedanto, sive naturala, sive selektata; abdikar ne esas simple demisionar, ma demisionar por ulu, do facante ankore ago di suvereneso; IV-100. Vid. abnegar, renuncar, rezignar. — DEFIRS

abdomin-o: abdomen. V. exp.: Abdomino esas ciencala vorto, plu preciza kam ventro; IV-512. — DEFIS

abdukt-ar: (tr., physiol.) to abduct. Note: Not abduct: to kidnap; cf. raptar. — DEFIS

abel-o: bee; -eyo: apiary; -uyo: beehive; -ino: female or queen-bee; -ulo drone-bee; -edukado: bee-culture; eduk-isto: bee-master. — FIS

aberac-o: (astr., opt.) aberration; -ar: (intr.) to be aberrant. — DEFIRS

abiet-o: (bot.) fir-, spruce-tree (genus: Abies). — eFIS

abis-o: undersea abyss.

abism-o: (also fig.) abyss. — EFIS

abjekt-a: (morally) abject, mean; -eso, abjectness (quality); -ajo: a. act. Def.: Qua esas di extrema grado di etikala abaseso. Ex.: Persono, sentimenti abjekta. Ant.: nobla. — DEFIS