alt-o: alto-viola, -violin; -o-voco: a. voice, counter-tenor; -isto (2001), o-ple-isto: a. player; saxhorn-alto: alto-horn. — DEFIRS
altar-o: (rel.) altar. — DEIRS
alte-o: (bot.) althaea: marsh-mallow (Althaea officinalis). — DeFIRSL
alter-ar: (tr.) to alter; modify the nature or quality of anything (generally for the worse); -o, -eso: alteration; adulteration, deterioration; -ebl-eso: alterability. Kelka veneni alteras la kompozeso di la sango:some poisons alter (change) the composition of the blood. Alterar la beleso: to spoil beauty. Alterar moneti: to debase coins; alterar linguo: to corrupt a language. Def.: Chanjar la naturo o qualeso di kozo (generale a min bona); VII-203. — DeFIS.
altern-ar: (intr.) to alternate, take turns; -igar: to cause to a.; -(ad)o: alternation, succession; -anta: alternating (movement, crop, etc.) -igar la kultivo: to vary, rotate the crops. Ex.: La sezoni alternas. — DEFIS
alternativ-a, -o: alternative, choice, option. Def.: Posibleso di selekto inter plura kozi, hipotezi. — DEFIS
alternator-o: (1926) alternator. — EFIS
altist-o: (1964) alto-player, violist. — D
altitud-o: altitude; ye- -o de: at an a. of. Def.: Alteso di loko relate la mar-nivelo. — EFIS
altr-a: other, another; -o, -ajo: another thing, something else; -u: another person; -i: others; -e: otherwise; -e, -a-nome: (leg.) alias; -igar: to alter (cf. alterar); -a-loke: elsewhere; -a-tempe: at another time; -a-maniere: in another manner or way; -ube: elsewhere, somewhere else; -a-vorte: in other words or terms; l’una, l’altra: one another, each other. — DeFIRS
altru-ismo: altruism; -isto: altruist. Ant.: egoismo. — DEFIS
alud-ar: (tr.) to allude to, have reference to, refer to; -o: allusion; -anta, -iva: allusive, suggestive. — EFIS
alumet-o: match (lucifer); -uyo: m. holder; -if-isto: m.-maker. — F
alumin-o: (chem.) alumina; -oza, atra: aluminous. — EFIRS
alumini-o: (metal) aluminium. — DEFIRS
alun-o: alum. — DEFIS
alur-o: gait, pace. Def.: Maniero marchar; IV-234. — DFR
aluvion-o: alluvium; -ala: alluvial. — DEFIRS
alveol-o: honey-comb cell; alveolus: tooth-socket; -ala, -atra: alveolar; -oza: alveolated. — DEFIS
am-ar: (tr.) to love: to like (very much), care for, have affection for, cherish (cf. amorar, prizar, afecionar); -o: love; -ado: loving; -anto: lover; -ata, ato: beloved; -eg-ata: darling; -anta, -oza, -ema:loving; -inda: worthy of l., loveable; kind; -ind-eso: lovableness; kindness; pro amo a Deo: for the love of God, for God's sake. — eFIS
amalgam-o: (metal and fig.) amalgam; -igar: to amalgamate; -igo: amalgamation. — DEFIRS
amans-ar: (tr.) to tame, make docile (animals), to make tractable, sociable (persons); -esar: to be t.; -(ad)o:, -eso: taming (act); docility (state); -ebla: tamable. Def.: Igar la animalo min sovaja; (fig.) igar persono plu sociema. Ex.: Amansar leono, urso. Il esas homulo di humoro sovaja; on ne povas amansar il. V. exp. vid. domtar. — IS
amar-o: mooring-cable, hawser; lashing (as for a gun, etc.); -agar: (tr.) to moor (by cable), to belay, make fast; -ago: mooring (act). — FIS
amarant-o: (bot.) amaranth; -ea: a. colored. — DEFIRS
amarilis-o: (1929) amaryllis. — DEFIS
amas-o: mass, heap, pile; -igar: to heap up, hoard up, amass; -eskar: to get together, crowd; -igo: piling up or together; -ig-anto: stacker. — DEFIR
amator-o: amateur; kolomb- -o: pigeon fancier; sport- -o: sportsman; -o-teatro: theater run by a.s. — DEFIRS
amauros-o: (med.) amaurosis. — DEFIS
amazon-o: amazon; (fig.) mannish woman; -robo: riding habit — DEFIRS
amb-a: (1947) both.
ambaj-o, -i: ambage(s): circumlocution, beaing around the bush. — eFIS
ambasad-o: (function) embassy; -erio: (administrative unit) embassy; -eyo: (residence) embassy; -isto: ambassador. — DEFIS
ambici-ar: (tr.) to be ambitious of, to aspire to; -o: ambition; -oza, -ozo: ambitious (person); -ar la mastreso: to aspire to (aim at) the mastery. — DEFIRS
ambidextr-a: ambidextrous. — DEFIS
ambient-o*: ambience; la naturala medio cirkondanta onu.