absters-ar: (tr., surg.) to absterge, cleanse (wounds). — DEFIS
abstinenc-ar: (intr., relig.) to abstain (from meat), to practise abstinence (from pleasure), to fast (de). — DEFIS
abstrakt-ar: (tr.) to abstract: separate in thought, -a: abstract; -ala: abstract (science, question); -ema, -ata, -ita: (of mind) preoccupied, absent-minded; -igar: (1947) to abstract; -uro, -ajo: abstract idea, object. — DEFIRS
abstruz-a: abstruse, recondite. Del.: Desfacile komprenebla e tedanta; II-706. — DEFIS
absurd-a: absurd, preposterous. Del.: Kontre la komuna raciono. Ant.: saja, racion-oza. — DEFIRS
abuli-o: (med.) abulia. — DEFIS
abund-ar: (intr.) to abound, be plentiful (de); -anta: abundant, exuberant, luxuriant; -eganta: superabundant; -o-korno: horn-of-plenty, cornucopia. Ant.: esar skarsa, mankar. — EFIS
abut-ar: (intr.) to abut (ad), come out (into), end (in); (abscess) to come to a head. Def.: Tushar per un extremajo. Ex.: Omna radii di cirklo abutas al centro. — EFIS
abutment-o: (arch.) abutment (as of a bridge). — E
acefal-a: (biol.) acephalous: without a head.
aceler-ar: (tr.) to accelerate, hasten, quicken. Ex.: Acelerar la pazi. Ant.: moderar, (plu)lent-igar. — EFIS
acend-ar: (tr.) to light (a lamp), to kindle (a fire), to turn on (electric light); (fig.) to inflame (the passions); -ilo: (instr.) lighter; -o-ligno: kindling. Ant.: extingar. — LIS
acens-ar: (tr., intr) to go up, ascend, mount; -anta: ascending, rising; -eyo: place to mount (as stair, ascent); -ilo: lift, elevator, hoist; -o-festo: Ascension Day; -o rekta: (astron.) right ascension. Def.: Irar ad-supere; II-136. Ex.: Acensar (sur) kavalo, eskalero, monto. Ant.: decensar. — DEFIS
acent-o: accent: stress of voice (not written accent, cf. super-signo); -izar: to accent, lay stress on; -izo, -iz-uro: accentuation; sen-acenta, ne-acent-izita: unaccented. — DEFIRS
acept-ar: (tr.) to accept (something willingly, as a proposal, condition apology, challenge), to receive (a guest); -o: acception, reception, greeting; -ebla: acceptable, receivable (of guests); -anto:acceptor (also of bills); -inda: worth accepting; -o-dio: reception-day, levee. Vu esas plezure aceptata: you are welcome, Ant.: refuzar. V. exp.: recevar. — DEFIRS
acer-o: (bot.) maple-tree (genus: Acer) — FILS
acerb-a: (also fig.) acerb: sour, bitter and harsh in taste (as unripe fruit); -eso: acerbity, harshness; severity. Ex.: Frukto acerba. Parolado acerba. V. exp.: vid. aspera. — EFIS
aces-ar: (tr.) to have access to (ulu, ulo); (med.) to have an access, an attack; -o: access, entry; (med.) attack; -ebla: accessible, approachable. Ex.: Il acesas loko, persono (o havas aceso a loko, persono). Loko, persono acesebla. Aceso di febro, (fig.) aceso di iraco, furio, desespero. — EFIS
acesit-o: accesit: honorable mention accorded to a student. — DeFIS
acesor-a: accessory, subsidiary (cf. help-anta, konfirm-anta, surogata); -o,-ajo: an accessory; (milit., ledra-) accoutrement. Def.: Qua akompanas precipuajo. Ant.: esencala, precipua. — DEFIRS
acetabul-o*: Surfaco artikal dil iliaka osto. — DEFIRS
acetat-o (-acido): (chem.) acetic acid; CH3 CO2H. — DEFIS
acetilen-o: (chem.) acetylene; -lampo: a. lamp. — DEFIRS
acetometr-o: acetimeter. — DEFIRS
aceton-o: (chem.) acetone: CH3CO.CH3.
-ach-: (suffix) signifying in a pejorative sense, low quality, disesteem, antipathy, repugnance. Ex.: rid-achar: to guffaw; hund-acho: cur.
achent-o: dialect accent; stranjera, regionala o sociala aparta pronunco e frazo-melodio di ula linguo.
acian-o: (bot.) bluebottle, cornflower (Centaurea Cyanus). — DISL
acid-a: acid; acetous; -eta: sour (cf. acerba, akra); (chem.) acid; -ajo: an a. substance; -eso: acidity; -igar: to acidify; -eskar: to become a., turn sour; -igo, -esko: acidification; -oza, -atra: acidulous: -izar:to acidulate. — EFIRS
acident-ar: (tr.) to cause an accident to; -o: accident (generally in an ill sense), mishap; (philos.) accident; -a, -ala: accidental; -anto: on who or that which causes an a. -ito: victim of an a.; -oza: full of a.s; -e: accidentally, by chance. Def.: Efektigar acidento ad ulu (ulo); IV-105, VI-162. Ex.: Acidento bona o mala. La infirmaji e acidenti di la vivo homala. Kozo acidental. Deskovrar acidente ulo. — EFIRS
acidometr-o: acidimeter. — EFIRS
acion-o: (fin.) share (of a bank, railway, joint-stock company, etc.); -i: stock; -iero: share-, stock-holder; — DFIRS